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9. Sequential-Access Devices

9.1. Sequential-Access Device Model

9.1.1. Physical Elements

  Sequential-access devices (called devices below) optimize their use in 
storing or retrieving user data in a sequential manner.  Since access is 
sequential, position changes typically take a long time, when compared to 
direct-access devices.

  Sequential-access devices are usually tape devices.  The remainder of this 
description is from the point of view of a tape device; however, other 
implementations are not precluded.

  The recording medium for tape devices consists of various widths and lengths 
of a flexible substrate coated with a semi-permanent magnetic material.  The 
recording medium may be wound onto single reels or encapsulated into 
cartridges containing both a supply reel and a take-up reel.  Several American 
National Standards exist covering the construction of reels and cartridges for 
interchange as well as recording techniques for many of the format or density 

  A complete unit composed of the recording medium and its physical carrier 
(e.g., reel, cartridge, cassette) is called a volume.  Volumes have an 
attribute of being mounted or demounted on a suitable transport mechanism.  

  Mounted is the state of a volume when the device is physically capable of 
executing commands that cause the the medium to be moved.  A volume is 
demounted when it is being loaded, threaded, unloaded, unthreaded, or when not 
attached to the device.  

  Ready is the state of the device when medium access and non-medium access 
commands can be executed.  The device is not ready when no volume is mounted 
or, from the initiator's perspective, whenever all medium access commands 
report CHECK CONDITION status and a NOT READY sense key.  Some devices may 
have a separate switch function which places the device in a not ready state 
even when a volume is mounted.  

  The write enabled or write protected state determines when an initiator may 
write information on a volume.  This attribute is usually controlled by the 
user of the volume through manual intervention (e.g., thumbwheel switch).

  The recording medium has two physical attributes called beginning-of-medium 
(BOM) and end-of-medium (EOM).  Beginning-of-medium is at the end of the 
medium that is attached to the take-up reel.  End-of-medium is at the end of 
the medium that is attached to the supply reel.  In some cases, the medium is 
permanently affixed to one or both of the reel hubs.

  As shown in Figure 9-1, the entire physical length of medium is not usable 
for recording data. For most volumes, a length of the medium is reserved 
before the beginning-of-medium and after the end-of-medium position. This is 
done to provide sufficient tape wraps onto the reel hub(s) and to ensure that 
recording starts in an undamaged section of the medium.

       BOM                                                          EOM
 Reserved ----------Usable------------------------------------------ Reserved
  Medium  --------------------------Recording-----------------------  Medium
   Area   --------------------------------------------Zone----------   Area
<--- Take-up Hub                                               Supply Hub --->

                      Figure 9-1: Typical Volume Layout

9.1.2. Data Storage Characteristics

  The position on the medium where a pattern of recorded signal may be written 
by one write component is called a track (Figure 9-2).  A device may write or 
read from one or more tracks at a time, depending on the format.  

       BOM                                                          EOM   
Track 1   ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Track 2   ----------------------------------------------------------     
  :::     ----------------------------------------------------------     
Track n-1 ----------------------------------------------------------
Track n   ----------------------------------------------------------

                   Figure 9-2: Typical Medium Track Layout

  On a new volume, recording of one or more tracks begins after mounting the 
volume and moving from beginning-of-medium toward end-of-medium. The number of 
tracks written at one time is called a track group (TrkGrp).  For recorded 
volumes, reading in the forward direction follows the same course of tracks as 
when writing.

  If not all tracks are recorded at the same time, and the device reverses 
direction when approaching end-of-medium and begins writing on remaining 
tracks, the recording method is called serpentine. For serpentine devices that 
record only one track at a time, each physical track represents one track 
group (Figure 9-3).

        BOM                                                         EOM   
 Track 1   --------------------------------------------------------> TrkGrp 1
 Track 2   <-------------------------------------------------------- TrkGrp 2
   :::     -------------------------------------------------------->   :::  
   :::     <--------------------------------------------------------   :::    
 Track n   --------------------------------------------------------- TrkGrp n

                   Figure 9-3: Serpentine Recording Example 

  Some multi-track devices have only one track group, using a parallel storage 
format that supports the simultaneous recording of all available tracks 
(Figure 9-4).

        BOM                                                         EOM   
 Track 1   -------------------------------------------------------->\       
 Track 2   --------------------------------------------------------> \      
   :::     -------------------------------------------------------->  >TrkGrp1
   :::     --------------------------------------------------------> /        
 Track n   -------------------------------------------------------->/

                    Figure 9-4: Parallel Recording Example

  The serpentine and parallel recording formats shown in the previous examples 
define tracks as longitudinal patterns of recorded information.  One other 
storage format used by some devices records tracks diagonally across the 
medium.  This recording technique is known as helical scan (Figure 9-5).

        BOM    / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /  EOM    
              / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /           
             / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /            
            / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /               
Track 1 -->/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /<-- Track n
                  Figure 9-5: Helical Scan Recording Example

  For most recording formats, an area at beginning-of-medium contains a format 
identification in the form of a tone burst or some other recognizable pattern.  
User data is not recorded in this area.  The format identification is an 
attribute of a volume used for interchange purposes and is defined in 
applicable standards. 

  When writing, the initiator needs an indication that it is approaching the 
end of the permissible recording area.  This position, called early-warning 
(EW), is typically reported to the initiator at a position early enough for 
the device to write any buffered data to the medium while still leaving enough 
room for additional recorded labels or filemarks.  Some American National 
Standards include physical requirements for a marker placed on the medium to 
be detected by the device as early-warning (Figure 9-6).

                  BOM                           EW       EOM

                      Figure 9-6: Early-Warning Example

  For devices which implement large data buffers, the early-warning position 
defined by a physical marker may be too close to the end of the recording 
region to permit emptying the data buffer(s).  For these devices, a logical 
concept of early-warning is often used to signal the initiator at an 
appropriate location prior to the physical marker.

9.1.3. Partitions within a Volume

  Another attribute of a volume is called a partition.  Partitions consist of 
one or more non-overlapped mini-volumes, each with its own beginning and 
ending points, occupying a single physical volume.  Each partition (x) within 
a volume has a defined beginning-of-partition (BOP x), an early-warning 
position (EW x), and an end-of-partition (EOP x).  

  All volumes have a minimum of one partition called partition zero, the 
default data partition.  For devices which support only one partition, the 
beginning-of-partition zero (BOP 0) may be equivalent to the beginning-of-
medium and the end-of-partition zero (EOP 0) may be equivalent to the end-of-

  When a volume is mounted, it is logically positioned to beginning of the 
default data partition (BOP 0).  When a REWIND command is received in any 
partition (x), the device positions to the beginning-of-partition (BOP x).

   Partitions on a volume do not need to be recorded in any defined order, nor 
do all partition numbers in a sequence need to be present on a volume.  It is 
sufficient for a device to be able to locate a partition, given its code 
value, or determine that it does not exist on the volume.  For interchange, 
information about which partitions are present on a volume may be stored on 
the volume in a device-defined area (possibly unavailable to the initiator) or 
the information may be an intrinsic attribute of the device implementation.  

  Figure 9-7 shows a possible partition implementation for a four-track 
serpentine recording device, assuming that each track group defines a 

         BOM                                                            EOM   
TrkGrp1  BOP0 ----------------------------------------------->EW0-----> EOP0 
TrkGrp2  EOP1 <-----EW1<----------------------------------------------- BOP1 
TrkGrp3  BOP2 ----------------------------------------------->EW2-----> EOP2
TrkGrp4  EOP3 <-----EW3<----------------------------------------------- BOP3 

       Figure 9-7: Partitioning Example - One Partition per Track Group

  Another possible partition implementation for this four-track serpentine 
recording device is shown in Figure 9-8, using two track groups to define each 

         BOM                                                            EOM   
TrkGrp1  BOP0 -------------------------------------------------------->      
TrkGrp2  EOP0 <-----EW0<-----------------------------------------------      
TrkGrp3  BOP1 -------------------------------------------------------->     
TrkGrp4  EOP1 <-----EW1<-----------------------------------------------      

    Figure 9-8: Partitioning Example - One Partition per Two Track Groups

  The previous examples show the beginning and ending points for a partition 
aligned with physical bounds of the medium.  This is not a mandatory 
requirement for partitioning; it is sufficient for a device to be able to 
locate to and stay in any partition bounded by a BOP x and EOP x.  In this 
case, a recorded mark or some other device-recognizable attribute could be 
used to delineate the partitions.  Figure 9-9 shows a possible two-partition 
implementation for a device with only one track group.

         BOM                                                            EOM   
TrkGrp1  BOP0 --------->EW0---->EOP0/BOP1-------------------->EW1-----> EOP1 

      Figure 9-9: Partitioning Example - Two Partitions per Track Group

  Three methods are defined in the MODE SENSE and MODE SELECT commands for 
managing partitions; each method is progressively more difficult to implement 
and manage: 

  (1) device-defined fixed locations;
  (2) device-defined based on an initiator supplied number of partitions and a 
device specific allocation algorithm; and,
  (3) definition by name and capacity by an initiator.

9.1.4. Logical Elements within a Partition

  The area between BOP x and EOP x on a typical recorded volume contains at 
least two types of initiator accessible elements, data blocks and tape marks.  
These elements are controlled and transferred between the initiator and the 
medium using READ, READ REVERSE, WRITE, and WRITE FILEMARKS commands.

  A unit of data supplied or requested by an initiator is called a logical 
block.  Logical blocks are stored according to the specifications of the 
format for the volume and may be recorded as one or more physical blocks on 
the medium.  When the physical block and the logical block are not recorded in 
a one-to-one relationship, it is the responsibility of the device to perform 
all blocking, de-blocking, padding, stripping, splitting or rebuilding of the 
logical data block(s) sent by an initiator.  

