
This is FindManager.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>

typedef enum
	line = 1,
    character = 2
} count_type;

typedef enum
    all = 1,
    selection = 2
} extent_type;

typedef enum
	next = 1,
	previous = 2,
	replace = 4,
	rall = 8
} find_type;

@interface FindManager:Object
    id	countView;
    id	findView;
    id	findPanel;
    id	countPanel;
	id	warningText;
	count_type	countType;
	extent_type	extent;
	int	regex;
	int	matchCase;
	char *currentText;
	char *textStart;

- orderFrontFindPanel:sender;
- orderFrontCountPanel:sender;
- enterSelection:sender;
- replace:sender;
- replaceAll:sender;
- setOptions:sender;
- findNext:sender;
- jumpToSelection:sender;
- findPrevious:sender;
- replaceAndFind:sender;
- jumpToCount:sender;
- setCountType:sender;
- setSearchExtent:sender;
- checkResponder;
- find:(find_type) findTag;
- textDidEnd:textObject endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd;
- (char *)currentText;


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