
This is the README for QAPI_ExportHTML.1.6.NIHS.bs.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]


This QAPI-based  bundle allows for exporting Quantrix.app's tables into HTML tables.

Quantrix.app is a powerful spreadsheet by Lighthouse, Inc. which can be reached  at http://www.lighthouse.com

QAPI is Application Programmer's Interface to Quantrix.

Copy ExportHtml.bundle into your ~/Library/Quantrix if intended for your use only, or into /LocalLibrary/Quantrix to make the bundle available to all users.

When you start Quantrix.app the next time, you will notice a new menu item 'Extras'.

Create a table in Quantrix. Then click on the item 'Extras/Export Html...' in the menu and choose a file name in the save panel which appears.

You can set a few HTML parameters in the save panel. These settings can be saved
and restored.

Save your data before exporting.
Be careful - only the simplest tables with no groups are supported. 
No guarantee for complicated tables.

NS Version:
Compiled QuadFat under NS 3.3 

Tested on black and white hardware.

Should run under other versions of NS on other hardware platforms as well.

Only simple tables are exported correctly.

You are free to expand this example as long as you don't remove my name from the code.
See to ToDo section for details 


History and other details: 

Version 1.6 - September 19, 1997
Changes by Rudy Blazek 

fixed:	color attributes work also for column labels now.
	row labels exported correctly.
	file name taken from the model name correctly.
         user interface - an accessory view in the SavePanel; 
                          and an info panel.
         user selectable options:
            - on/off: export column labels 
            - on/off: color attributes
            - background color: table
            - background color: page
            - on/off: table background = page background
            - size: table border
            - size: cell spacing
            - size: cell padding
            - size: label font size increase
         preferences - all the user interface settings can be saved/restored.

         check if the table is too complicated for exporting 
               and give a warning !
         info panel floating above save panel
         alignment for column labels doesn't work (??)
         cell size, font size and style.
         selecting categories based on view, not table.
         ultimately support for complicated tables (not soon).
         should play, sing, and dance while saving

Reply to the comment below:
Seems like selecting cells / items (=label etc.) in a View  and using something like [[aSelection q_itemFormatFor:anItem] q_textAlign] etc. is the only reasonable way of accessing the cells attributes.
The sole purpose of the selection is linking the cell to the current view which defines the physical look. But the selection does not  have to be the device for selecting the cell (should contain it though - for safety reasons - haven't tested whether not doing so would cause a crash).

Version 1.5
changes by Scott Anguish

fixed  	- empty cells no longer show up as a "."  it now inserts  
added	- support for font colors
		the negative color doesn't seem to be used though
		no other color settable stuff seems to be available in the UI
	- support for alignment
		only seems to work for fields explicitly aligned
		smart alignment is ignored
	- background colors for cells

Comments: Seems like there should be a one stop place in the API to access the actual physical look of the cell, i.e. what the UI makes it look like, so that smart alignment, text color etc is returned for the actual cell regardless of its default, selection or whatever setting.

Also compiled QuadFat.

Introductory version
Rudy Blazek, November 22, 1996


Good luck

				Rudy Blazek

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