  Filemarks are special recorded elements containing no user data.  The 
filemark format is defined in some American National Standards.  Initiators 
traditionally use filemarks to separate user data from labels and logical 
groupings of data from each other.  Since some format standards do not define 
an explicit end-of-data (EOD), host software has often used conventions with 
filemarks to represent an EOD indication.  At least one American National 
Standard specifically defines filemark use for this purpose.  In some 
implementations, the device's EOD definition may be specified the initiator 
using the MODE SELECT command.

  A setmark is another type of special recorded element containing no user 
data, providing a segmentation scheme hierarchically superior to filemarks. 
This level of segmentation is useful for some high capacity storage devices to 
provide concise addressing and fast positioning to specific sets of data 
within a partition.  In some implementations, the detection and reporting of 
setmarks may be controlled by the initiator using the MODE SELECT command.

  Inter-block gaps, the gaps between blocks, filemarks, and setmarks, are 
introduced on the medium at the time a block or mark is written without 
explicit action by the initiator.  Minimum and maximum lengths for inter-block 
gaps are defined in some American National Standards.  In some devices, the 
length of inter-block gaps may be selected by the initiator using the MODE 
SELECT command while in other devices the gaps are fixed and non-changeable.  

  In addition to blocks, filemarks, and setmarks, erase gaps may be recorded 
on the medium through use of the ERASE command or device-initiated error 
recovery actions.  Although explicitly recorded on the medium, there is 
normally no distinction between two contiguous erase gaps.  An erase gap may 
be a length of erased medium or a recorded pattern not distinguishable as a 
block or mark.  Minimum and maximum lengths for erase gaps are defined in some 
American National Standards while some devices may have no implementation of 
an erase gap.  

  After writing data from BOP x, the medium is considered to be a contiguous 
grouping of blocks, filemarks, setmarks, and gaps.  Certain American National 
Standards define gap lengths which, if exceeded, are to be considered as 
having reached blank medium.  Depending on the format, this blank medium may 
be treated as an end-of-data indication, an error recovery area, or an 
unrecoverable medium error causing an interchange error.  Unrecorded volumes 
(new or erased) may exhibit blank medium characteristics if an attempt is made 
to read or space the volume before data has been written.  

  A sequential-access device may be capable of supporting fixed or variable 
length blocks.  The concept of fixed or variable mode for writing and reading 
blocks only indicates the method by which the initiator specifies the size of 
a logical block for transfer and not the method of recording physical blocks 
on the medium.  However, a device that supports only fixed-length physical 
blocks may only be capable of supporting logical blocks of the same length.  
The length of a logical block is always described in bytes.  The length of a 
physical block may or may not be recorded as an exact byte count, depending on 
the format.

9.1.5. Data Buffering

  A device may contain a temporary storage area capable of holding one or more 
logical blocks - a data buffer.  A device data buffer may include any 
combination of blocks, filemarks, and setmarks in the process of being written 
to the medium, or it may contain read-ahead data blocks transferred from the 

  A device with a data buffer may be capable of operating in either a buffered 
mode or an unbuffered mode.  A device with no data buffer operates only in 
unbuffered mode.  Either term is only applicable to the manner in which the 
device manages information to be written to the medium. Buffered mode is not 
applicable during read commands, regardless of whether read data p asses 
through a data buffer.

  A device operating in buffered mode may return GOOD status for write 
operations when all write data has been successfully transferred from the 
initiator into the device data buffer.  For devices operating in unbuffered 
mode, GOOD status is not returned until all requested data, filemarks, or 
setmarks are successfully recorded on the medium.

  When issuing a buffered WRITE FILEMARKS command with the immediate bit set 
to one, GOOD status is returned as soon as the command is validated.  A WRITE 
FILEMARKS command with the immediate bit set to zero causes any buffered 
blocks, filemarks, and setmarks to be written to the medium.  Upon successful 
completion of this process, which is called a synchronize operation, no 
blocks, filemarks, or setmarks remain in the data buffer which have not been 
written to the medium.  A synchronize operation has no effect on a data buffer 
which contains only read-ahead data or write data which has already been 
successfully written to the medium.

  Should an unrecoverable write error occur while in buffered mode, the device 
generates an error condition to the current active command.  If no command is 
active, the error may be reported on the next applicable operation as a 
deferred error (see  For some implementations, asynchronous event 
notification (AEN) or extended contingent allegiance (ECA) may be required.  
Refer to 6.5.5 and 6.7 for descriptions of AEN and ECA protocol.

  The READ POSITION command may be used to determine the number and storage 
space of buffered blocks not written before the unrecoverable error was 

   A device with read-ahead data blocks in the data buffer does not report an 
unrecovered read error until the data block in error is requested by an 

9.1.6. Recorded Object Descriptors (Block Identifiers)

  Some recording formats specify that recorded objects (blocks, filemarks, and 
setmarks) have identifiers included in the recorded information to help 
determine write sequence and also to help detect device positioning errors.  
The identifier values are unique within a partition and may be unique within a 

  The use of the term block identifier may imply some arithmetic sequence 
applied to the assignment of recorded objects.  The block identifier 
assignment algorithm may be defined in an applicable format standard.

  For some pre-formatted volumes, the identifiers are associated with physical 
blocks.  In variable-length implementations, the identifier can be associated 
with a physical block when the logical block and the physical block have a 
one-to-one relationship on the medium.  

  Some formats may carry both physical and logical block identifiers recorded 
on the medium.  When a logical block is split over more than one physical 
block, or multiple logical blocks are concatenated to form a physical block, 
the logical block identifier and the physical block identifier are not the 
same.  Filemarks and setmarks may or may not have recorded identifiers, but if 
identifiers are used in the format, then each mark is assigned a value even if 
it is not explicitly recorded.

  The READ POSITION and LOCATE commands use four-byte fields to hold these 
format dependent identifiers.  For some implementations, this value may 
correspond to a real physical location; however, it is sufficient for the 
device to map the identifier to a value representing the unique recorded 
object.  With this capability, the READ POSITION command may be used to report 
a device-defined block identifier and the initiator may use this value with a 
LOCATE command to position to the same location at some future time (provided 
the volume has not been rewritten in the interim).  

9.1.7. Direction and Position Definitions

  For sequential-access devices, positioning has the connotation of logically 
being in, at, before, or after some defined place within a volume.  This 
definition means the position is capable of being repeated under the same 
circumstances.  The orientation of usage for the four words (in, at, before, 
or after) is in one direction, from BOP x toward EOP x.  All positioning 
defined below is worded from this perspective.  Devices without buffers have 
some physical position which relates to these logical positions.  However, 
these definitions do not require the medium to have a physical position 
equivalent to the logical position unless explicitly stated.  

  The forward direction is defined as logically progressing from BOP x toward 
EOP x. The reverse direction is defined as logically progressing from EOP x 
toward BOP x.  In serpentine devices, the logical forward or reverse direction 
has an alternating relationship to the physical motion of the medium.  

  The concept of being "in" some position means not being outside a defined 
region.  The definition allows the position to be on the boundary of a defined 
region.  When a volume is first mounted, the logical position is always at the 
beginning of the default data partition (BOP0).  Whenever a volume is mounted 
and the medium motion is stopped, the position is in some partition.  While 
moving between partitions, there is no stable position.  

  The concept of being "at" some position indicates being positioned to a 
logical or physical extremity of a partition.  A sequential-access device may 
be positioned at beginning-of-medium, at BOP x, at end-of-data (EOD), at EOP 
x, or at end-of-medium (EOM), since these are stable positions at extremities 
of a partition.  

  The concept of being "before" some position indicates that there is some 
element (data block, filemark, setmark, or other defined point) which may be 
encountered when moving toward EOP x, if the proper commands are issued.  
Being positioned before a particular data block means that if the device 
receives a valid READ command, the data block is transferred to the initiator.  
This position may also be before EW x and EOP x, since these are defined 
points within any partition.  However, if data has not been written to the 
end-of-partition, these points may not be accessible by the initiator.

  The concept of being "after" some position indicates that there is some 
element (data block, filemark, setmark, or other defined point) on the BOP x 
side of the current position which may be encountered if the proper commands 
are issued.  When a READ command for a single data block has been successfully 
executed, the logical position is after the transferred data block.

9.1.8. Error Reporting

  If any of the following conditions occur during the execution of a command 
the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status.  The appropriate sense key and 
additional sense code should be set.  The following table illustrates some 
error conditions and the applicable sense keys.  The table does not provide an 
exhaustive enumeration of all conditions that may cause the CHECK CONDITION 

Condition                                              Sense Key 
----------------------------------------------------   ---------------
Invalid logical block address                          ILLEGAL REQUEST

Unsupported option requested                           ILLEGAL REQUEST

Target reset or medium change since
last command from this initiator                       UNIT ATTENTION

Self diagnostic failed                                 HARDWARE ERROR

Unrecovered read error                                 MEDIUM ERROR
                                                       HARDWARE ERROR

Recovered read or write error                          RECOVERED ERROR

Overrun or other error that might
be resolved by repeating the command                   ABORTED COMMAND

RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command with the fixed bit 
set to zero and variable block mode is not supported

RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command with a fixed bit of 
zero and requested block length is not supported

RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command with a fixed bit of 
one and MODE SENSE block length set to zero

Attempt to execute an erase or write-type operation    DATA PROTECT 
on write protected medium

Deferred write error                                   MEDIUM ERROR
                                                       VOLUME OVERFLOW

  In the case of an unrecovered read or write error, if the read-write error 
recovery page ( is implemented, the current values specify the target 
error recovery criteria.  If this page is not implemented, the error recovery 
is vendor specific.

  In the case of an unrecovered read error, if the fixed bit is one, the valid 
bit shall be set to one and the information field shall be set to the 
requested transfer length minus the actual number of blocks read (not 
including the unrecovered block).  If the fixed bit is zero, the valid bit 
shall be set to one and the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length.  Upon termination, the logical position shall be after the 
unrecovered block.

