
This is Cassandra.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Cassandra.h
// Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 by Jiro Nakamura 
// All rights reserved
// Interface definition for class Cassandra.
// Cassandra is the head manager. It takes calls from the Workspace Manager
// such as Hide App, etc. and passes them down to the other classes that
// need them (such as Overview, etc.). It also manages the alarm sounding
// and panel raising routine.
// Comments on Methods are in the source file Cassandra.m
// RCS Information
// Revision Number->	$Revision: 2.11 $
// Last Revised-> 	$Date: 91/12/20 15:36:10 $

#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <dpsclient/dpsclient.h>  // For DPSTimedEntry, used below
#import <soundkit/Sound.h>
#import "Calculator.h"
#import <time.h>
#import "Clock.h"
#import	"Event.h"

@interface Cassandra:Application
	char 	lockFile[128];			// Lockfile
	BOOL 	alarmFree, 			// Tells if the alarm
						// is free or not
		queueModified,			// Does the queue need
						// Updating?
		saveScreenRemoved;		// Do we need to screen save?
						// (removed by Garance)
	EFileLink	snooze;			// The record number of the
						// Snoozing event	
	float 	oldVolumeLeft, oldVolumeRight;	// Previous volume levels
	double 	secondsUntilEvent;		// Seconds until the next
						// event
	struct 	tm now;				// The time right now
	Sound 	*soundfile;			// Our alarm sound
	DPSTimedEntry	alarmTE;   		// The alarm timed entry
	// These are set by IB
	id	eventLog;			// Other classes
	id	global;
	id	notepad;
	id	overview;
	id	today;
	id	week;

	id	addEventPanel;			// UI objects
	id	clockView;
	id	editEventPanel;
	Panel			*infoPanel;
	Panel			*helpPanel;
	Panel			*PrefsPanel;
	Calculator *calculatorWindow;
	id	alarmPanel;
	id	alarmPanelTime;
    	id	alarmPanelMessage;
	id	alarmPanelNextEvent;
	id	snoozeButton;
	id	okButton;

// See Cassandra.m for descriptions of what these methods 
// actually do.

// Not needed (Garance/Dec 22/95): + new;
- appDidInit:	app;			// Sent by WM. We have initialized
- appDidHide;				// Sent by WM. We have hidden
- appDidUnhide;				// Sent by WM. We have unhidden
- appPowerOffIn: (int) ms 		// Sent by WM. We are powering off
	andSave: (int)aFlag;		// or logging off
- cassandraWillQuit:	sender;		// Cassandra about to quit.
					// Save window positions and unlink
					// lockFile

- info:	sender;				// Main menu->Info Bring up info panel
- help:	sender;				// Main menu->help Bring up help panel
- showPrefsPanel:	sender;		// Bring up new Preferences panel
- calculator: sender;			// Bring up calculator

- quit:	sender;				// Main menu->quit
- closeKeyWindow:	sender;		// Main menu->window->close
- saveKeyWindow:	sender;		// Main menu->window->save
- miniaturizeKeyWindow: sender;		// Main menu->window->miniaturize

- runPageLayout: sender;
- print: sender;

- resetCancel:	sender;			// Main menu->modify event->reset event

- queueDidChange:	sender;		// The queue has changed. Alert
					// other objects
- defaultsDidChange:	sender;		// The defaults have changed
					// alert other objects
- updateClockViewMessage: sender;	// Update the clockView message 
					// from  the queue

- tick: 	sender;			// Message from analog clock
					// everytime it ticks
- alarmStart:	sender;			// Start up the alarm
- playAlarm: 	(const char *) alarmSound;	// play alarm sound
- alarmSnooze:	sender;			// Hit snooze
- alarmStop:	sender;			// Stop the alarm
- alarmReset:	sender;			// Reset it for the next event
- nextSnoozeAlarm;			// Find the next alarm time while
					// handling snoozes
- timerUpdate:	sender;			// Set up the alarm timer
- didPlay:	sender;			// The alarm has played
- hadError:	sender;			// Error in playing alarm
- startAlarmTimedEntry:	(double)fireWhen;	// Start alarmTimer
- stopAlarmTimedEntry;			// Stop the timer

- global;		// returns global object

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.