  In the case of an unrecovered write error, if unbuffered mode is selected 
and the fixed bit is set to one, the valid bit shall be set to one and the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of blocks written.  If unbuffered mode is selected and the fixed 
bit is set to zero, the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length.

  In the case of an unrecovered write error or a deferred write error, if 
buffered mode is selected and the fixed bit is one, the valid bit shall be set 
to one and the information field shall be set to the total number of blocks, 
filemarks, and setmarks not written (the number of blocks not transferred from 
the initiator plus the number of blocks, filemarks, and setmarks remaining in 
the target's buffer).  If buffered mode is selected and the fixed bit is zero, 
the information field shall be set to the total number of bytes, filemarks, 
and setmarks not written (the number of bytes not transferred from the 
initiator plus the number of bytes, filemarks, and setmarks remaining in the 
target's buffer).  In both cases, the value in the information field may 
exceed the transfer length.

  In the case of an unrecovered write error or a deferred write error, if 
buffered mode 1h is selected, the error shall be reported to the first 
initiator issuing a command (other than INQUIRY or REQUEST SENSE) or the first 
initiator responding to asynchronous event notification.  If buffered mode 2h 
is selected, the error shall be reported to the initiator with unwritten data 
in the buffer.

9.2. Command Descriptions for Sequential-Access Devices

  The commands for sequential-access devices shall be as shown in Table 9-1.

              Table 9-1: Commands for Sequential-Access Devices

Command Name                     Code         Type    Section
 CHANGE DEFINITION                40h          O       7.2.1
 COMPARE                          39h          O       7.2.2
 COPY                             18h          O       7.2.3
 COPY AND VERIFY                  3Ah          O       7.2.4
 ERASE                            19h          M       9.2.1
 INQUIRY                          12h          M       7.2.5
 LOAD UNLOAD                      1Bh          O       9.2.2
 LOCATE                           2Bh          O       9.2.3
 LOG SELECT                       4Ch          O       7.2.6
 LOG SENSE                        4Dh          O       7.2.7
 MODE SELECT(6)                   15h          M       7.2.8
 MODE SELECT(10)                  55h          O       7.2.9
 MODE SENSE(6)                    1Ah          M       7.2.10
 MODE SENSE(10)                   5Ah          O       7.2.11
 PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL     1Eh          O       8.2.4
 READ                             08h          M       9.2.4
 READ BLOCK LIMITS                05h          M       9.2.5
 READ BUFFER                      3Ch          O       7.2.12
 READ POSITION                    34h          O       9.2.6
 READ REVERSE                     0Fh          O       9.2.7
 RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS       1Ch          O       7.2.13
 RECOVER BUFFERED DATA            14h          O       9.2.8
 RELEASE UNIT                     17h          M       9.2.9
 REQUEST SENSE                    03h          M       7.2.14
 RESERVE UNIT                     16h          M       9.2.10
 REWIND                           01h          M       9.2.11
 SEND DIAGNOSTIC                  1Dh          M       7.2.15
 SPACE                            11h          M       9.2.12
 TEST UNIT READY                  00h          M       7.2.16
 VERIFY                           13h          O       9.2.13
 WRITE                            0Ah          M       9.2.14
 WRITE BUFFER                     3Bh          O       7.2.17
 WRITE FILEMARKS                  10h          M       9.2.15

  Key: M  =  Command implementation is mandatory.
       O  =  Command implementation is optional.

  The following command codes are vendor specific: 02h, 06h, 07h, 09h, 0Ch, 
0Dh, 0Eh.  All other command codes for sequential-access devices are reserved 
for future standardization.

9.2.1. ERASE Command

                          Table 9-2: ERASE Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (19h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |         Reserved          | Immed |  Long  |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The ERASE command (Table 9-2) causes part or all of the medium to be erased 
beginning at the current position on the logical unit.  As used here, "erased" 
means either the medium shall be erased or a pattern shall be written on the 
medium that appears as a gap to the target.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of zero indicates that the target shall not return 
status until the erase operation has completed.  An Immed bit of one indicates 
that the target shall return status as soon as the command has been validated. 
If CHECK CONDITION status is returned for an ERASE command with an Immed bit 
of one, the erase operation shall not be performed. 

  A long bit of one indicates that all remaining medium in the current 
partition shall be erased beginning at the current logical position.  If the 
Immed bit is one, the target shall return status as soon as all buffered 
commands have completed execution and the command descriptor block of the 
ERASE command has been validated.  The logical position following an ERASE 
command with a long bit of one is not specified by this standard.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Some targets may reject an ERASE command with the long 
  bit set to one if the logical unit is not at beginning-of-partition.

  A long bit of zero specifies an erase gap defined by the gap size field in 
the device configuration page (  If the gap size is zero or the field 
is not supported, a device defined erase gap operation shall be performed.  If 
the Immed bit is one, the target shall return status as soon as the command 
descriptor block has been validated.  Erase gaps may be used in host 
controlled error recovery or "update in place" applications. 

  If the logical unit encounters early-warning during an ERASE command, and 
any buffered data, filemarks, or setmarks remain to be written, the target 
action shall be as defined for the early-warning condition of the WRITE 
command (9.2.14).  If the long bit is zero, the erase operation shall 
terminate with CHECK CONDITION status and return sense data as defined for the 
WRITE command.  Any buffered erases are not reported as part of the 
information field.

9.2.2. LOAD UNLOAD Command

                       Table 9-3: LOAD UNLOAD Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (1Bh)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |              Reserved             | Immed  |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved         |   EOT  | Re-Ten |  Load  |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The LOAD UNLOAD command (Table 9-3) requests that the target enable or 
disable the logical unit for further operations.  This command may also be 
used to request a re-tension function.  Prior to performing the load or unload 
operation, the target shall ensure that all buffered data, filemarks, and 
setmarks have been transferred to the medium.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of zero indicates that the target shall not return 
status until the load or unload operation has completed.  An Immed bit of one 
indicates that the target shall return status as soon as all buffered commands 
have completed execution and the command descriptor block of the LOAD UNLOAD 
command has been validated.  If CHECK CONDITION status is returned for a LOAD 
UNLOAD command with an Immed bit of one, the load or unload operation shall 
not be performed.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  For compatibility with devices implemented prior to this 
  version of the standard, a WRITE FILEMARKS command with an Immed bit of zero 
  should be used to ensure that all buffered data, filemarks, or setmarks have 
  been transferred to the medium prior to issuing a LOAD UNLOAD command with 
  an Immed bit of one.

  An end-of-tape (EOT) bit of one indicates that an unload operation (load bit 
set to zero) shall position the medium at end-of-medium for removal from the 
device.  An EOT bit of zero indicates that an unload operation shall position 
the medium at beginning-of-medium for removal from the device.

  An EOT bit of one and a load bit of one shall cause the target to return 
CHECK CONDITION status and the sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST in 
the sense data.

  A re-tension (Re-Ten) bit of one indicates that the medium on the logical 
unit shall be correctly tensioned.  Implementation of the re-tension function 
is device specific.

  If the load bit is set to one, the medium in the logical unit shall be 
loaded and positioned to the beginning-of-partition zero.  If the load bit is 
zero, the medium in the logical unit shall be positioned for removal at the 
extreme position along the medium specified by the EOT bit.  Following 
successful completion of an unload operation, the target shall return CHECK 
CONDITION status with the sense key set to NOT READY for all subsequent 
medium-access commands until a new volume is mounted or a load operation is 
successfully completed.

  When operating in buffered mode 1h or 2h (see 9.3.3), the target shall 
discard any unwritten buffered data after the LOAD UNLOAD command is validated 
if the previous command was terminated with CHECK CONDITION status and the 
device is unable to continue successfully writing. 

9.2.3. LOCATE Command

                          Table 9-4: LOCATE Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (2Bh)                        |
 1   |    Logical Unit Number   |      Reserved   |   BT   |   CP   | Immed  |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                       |
-----|---                        Block Address                            ---|
 5   |                                                                       |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 6   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 7   |                           Reserved                                    |
 8   |                           Partition                                   |
 9   |                           Control                                     |

  LOCATE command (Table 9-4) causes the target to position the logical unit to 
the specified block address in a specified partition.  Upon completion, the 
logical position shall be before the specified location.  Prior to performing 
the locate operation, the target shall ensure that all buffered data, 
filemarks, and setmarks have been transferred to the medium.

  A block address type (BT) bit of one indicates the value in the block 
address field shall be interpreted as a device-specific value.  A BT bit of 
zero indicates the value in the block address field shall be interpreted as an 
SCSI logical block address.

  A change partition (CP) bit of one indicates that a change to the partition 
specified in the partition field is to occur prior to positioning to the block 
specified in the block address field.  A CP bit of zero indicates no partition 
change is to be made and the partition field is to be ignored.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of zero indicates that the target shall not return 
status until the locate operation has completed.  An Immed bit of one 
indicates that the target shall return status as soon as all buffered commands 
have completed execution and the command descriptor block of the LOCATE 
command has been validated.  If CHECK CONDITION status is returned for a 
LOCATE command with an Immed bit of one, the locate operation shall not be 

  The block address field specifies the block address to which the target 
shall position the medium based on the current setting of the BT bit.

  The partition field specifies which partition to select if the CP bit is 
one.  Refer to the sequential-access device model (9.1.3) and the medium 
partition pages ( and for additional information about 

9.2.4. READ Command

                           Table 9-5: READ Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (08h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number     |        Reserved         |  SILI  | Fixed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Transfer Length                             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The READ command (Table 9-6) requests that the target transfer one or more 
block(s) of data to the initiator beginning with the next block on the logical 

  The fixed bit specifies whether fixed-length or variable-length blocks are 
to be transferred.  Refer to the READ BLOCK LIMITS command (9.2.5) for 
additional information about fixed and variable block mode.

  If the fixed bit is one, the transfer length specifies the number of fixed-
length blocks to be transferred, using the current block length reported in 
the mode parameters block descriptor (7.3.3).  If the fixed bit is zero, a 
variable-length block is requested with the transfer length specifying the 
maximum number of bytes allocated for the returned data.

  A successful READ command with a fixed bit of one shall transfer the 
requested transfer length times the current block length in bytes to the 
initiator.  A successful READ command with a fixed bit of zero shall transfer 
the requested transfer length in bytes to the initiator.  Upon completion, the 
logical position shall be after the last block transferred (end-of-partition 

  If the suppress incorrect length indicator (SILI) bit is one and the fixed 
bit is zero, the target shall:
  (1) report CHECK CONDITION status for an incorrect length condition only if 
the overlength condition exists (see 9.4) and the block length field in the 
mode parameter block descriptor is nonzero (see 7.3.3)
  (2) not report CHECK CONDITION status if the only error is the underlength 
condition (see 9.4), or if the only error is the overlength condition and the 
block length field of the mode parameters block descriptor is zero.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Since the residue information normally provided in the 
  information field of the sense data may not be available when the SILI bit 
  is set, other methods for determining the actual block length should be used 
  (e.g., including length information in the data block).

  If the SILI bit is one and the fixed bit is one, the target shall terminate 
the command with CHECK CONDITION status and the sense key shall be set to 
ILLEGAL REQUEST with an additional sense code of INVALID FIELD IN CDB.

  If the SILI bit is zero and an incorrect length block is read, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned and the ILI and valid bits shall be set to 
one in the sense data.  Upon termination, the logical position shall be after 
the incorrect length block (end-of-partition side).  If the fixed bit is one, 
the information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of blocks read (not including the incorrect length block).  If 
the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length minus the actual block length.  Targets that do not support 
negative values shall set the information field to zero if the overlength  
condition exists (see 9.4).

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  In the above case with the fixed bit of one, only the 
  position of the incorrect-length logical block can be determined from the 
  sense data.  The actual length of the incorrect block is not reported.  
  Other means may be used to determine its actual length (e.g., read it again 
  with the fixed bit set to zero).

  A transfer length of zero indicates that no data shall be transferred.  This 
condition shall not be considered an error and the logical position shall not 
be changed.

  If the logical unit encounters a filemark during a READ command, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned and the filemark and valid bits shall be 
set to one in the sense data.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE or 
RECOVERED ERROR, as appropriate.  Upon termination, the logical position shall 
be after the filemark (end-of-partition side).  If the fixed bit is one, the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of blocks read (not including the filemark).  If the fixed bit 
is zero, the information field shall be set to the requested transfer length. 

  If the logical unit encounters a setmark during a READ command and the RSmk 
bit is set to one in the device configuration page (, CHECK CONDITION 
status shall be returned and the filemark and valid bits shall be set to one 
in the sense data.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE or RECOVERED ERROR, 
as appropriate, and the additional sense code shall be set to SETMARK 
DETECTED.  Upon termination, the logical position shall be after the setmark 
(end-of-partition side).  If the fixed bit is one, the information field shall 
be set to the requested transfer length minus the actual number of blocks read 
(not including the setmark).  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field 
shall be set to the requested transfer length.  The target shall not return 
CHECK CONDITION when a setmark is encountered if the RSmk bit is set to zero 
or if this option is not supported.

  If the logical unit encounters early-warning during a READ command and the 
REW bit is set to one in the device configuration page (see, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned upon completion of the current block.  The 
sense key shall be set to NO SENSE or RECOVERED ERROR, as appropriate.  The 
EOM and valid bits shall be set to one in the sense data.  Upon termination, 
the logical position shall be after the last block transferred (end-of-
partition side).  If the fixed bit is one, the information field shall be set 
to the requested transfer length minus the actual number of blocks read.  If 
the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length minus the actual block length.  The target shall not return 
CHECK CONDITION status when early-warning is encountered if the REW bit is 
zero or if the REW option is not supported.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  A REW bit of one is not recommended for most system 
  applications since read data may be present after early-warning. 

  If the logical unit encounters end-of-data during a READ command, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set to BLANK CHECK, 
and the valid bit shall be set to one in the sense data.  If end-of-data is 
encountered at or after early-warning, the EOM bit shall also be set to one. 
Upon termination, the logical position shall be after the last recorded 
logical block (end-of-partition side).  If the fixed bit is one, the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of blocks read.  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field 
shall be set to the requested transfer length.

  If the logical unit encounters end-of-partition during a READ command, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set to MEDIUM 
ERROR, and the EOM and valid bits shall be set to one in the sense data. The 
medium position following this condition is not defined.  If the fixed bit is 
one, the information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus 
the actual number of blocks read. If the fixed bit is zero, the information 
field shall be set to the requested transfer length.

9.2.5. READ BLOCK LIMITS Command

                    Table 9-6: READ BLOCK LIMITS Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (05h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |                  Reserved                  |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The READ BLOCK LIMITS command (Table 9-6) requests that the logical unit's 
block length limits capability be returned.  The READ BLOCK LIMITS data shown 
in Table 9-7 shall be returned during the DATA IN phase of the command.

                      Table 9-7: READ BLOCK LIMITS Data

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Reserved                                    |
 1   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 2   |                           Maximum Block Length Limit                  |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 4   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                        Minimum Block Length Limit               ---|
 5   |                                                                 (LSB) |

  If the maximum block length limit equals the minimum block length limit, the 
logical unit supports the transfer of data in the fixed-block mode only, with 
the block length equal to the given limit.  In this case the fixed bit shall 
be set to one in the WRITE and READ commands

  If the maximum block length limit is not equal to the minimum block length 
limit, the logical unit supports the transfer of data in either fixed-block or 
variable-block modes, with the block length constrained between the given 
limits in either mode.  The transfer mode is controlled by the fixed bit in 
the WRITE or READ commands. If the maximum block limit is zero a maximum block 
length is not specified.

9.2.6. READ POSITION Command

                      Table 9-8: READ POSITION Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (34h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |             Reserved              |   BT   |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Reserved                                    |
 6   |                           Reserved                                    |
 7   |                           Reserved                                    |
 8   |                           Reserved                                    |
 9   |                           Control                                     |

  The READ POSITION command (Table 9-8) reports the current position of the 
logical unit and any data blocks in the buffer.  No medium movement shall 
occur as a result of the command.  

  A block address type (BT) bit of one requests the target to return its 
current first block location and last block location as a device-specific 
value.  A BT bit of zero requests the target to return the first block 
location and the last block location as an SCSI logical block address 
(relative to a partition).  

   If the logical unit is not capable of reporting block locations, the BPU 
bit shall be set to one in the returned data.  Support for this option of the 
READ POSITION command is indicated by a BIS bit set to one in the device 
configuration page (

  The READ POSITION data shown in Table 9-9 shall be returned during the DATA 
IN phase of the command.

                    Table 9-9: READ POSITION Data Format

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |  BOP   |   EOP  |        Reserved          |  BPU   |     Reserved    |
 1   |                          Partition Number                             |
 2   |                          Reserved                                     |
 3   |                          Reserved                                     |
 4   | (MSB)                                                                 |
- - -|- -                       First Block Location                      - -|
 7   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 8   | (MSB)                                                                 |
- - -|- -                       Last Block Location                       - -|
 11  |                                                                 (LSB) |
 12  |                          Reserved                                     |
 13  | (MSB)                                                                 |
- - -|- -                       Number of Blocks in Buffer                - -|
 15  |                                                                 (LSB) |
 16  | (MSB)                                                                 |
- - -|- -                       Number of Bytes in Buffer                 - -|
 19  |                                                                 (LSB) |

  A beginning of partition (BOP) bit of one indicates that the logical unit is 
at the beginning-of-partition in the current partition.  A BOP bit of zero 
indicates that the current logical position is not at the beginning-of-

  An end of partition (EOP) bit of one indicates that the logical unit is 
positioned between early-warning and end-of-partition in the current 
partition.  An EOP bit of zero indicates that the current logical position is 
not between early-warning and end-of-partition.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  The BOP and EOP indications are not necessarily a result 
  of a physical tape marker (e.g., reflective marker). 

  A block position unknown (BPU) bit of one indicates that the first and last 
block locations are not known or cannot be obtained.  A BPU bit of zero 
indicates that the first and last block location fields contain valid position 

  The partition number field reports the partition number for the current 
logical position.  If the logical unit only supports one partition for the 
medium, this field shall be set to zero.

  The first block location field indicates the block address associated with 
the current logical position.  The value shall indicate the block address of 
the next data block to be transferred between the initiator and the target if 
a READ or WRITE command is issued.

  The last block location field indicates the block address associated with 
the next block to be transferred from the buffer to the medium.  The value 
shall indicate the block address of the next data block to be transferred 
between the buffer and the medium.  If the buffer does not contain a whole 
block of data or is empty, the value reported for the last block location 
shall be equal to the value reported for the first block location.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  The information provided by the first and last block 
  location fields can be used in conjunction with the LOCATE command to 
  position the medium at the appropriate logical block on another device in 
  the case of unrecoverable errors on the first device.

  The number of blocks in buffer field indicates the number of data blocks in 
the target's buffer that have not been written to the medium.

  The number of bytes in buffer field indicates the total number of data bytes 
in the target's buffer that have not been written to the medium.

9.2.7. READ REVERSE Command

                       Table 9-10: READ REVERSE Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (0Fh)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |         Reserved         |  SILI  | Fixed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Transfer Length                             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The READ REVERSE command (Table 9-10) requests that the target transfer one 
or more block(s) of data to the initiator beginning at the current position on 
the logical unit.

  The execution of this command is similar to the READ command except that 
medium motion is in the reverse direction.  All block(s), and the byte(s) 
within the block(s), are transferred in the reverse order.  The order of bits 
within each byte shall not be changed.  Upon completion of a READ REVERSE 
command, the logical position shall be before the last block transferred 
(beginning-of-partition side).

  Refer to the READ command (9.2.4) for a description of the fixed bit, the 
SILI bit, the transfer length field, and any associated error conditions.

  Filemarks, setmarks, incorrect length blocks, and unrecovered read errors 
are handled the same as in the READ command, except that upon termination the 
logical position shall be before the filemark, setmark, incorrect length 
block, or unrecovered block (beginning-of-partition side).

  If the logical unit encounters beginning-of-partition during a READ REVERSE 
command, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned and the EOM and valid bits 
shall be set to one in the sense data.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE 
or RECOVERED ERROR, as appropriate.  If the fixed bit is one, the information 
field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the actual number of 
blocks transferred.  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be 
set to the requested transfer length.


                  Table 9-11: RECOVER BUFFERED DATA Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (14h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |         Reserved         |  SILI  | Fixed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Transfer Length                             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command (Table 9-11) is used to recover data that 
has been transferred to the target's buffer but has not been successfully 
written to the medium.  It is normally used to recover from error or exception 
conditions that make it impossible to write the buffered data to the medium. 
One or more RECOVER BUFFERED DATA commands may be required to recover all 
unwritten buffered data.

  The execution of this command is similar to the READ command except that the 
data is transferred from the target's buffer instead of the medium.  The order 
in which block(s) are transferred is defined by the RBO bit in the device 
configuration page (  If the RBO bit is not implemented, block(s) are 
transferred in the same order they would have been transferred to the medium.

  Refer to the READ command (9.2.4) for a description of the fixed bit, the 
SILI bit, the transfer length field, and any associated error conditions.

  If the fixed bit is zero, no more than the requested transfer length shall 
be transferred to the initiator.  If the requested transfer length is smaller 
than the actual length of the logical block to be recovered, only the 
requested transfer length shall be transferred to the initiator and the 
remaining data for the current logical block shall be discarded.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  During recovery operations involving unknown block 
  sizes, the initiator should select the maximum block length supported by the 
  target to ensure that all buffered data will be transferred.

  If a buffered filemark is encountered during a RECOVER BUFFERED DATA 
command, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set 
to NO SENSE, and the filemark and valid bits shall be set to one in the sense 
data.  Upon termination, the logical position shall be after the filemark.  If 
the fixed bit is one, the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length minus the actual number of blocks transferred (not including 
the filemark).  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be set 
to the requested transfer length.  

  If a buffered setmark is encountered during a RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command 
and the RSmk bit is set to one in the device configuration page (, 
CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned and the filemark and valid bits shall 
be set to one in the sense data.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE and 
the additional sense code shall be set to SETMARK DETECTED.  Upon termination, 
the logical position shall be after the setmark.  If the fixed bit is one, the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of blocks transferred (not including the setmark).  If the fixed 
bit is zero, the information field shall be set to the requested transfer 
length. The target shall not return CHECK CONDITION when a setmark is 
encountered if the RSmk bit is zero or if this option is not supported.

  If an attempt is made to recover more logical blocks of data than are 
contained in the target's buffer, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, 
the sense key shall be set to NO SENSE, and the EOM and valid bits shall be 
set to one in the sense data.  If the fixed bit is one, the information field 
shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the actual number of 
blocks transferred.  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be 
set to the requested transfer length.

9.2.9. RELEASE UNIT Command

                       Table 9-12: RELEASE UNIT Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (17h)                        |
 1   | Logical Unit Number      | 3rdPty | Third Party Device ID    |Reserved|
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The RESERVE UNIT and RELEASE UNIT commands provide the basic mechanism for 
contention resolution in multiple-initiator systems.  The RELEASE UNIT command 
(Table 9-12) is used to release previously reserved logical units for the 
requesting initiator, or if it is a third-party release, to another specified 
SCSI device.  

  If a valid reservation exists for the I_T_L nexus, the target shall release 
the reservation and return GOOD status.

  It is not an error to attempt to release a reservation that is not currently 
valid.  In this case, the target shall return GOOD status without altering any 
other reservation. Third-Party Release 
  Third-party release allows an initiator to release a logical unit that was 
previously reserved using a third-party reservation (see  

  If the third party (3rdPty) bit is zero, then a third-party release is not 
requested.  If the 3rdPty bit is one, and if the reservation was made using a 
third-party reservation by the initiator that is requesting the release for 
the same SCSI device as specified in the third-party device ID, then the 
target shall release the reservation.

  If the 3rdPty bit is one, the target shall not modify the mode parameters 
for commands received from the third-party device even if the target 
implements the transfer of mode parameters with a third-party RESERVE UNIT 

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  When a target implements independent storage of mode 
  parameters for each initiator, a third-party RESERVE UNIT command effects a 
  transfer of the current mode parameters.  Those set up by the initiator of 
  the RESERVE UNIT are to be set as the mode parameters used for commands from 
  the third-party device (usually a copy master device).  A unit attention 
  condition notifies the third-party device of the changed mode parameters.  A 
  successful third-party RELEASE UNIT command leaves the transferred 
  parameters intact.  The third-party device can issue MODE SENSE and MODE 
  SELECT commands to query and modify the mode parameters.   

9.2.10. RESERVE UNIT Command

                       Table 9-13: RESERVE UNIT Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (16h)                        |
 1   | Logical Unit Number      | 3rdPty | Third Party Device ID    |Reserved|
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The RESERVE UNIT and RELEASE UNIT commands provide the basic mechanism for 
contention resolution in multiple-initiator systems.  The RESERVE UNIT command 
(Table 9-13) is used to reserve logical units for the exclusive use of the 
requesting initiator, or if it is a third-party reservation, to another 
specified SCSI device.  

  This command requests that the entire logical unit be reserved for the 
exclusive use of the initiator until the reservation is superseded by another 
valid RESERVE UNIT command from the initiator that made the reservation or 
until released by a RELEASE UNIT command from the same initiator that made the 
reservation, by a BUS DEVICE RESET message from any initiator, by a hard reset 
condition, or by a power on cycle.  The reservation shall not be granted if 
the logical unit is reserved by another initiator.  It shall be permissible 
for an initiator to reserve a logical unit that is currently reserved by that 

  If the logical unit is reserved for another initiator, the target shall 

  If, after honoring the reservation, any other initiator attempts to perform 
any command on the reserved logical unit other than an INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE, 
ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL, RESERVE, or a RELEASE UNIT command, the command shall be 
rejected with RESERVATION CONFLICT status. Third-Party Reservation
  Third-party reservation allows an initiator to reserve a logical unit for 
another SCSI device.  This is intended for use in multiple-initiator systems 
that use the COPY command.  

  If the third-party (3rdPty) bit is zero, a third-party reservation is not 
requested.  If the 3rdPty bit is one the target shall reserve the logical unit 
for the SCSI device specified in the third-party device ID field. The target 
shall preserve the reservation until it is superseded by another valid RESERVE 
UNIT command from the initiator that made the reservation or until it is 
released by the same initiator, by a BUS DEVICE RESET message from any 
initiator, or a hard reset condition.  The target shall ignore any attempt to 
release the reservation made by any other initiator.

  If independent sets of parameters are implemented, a third party reservation 
shall cause the target to transfer the set of parameters in effect for the 
initiator of the RESERVE command to the parameters used for commands from the 
third party device.  Any subsequent command issued by the third-party device 
is executed according to the mode parameters in effect for the initiator that 
sent the RESERVE command.

  If independent sets of parameters are implemented, a third party reservation 
shall cause the target to transfer the set of parameters in effect for the 
initiator of the RESERVE command to the parameters used for commands from the 
third party device.  Any subsequent command issued by the third-party device 
is executed according to the mode parameters in effect for the initiator that 
sent the RESERVE command.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  This transfer of the mode parameters is applicable to 
  target devices which store mode information independently for different 
  initiators.  This mechanism allows an initiator to set the mode parameters 
  of a target for the use of a copy master (i.e., the third-party device).  
  The third-party copy master may subsequently issue a MODE SELECT command to 
  modify the mode parameters. Superseding Reservations
  An initiator that currently has a logical unit reserved may modify the 
current reservation by issuing another RESERVE UNIT command to the same 
logical unit.  The superseding reservation shall release the current 
reservation if the superseding reservation request is granted.  The current 
reservation shall not be modified if the superseding reservation request 
cannot be granted.  If the superseding reservation cannot be granted because 
of conflicts with a previous reservation (other than the current reservation), 
then the target shall return RESERVATION CONFLICT status.  

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Superseding reservations allow the SCSI device ID to be 
  changed on a reservation using the third-party reservation option.  This 
  capability is necessary for certain situations when using COMPARE, COPY, and 
  COPY AND VERIFY commands.

9.2.11. REWIND Command

                          Table 9-14: REWIND Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (01h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |              Reserved             | Immed  |
 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The REWIND command (Table 9-14) causes the target to position the logical 
unit to the beginning-of-partition in the current partition.  Prior to 
performing the rewind operation, the target shall ensure that all buffered 
data, filemarks, and setmarks have been transferred to the medium.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of zero indicates that the target shall not return 
status until the rewind operation has completed.  An Immed bit of one 
indicates that the target shall return status as soon as all buffered commands 
have completed execution and the command descriptor block of the REWIND 
command has been validated.  If CHECK CONDITION status is returned for a 
REWIND command with an Immed bit of one, the rewind operation shall not be 

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  For compatibility with devices implemented prior to this 
  standard, it is suggested that a WRITE FILEMARKS command with an Immed bit 
  of zero be used to ensure that all buffered data, filemarks, or setmarks 
  have been transferred to the medium before issuing a REWIND command with an 
  Immed bit of one.

  When operating in buffered mode 1h or 2h (see 9.3.3), the target shall 
discard any unwritten buffered data after the REWIND command is validated if 
the previous command was terminated with CHECK CONDITION status and the device 
is unable to continue successfully writing. 

9.2.12. SPACE Command

                          Table 9-15: SPACE Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation  (11h)                            |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |     Reserved    |           Code           |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Count                                       |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The SPACE command (Table 9-15) provides a variety of positioning functions 
that are determined by the code and count.  Both forward and reverse 
positioning are provided, although some targets may only support a subset of 
this command.  If an initiator requests an unsupported function, the command 
shall be terminated with CHECK CONDITION status and the sense key shall be set 

  The code is defined as follows:

                   Code         Description          Support
                 ---------  --------------------    ---------
                   000b     Blocks                  Mandatory
                   001b     Filemarks               Mandatory
                   010b     Sequential Filemarks    Optional
                   011b     End-of-Data             Optional
                   100b     Setmarks                Optional
                   101b     Sequential Setmarks     Optional
                 110b-111b  Reserved

  When spacing over blocks, filemarks, or setmarks, the count field specifies 
the number of blocks, filemarks, or setmarks to be spaced over in the current 
partition.  A positive value N in the count field shall cause forward 
positioning (toward end-of-partition) over N blocks, filemarks, or setmarks 
ending on the end-of-partition side of the last block, filemark, or setmark.  
A zero value in the count field shall cause no change of logical position.  A 
negative value -N (two's complement notation) in the count field shall cause 
reverse positioning (toward beginning-of-partition) over N blocks, filemarks, 
or setmarks ending on the beginning-of-partition side of the last block, 
filemark, or setmark.  Support of spacing in the reverse direction is 

  If a filemark is encountered while spacing over blocks, the command shall be 
terminated.  The logical position shall be on the end-of-partition side of the 
filemark if movement was in the forward direction and on the beginning-of-
partition side of the filemark if movement was in the reverse direction.  
CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned to the initiator, the sense key shall 
be set to NO SENSE, and the filemark and valid bits shall be set to one in the 
sense data.  The information field shall be set to the requested count minus 
the actual number of blocks spaced over (not including the filemark).

  If a setmark is encountered while spacing over blocks or filemarks and the 
RSmk bit is set to one in the device configuration page (, the command 
shall be terminated, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned to the 
initiator, and the filemark and valid bits shall be set to one in the sense 
data.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE and the additional sense code 
shall be set to SETMARK DETECTED.  The information field shall be set to the 
requested count minus the actual number of blocks or filemarks spaced over 
(not including the setmark).  The logical position shall be on the end-of-
partition side of the setmark if movement was in the forward direction and on 
the beginning-of-partition side of the setmark if movement was in the reverse 
direction.  The target shall not return CHECK CONDITION status when a setmark 
is encountered if the RSmk bit is set to zero or if this option is not 

  If early-warning is encountered while spacing over blocks, filemarks, or 
setmarks and the REW bit is set to one in the device configuration page 
(, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be 
set to NO SENSE, and the EOM and valid bits shall be set to one in the sense 
data.  The information field shall be set to the requested count minus the 
actual number of blocks, filemarks, or setmarks spaced over as defined by the 
code value.  If the REW bit is zero or the option is not supported by the 
target, the target shall not report CHECK CONDITION status at the early-
warning point.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Setting the REW bit is not recommended for most system 
  applications since data may be present after early-warning.

  If end-of-data is encountered while spacing over blocks, filemarks, or 
setmarks, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set 
to BLANK CHECK, and the valid bit shall be set to one in the sense data.  
Additionally, the EOM bit shall be set to one if end-of-data is encountered at 
or after early-warning.  The information field shall be set to the requested 
count minus the actual number of blocks, filemarks, or setmarks spaced over as 
defined by the code value.

  If the end-of-partition is encountered while spacing forward over blocks, 
filemarks, or setmarks, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense 
key shall be set to MEDIUM ERROR, the EOM bit shall be set to one, and the 
valid bit shall be set to one.  The information field shall be set to the 
requested count minus the actual number of blocks, filemarks, or setmarks 
spaced over as defined by the code value.

  If beginning-of-partition is encountered while spacing over blocks, 
filemarks, or setmarks in the reverse direction, the target shall return CHECK 
CONDITION status and shall set the sense key to NO SENSE.  The EOM and valid 
bits shall be set to one, and the information field set to the total number of 
blocks, filemarks, or setmarks not spaced over (the requested number of 
blocks, filemarks, or setmarks minus the actual number of blocks, filemarks, 
or setmarks spaced over).

  When spacing over sequential filemarks (or setmarks), the count field is 
interpreted as follows:
  (1) A positive value N shall cause forward movement to the first occurrence 
  of N or more consecutive filemarks (or setmarks) being logically positioned 
  after the Nth filemark (or setmark).
  (2) A zero value shall cause no change in the logical position.
  (3) A negative value -N (2's complement notation) shall cause reverse 
  movement to the first occurrence of N or more consecutive filemarks (or 
  setmarks) being logically positioned on the beginning-of-partition side of 
  the Nth filemark (or setmark).

  If a setmark is encountered while spacing to sequential filemarks and the 
RSmk bit is set to one in the device configuration page (, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned, the filemark bit shall be set to one, and 
the valid bit shall be set to zero.  The sense key shall be set to NO SENSE 
and the additional sense code shall be set to SETMARK DETECTED.  The target 
shall not return CHECK CONDITION status when a setmark is encountered if the 
RSmk bit is set to zero or if this option is not supported.

  If end-of-partition is encountered while spacing to sequential filemarks or 
setmarks, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set 
to MEDIUM ERROR, the EOM bit shall be set to one, and the valid bit shall be 
set to zero.

  If end-of-data is encountered while spacing to sequential filemarks or 
setmarks, CHECK CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set 
to BLANK CHECK, and the valid bit shall be set to zero.  Additionally, the EOM 
bit shall be set to one if end-of-data is encountered at or after early-

  When spacing to end-of-data, the count field is ignored.  Upon successful 
completion, the medium shall be positioned such that a subsequent write 
operation would append to the last logically recorded information.

  If end-of-partition is encountered while spacing to end-of-data, CHECK 
CONDITION status shall be returned, the sense key shall be set to MEDIUM 
ERROR, the EOM bit shall be set to one, and the valid bit shall be set to 

9.2.13. VERIFY Command

                          Table 9-16: VERIFY Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (13h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |    Reserved     | Immed  | BytCmp | Fixed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Verification Length                         |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The VERIFY command (Table 9-16) requests that the target verify one or more 
block(s) beginning with the next block on the logical unit.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of zero indicates that the command shall not return 
status until the verify operation has completed.  An Immed bit of one 
indicates that status shall be returned as soon as the command descriptor 
block has been validated (but after the data transfer from the initiator, if 
the BytCmp bit is one).  

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: In order to ensure that no errors are lost, the initiator 
  should set the Immed bit to zero on the last VERIFY command when issuing a 
  series of VERIFY commands.

  A byte compare (BytCmp) bit of zero indicates that the verification shall be 
simply a medium verification (e.g., CRC, ECC).  No data shall be transferred 
between the initiator and target.

  A BytCmp bit of one indicates that the target shall perform a byte-by-byte 
compare of the data on the medium and the data transferred from the initiator 
during the DATA OUT phase of the VERIFY command.  Data shall be transferred 
from the initiator to the target as in a WRITE command.  If the BytCmp bit is 
one and the byte compare option is not supported, the target shall terminate 
the command with CHECK CONDITION status and the sense key shall be set to 

  The verification length specifies the amount of data to verify, in blocks or 
bytes, as indicated by the fixed bit. Refer to the READ command (9.2.4) for a 
description of the fixed bit and any associated error conditions. When the 
verification length is zero, no data shall be verified and the current logical 
position shall not be changed.  This condition shall not be considered as an 

  The VERIFY command shall terminate when the verification length has been 
satisfied, when an incorrect length block is encountered, when a filemark is 
encountered, when a setmark is encountered (if the RSmk bit is one in the 
device configuration page,, when end-of-data is encountered, when the 
end-of-partition is encountered, when early-warning is encountered (if the REW 
bit is one in the device configuration page,, or when an 
unrecoverable read error is encountered.  The status and sense data for each 
of these conditions are handled in the same manner as in the READ command 
(9.2.4).  Upon successful completion of a VERIFY command, the logical position 
shall be after the last block verified.

  If the data does not compare (BytCmp bit of one), the command shall 
terminate with CHECK CONDITION status, the valid bit shall be set to one, and 
the sense key shall be set to MISCOMPARE.  If the fixed bit is one, the 
information field shall be set to the requested verification length minus the 
actual number of blocks successfully verified.  If the fixed bit is zero, the 
information field shall be set to the requested verification length minus the 
actual number of bytes successfully verified.  This number may be larger than 
the requested verification length if the error occurred on a previous VERIFY 
command with an Immed bit of one.  Upon termination, the medium shall be 
positioned after the block containing the miscompare (end-of-partition side).

9.2.14. WRITE Command

                          Table 9-17: WRITE Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (0Ah)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |              Reserved             | Fixed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Transfer Length                             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The WRITE command (Table 9-17) requests that the target write the data that 
is transferred from the initiator to the current position on the logical unit. 

  The fixed bit specifies whether fixed-length or variable-length blocks are 
to be transferred.  See the READ BLOCK LIMITS command (9.2.5) for additional 
information about fixed and variable block mode.

  If the fixed bit is one, the transfer length specifies the number of fixed-
length blocks to be transferred, using the current block length reported in 
the mode parameter block descriptor (7.3.3).  If the fixed bit is zero, a 
single block is transferred with the transfer length specifying the block 
length in bytes.

  If the transfer length is zero, no data shall be transferred and the current 
position on the logical unit shall not be changed.  This condition shall not 
be considered an error.

  A WRITE command may be buffered or unbuffered, as indicated by the buffered 
mode field of the mode parameter header (9.3.3).  For unbuffered operation 
(buffered mode 0h), the target shall not return GOOD status until all data 
block(s) are successfully written to the medium.  For buffered operation 
(buffered mode 1h or 2h), the target may return GOOD status as soon as all 
data block(s) are successfully transferred to the target's buffer.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  For compatibility with devices implemented prior to this 
  version of the standard, a WRITE FILEMARKS command with the Immed bit set to 
  zero should be issued when completing a buffered write operation to ensure 
  that all buffered data, filemarks, and setmarks are written to the medium.

  If the logical unit encounters early-warning during a WRITE command, an 
attempt to finish writing any data may be made, as determined by the current 
settings of the REW and SEW bits in the device configuration page (  
The command shall terminate with CHECK CONDITION status and the EOM and valid 
bits shall be set to one in the sense data.  If all data that is to be written 
is successfully transferred to the medium, the sense key shall be set to NO 
SENSE or RECOVERED ERROR, as appropriate.  If any data that is to be written 
cannot be transferred to the medium when early-warning is encountered, the 
sense key shall be set to VOLUME OVERFLOW.

  The information field shall be defined as follows:
  (1)  If unbuffered mode is reported in the mode parameter header and the 
fixed bit is set to one, the information field shall be set to the requested 
transfer length minus the actual number of blocks written.
  (2)  If unbuffered mode is reported and the fixed bit is set to zero, the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length.
  (3)  If buffered mode is reported in the mode parameter header and the fixed 
bit is set to one, the information field shall be set to the total number of 
blocks, filemarks, and setmarks not written (the number of blocks not 
transferred from the initiator plus the number of blocks, filemarks, and 
setmarks remaining in the target's buffer).  Note that the value in the 
information field may exceed the transfer length.
  (4)  If buffered mode is reported and the fixed bit is set to zero, the 
information field shall be set to the total number of bytes, filemarks, and 
setmarks not written (the number of bytes not transferred from the initiator 
plus the number of bytes, filemarks, and setmarks remaining in the target's 
buffer).  Note that the value in the information field may exceed the transfer 

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  The target should ensure that some additional data can 
  be written to the medium (e.g., labels, filemarks, or setmarks) after the 
  first early-warning indication has been returned to the initiator.

  If a WRITE command is received while the logical unit is positioned between 
early-warning and end-of-partition, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION 
status after attempting to perform the command.  The EOM and valid bits shall 
be set to one in the sense data.  If all data that is to be written is 
successfully transferred to the medium, the information field shall be set to 
zero.  If any data that is to be written is not transferred to the medium 
prior to encountering end-of-partition, the sense key shall be set to VOLUME 
OVERFLOW and the information field shall be defined as follows:
  (1)  If the fixed bit is one, the information field shall be set to the 
requested transfer length minus the actual number of blocks written to the 
  (2)  If the fixed bit is zero, the information field shall be set to the 
requested transfer length.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  In some systems it is important to recognize an error if 
  end-of-partition is encountered during execution of a WRITE command, without 
  regard for whether all data that is to be written is successfully 
  transferred to the medium.  By its definition, the VOLUME OVERFLOW sense key 
  may always validly be returned if end-of-partition is encountered while 
  writing, and such usage is recommended.  Reporting the MEDIUM ERROR sense 
  key, as was done in some SCSI-1 implementations, may cause confusion as to 
  whether there was really defective medium encountered during execution of 
  the last write command.

9.2.15. WRITE FILEMARKS Command

                     Table 9-18: WRITE FILEMARKS Command

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code (10h)                        |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |         Reserved         |  WSmk  | Immed  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                           Transfer Length                             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 4   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

  The WRITE FILEMARKS command (Table 9-18) requests that the target write the 
specified number of filemarks or setmarks to the current position on the 
logical unit.

  If the Write Setmark (WSmk) bit is one, the transfer length specifies the 
number of setmarks to be written.  If the WSmk bit is zero, the transfer 
length specifies the number of filemarks to be written.

  An immediate (Immed) bit of one indicates that the target shall return 
status as soon as the command descriptor block has been validated.  An Immed 
bit of one is only valid if buffered mode is reported in the mode parameter 
header (9.3.3).

  An Immed bit of zero indicates that the target shall not return status until 
the write operation has completed.  Any buffered data, filemarks, and setmarks 
shall be written to the medium prior to completing the command.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Upon completion of any buffered write operation, the 
  initiator can issue a WRITE FILEMARKS command with the Immed bit set to zero 
  and the transfer length field set to zero to ensure that all buffered data, 
  filemarks, and setmarks are successfully written to the medium.

  If the logical unit encounters early-warning during a WRITE FILEMARKS 
command, an attempt to finish writing any buffered data, filemarks, or 
setmarks may be made, as determined by the current settings of the REW and SEW 
bits in the device configuration page (  The command shall terminate 
with CHECK CONDITION status and the EOM and valid bits shall be set to one in 
the sense data.  If all buffered data, filemarks, and setmarks are 
successfully transferred to the medium, the sense key shall be set to NO SENSE 
or RECOVERED ERROR, as appropriate. If any buffered data, filemarks, or 
setmarks to be written are not transferred to the medium when early-warning is 
encountered, the sense key shall be set to VOLUME OVERFLOW.

  The information field shall be defined as follows:
  (1) If unbuffered mode is reported in the mode parameter header, the 
information field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the 
actual number of filemarks or setmarks written.
  (2) If buffered mode is reported in the mode parameter header and the 
buffered data was written in variable block mode (see 9.2.14), the information 
field shall be set to the total number of bytes, filemarks, and setmarks not 
written (the number of filemarks or setmarks not transferred from the 
initiator plus the number of bytes, filemarks and setmarks remaining in the 
target's buffer).  Note that it is possible for the value in the information 
field to exceed the transfer length.
  (3) If buffered mode is reported and the buffered data was written in fixed 
block mode (see 9.2.14), the information field shall be set to the total 
number of blocks, filemarks, and setmarks not written (the number filemarks or 
setmarks not transferred from the initiator plus the number of blocks, 
filemarks, and setmarks remaining in the target's buffer).  Note that it is 
possible for the value in the information field to exceed the transfer length.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  The target should ensure that some additional data can 
  be written to the medium (e.g., labels, filemarks, or setmarks) after the 
  first early-warning indication has been returned to the initiator.

  If a WRITE FILEMARKS command is received while the logical unit is 
positioned between early-warning and end-of-partition, the target shall return 
CHECK CONDITION status after attempting to perform the command.  The EOM and 
valid bits shall be set to one in the sense data.  If all filemarks or 
setmarks to be written are successfully transferred to the medium, the 
information field shall be set to zero.  If any filemarks or setmarks to be 
written are not transferred to the medium prior to encountering end-of-
partition, the sense key shall be set to VOLUME OVERFLOW and the information 
field shall be set to the requested transfer length minus the actual number of 
filemarks or setmarks written to the medium.

9.3. Parameters for Sequential-Access Devices

9.3.1. Diagnostic Parameters

  This section defines the descriptors and pages for diagnostic parameters 
used with sequential-access devices. 

  The diagnostic page codes for sequential-access devices are defined in Table 

                      Table 9-19: Diagnostic Page Codes

Page Code     Description                                           Section
   00h        Supported Diagnostic Pages                  
01h - 3Fh     Reserved (for all device type pages)                 
40h - 7Fh     Reserved
80h - FFh     Vendor-specific pages

9.3.2. Log Parameters

  This section defines the descriptors and pages for log parameters used with 
sequential-access devices. 

  The log page codes for sequential-access devices are defined in Table 9-20.

                          Table 9-20: Log Page Codes

  Page Code    Description                                          Section
     01h       Buffer Over-Run/Under-Run Page             
     02h       Error Counter Page (Write) Page            
     03h       Error Counter Page (Read) Page             
     04h       Error Counter Page (Read Reverse) Page     
     05h       Error Counter Page (Verify) Page           
     07h       Last n Error Events Page                   
     06h       Non-Media Error Page                       
     00h       Supported Log Pages                        
  08h - 2Fh    Reserved                              
     3Fh       Reserved                              
  30h - 3Eh    Vendor Specific                       

9.3.3. Mode Parameters

  This section defines the descriptors and pages for mode parameters used with 
sequential-access devices. 

  The mode parameter list, including the mode parameter header and mode block 
descriptor, are described in 7.3.3.

  The medium-type code field in the mode parameter header is reserved for 
sequential-access devices.

  The device-specific parameter byte of the mode parameter header (see Tables 
7-61 and 7-62) is defined in Table 9-21 for sequential-access devices.

                      Table 9-21: Device-Specific Parameter 

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
     |   WP   |      Buffered Mode       |               Speed               |

  For the MODE SENSE command, a write protect (WP) bit of zero indicates that 
the medium is write enabled.  A WP bit of one indicates that the medium is 
write protected.  For the MODE SELECT command, this field is ignored.

  Values for the buffered mode field are defined as follows:
  0h       The target shall not report GOOD status on write commands until the 
           data blocks are actually written on the medium.

  1h       The target may report GOOD status on write commands as soon as all 
           the data specified in the write command has been transferred to the 
           target's buffer.  One or more blocks may be buffered prior to 
           writing the block(s) to the medium.

  2h       The target may report GOOD status on write commands as soon as:
           (1) All the data specified in the write command has been     
           successfully transferred to the target's buffer, and 
           (2) All buffered data from different initiators has been 
           successfully written to the medium. 

  3h - 7h  Reserved

  Values for the speed field shall be assigned as follows:
  0h       Default (Use the peripheral device's default speed).
  1h       Use the peripheral device's lowest speed.
  2h - Fh  Use increasing peripheral device speeds.

  For the MODE SELECT command, the density code field of the sequential-access 
device block descriptor (7.3.3) indicates the density selected by the 
initiator for use in subsequent read and write operations.  For devices 
capable of automatic density recognition, the density code selected by the 
initiator may be overridden by the target for a subsequent read operation if 
the selected value does not match the current recorded density of the medium.  
If the MODE SELECT command specifies the default density code the device 
selects the actual density code to be used in a vendor specific manner.  The 
value is expected to be the principal density code (or an optimal density 

  For the MODE SENSE command, the density code field reflects the current 
operating density of the device.  If a current operating density has not been 
selected, either because no medium is installed or because the density of the 
installed medium has not been determined, the density code field should be set 
to the principal density code value.  The principal density code is the 
highest density code supported, the optimal density code supported, or the 
most common density code supported.  In some devices, the principal density 
code value returned in response to a MODE SENSE command may change dynamically 
to match the most recently selected density.  The density code value returned 
in response to a MODE SENSE command shall be as described below:
  (1) Following a UNIT ATTENTION condition for a power on or hard reset 
condition, while not ready, the target shall report the principal density.
  (2)  Following a UNIT ATTENTION condition for a not-ready-to-ready 
transition, the target shall:
     (a) report the principal density if no attempt has been made by the 
  target to determine the density.
     (b) report the principal density if the target cannot automatically 
  determine the density from the medium.
     (c) report the current medium density if the target can determine the 
  density from the medium.

  (3) Following a successful read operation at or after beginning-of-medium, 
the target shall report a density code value reflecting the recorded density 
of the medium.  For some implementations, the target may automatically 
determine this value from the medium.  For devices not capable of automatic 
density determination, the principal density is reported if the density code 
value is not provided by the preceding MODE SELECT command.
  (4) Following an unsuccessful read operation or a successful write 
operation, while at beginning-of-partition, the target shall:
     (a) report a density code value as described for item (2) if a previous 
  MODE SELECT command has not established a density code for the currently 
  mounted volume.
     (b) report a density code value as provided by the last successful MODE 
  SELECT command for the currently mounted volume.
  (5) Following a successful unload operation the target shall report the most 
recent density code value as determined by items (2) through (4) above.

  Table 9-22 lists the sequential-access device density codes 

                 Table 9-22: Sequential-Access Density Codes

Code Value                             Density
----------  ------------------------------------------------------------------
   00h      Default density (MODE SELECT command only)
                                    Magnetic Tapes              
            Width                  Density                          
            mm  (Inch)   Tracks  bpmm    bpi   Code  Type  Reference     Note
            ----------   ------  ------------  ----  ----  ------------  ----
   01h      12.7 (0.5)      9     32    (800)  NRZI   R    X3.22-1983      2
   02h      12.7 (0.5)      9     63   (1600)  PE     R    X3.39-1986      2
   03h      12.7 (0.5)      9    246   (6250)  GCR    R    X3.54-1986      2
   04h       6.3 (0.25)    4/9   315   (8000)  GCR    C    X3.136-1986    1,3
   05h       6.3 (0.25)    4/9   315   (8000)  GCR    C    X3.136-1986     1
   06h      12.7 (0.5)      9    126   (3200)  PE     R    X3.157-1987    2,4
   07h       6.3 (0.25)     4    252   (6400)  IMFM   C    X3.116-1986     1
   08h       3.81 (0.15)    4    315   (8000)  GCR    CS   X3.158-1987    1,4
   09h      12.7 (0.5)     18   1491  (37871)  GCR    C    X3B5/87-099    2,4
   0Ah      12.7 (0.5)     22    262   (6667)  MFM    C    X3B5/86-199    1,4
   0Bh       6.3 (0.25)     4     63   (1600)  PE     C    X3.56-1986      1
   0Ch      12.7 (0.5)     24    500  (12690)  GCR    C    HI-TC1         1,6
   0Dh      12.7 (0.5)     24    999  (25380)  GCR    C    HI-TC2         1,6
   0Eh      Reserved for ECMA        
   0Fh       6.3 (0.25)    15    394  (10000)  GCR    C    QIC-120        1,6
   10h       6.3 (0.25)    18    394  (10000)  GCR    C    QIC-150        1,6
   11h       6.3 (0.25)    26    630  (16000)  GCR    C    QIC-320        1,6
   12h       6.3 (0.25)    30   2034  (51667)  RLL    C    QIC-1350       1,6 
   13h       3.81 (0.15)    1   2400  (61000)  DDS    CS   X3B5/88-185A    5 
   14h       8.00 (0.315)   1   2126  (54000)         CS   X3B5/88-036     5
15h - 7Eh   Reserved
   7Fh      No change from previous density (NO-OP)                        7
80h - FFh   Vendor unique

                 Code                                       Type
  --------------------------------------------       -----------------------
  NRZI  Non Return to Zero, change on ones           R   Reel-to-Reel
  GCR   Group Code Recording                         C   Cartridge
  PE    Phase Encoded                                CS  Cassette
  IMFM  Inverted Modified Frequency Modulation
  MFM   Modified Frequency Modulation
  DDS   DAT Data Storage
  RLL   Run Length Limited
  (1)  Serial Recorded.
  (2)  Parallel Recorded.
  (3)  Old format known as QIC-11.
  (4)  See Appendix D for additional standards information.
  (5)  Helical Scan
  (6)  This is not an American National Standard.  The reference is based on 
an industry standard definition of the media format.
  (7)  This density code value is defined for the MODE SELECT command and   
shall not be returned by the MODE SENSE command.

  The mode page codes for sequential-access devices are defined in Table 9-23.

                         Table 9-23: Mode Page Codes

Page Code     Description                                           Section
   0Ah        Control Mode Page                           
   10h        Device Configuration Page                   
   02h        Disconnect-Reconnect Page                   
   11h        Medium Partition Page(1)                    
   12h        Medium Partition Page(2)                    
   13h        Medium Partition Page(3)                    
   14h        Medium Partition Page(4)                    
   09h        Peripheral Device Page                      
   01h        Read-Write Error Recovery Page              
   00h        Vendor specific (does not require page format)        7.3.3
03h - 08h     Reserved                                              
0Bh - 10h     Reserved
15h - 3Eh     Vendor Specific (page format required)
   3Fh        Returns all pages (valid only for the MODE SENSE command)

 Device Configuration Page

                    Table 9-24: Device Configuration Page

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |   PS   |Reserved|         Page Code (10h)                             |
 1   |                           Page Length (0Eh)                           |
 2   |Reserved|  CAP   |  CAF   |                Active Format               |
 3   |                           Active Partition                            |
 4   |                           Write Buffer Full Ratio                     |
 5   |                           Read Buffer Empty Ratio                     |
 6   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                        Write Delay Time                         ---|
 7   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 8   |  DBR   |  BIS   |  RSmk  |  AVC   |      SOCF       |   RBO  |  REW   |
 9   |                           Gap Size                                    |
 10  |      EOD Defined         |  EEG   |  SEW   |        Reserved          |
 11  | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 12  |                           Buffer Size at Early Warning                |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 13  |                                                                 (LSB) |
 14  |                           Select Data Compression Algorithm           |
 15  |                           Reserved                                    |

  This page (Table 9-24) is used to specify the appropriate sequential-access 
device configuration.

  A change active partition (CAP) bit of one indicates that the logical 
partition is to be changed to the one specified by the active partition field. 
A CAP bit of zero indicates no partition change is specified.

  A change active format (CAF) bit of one indicates that the active format is 
to be changed to the value specified in the active format field.  A CAF bit of 
zero indicates no active format change is specified.  For some devices, the 
format may only be changed when the logical unit is at beginning-of-partition.

   The active format field indicates which recording format is in use for the 
selected density code when reading or writing data on a logical unit.  The 
value of the active format field is vendor specific.  

  The active partition field indicates the current logical partition number in 
use on the medium.

  The write buffer full ratio, on WRITE commands, indicates to the target how 
full the buffer shall be before writing data to the medium.  A value of zero 
indicates that the value is not specified.

  The read buffer empty ratio, on READ commands, indicates to the target how 
empty the buffer shall be before retrieving additional data from the medium.  
A value of zero indicates that the value is not specified.

  The write delay time indicates the maximum time, in 100 millisecond 
increments, that the target should wait before any buffered data that is to be 
written, is forced to the medium after the last buffered WRITE command that 
did not cause the buffer to exceed the buffer full ratio.  A value of zero 
indicates that the target shall never force buffered data to the medium under 
these conditions.

  A data buffer recovery (DBR) bit of one indicates that the target supports 
data buffer recovery using the RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command.  A DBR bit of 
zero indicates that the target does not support data buffer recovery.  This 
bit is target-defined.

  A block identifiers supported (BIS) bit of zero indicates that block IDs are 
not supported in the format written on the medium.  A BIS bit of one indicates 
that the format on the medium has recorded information about the block IDs 
relative to a partition.  This bit is target-defined.

  A report setmarks (RSmk) bit of one indicates that the target shall 
recognize and report setmarks during appropriate read or space operations.  A 
RSmk bit of zero indicates that the target shall not report setmarks.

  The automatic velocity control (AVC) bit of one, indicates that the device 
shall select the speed (if the device supports more than one speed) based on 
the data transfer rate that should optimize streaming activity and minimize 
medium repositioning.  An AVC bit of zero indicates the speed chosen should be 
the device's default speed.

  A stop on consecutive filemarks (SOCF) field of 00b indicates that the 
device shall pre-read data from the medium in buffered mode to the limits of 
the buffer capacity without regard for filemarks.  This implies that the 
device can differentiate between data blocks and filemarks in the buffer.  
Values 01b, 10b, and 11b specify that the device shall terminate the pre-read 
operation if 1, 2, or 3 consecutive filemarks are detected, respectively.  If 
the RSmk bit is one, the target shall interpret this field as stop on 
consecutive setmarks.

  A recover buffer order (RBO) bit of one indicates that data blocks shall be 
returned from the target's buffer on a RECOVERED BUFFERED DATA command in LIFO 
order (last-in-first-out) from which they were written to the buffer.  A RBO 
bit of zero indicates data blocks shall be returned in FIFO (first-in-first-
out) order.

  A report early-warning (REW) bit of zero indicates that the target shall not 
report the early-warning condition for read operations and it shall report 
early-warning at or before any medium-defined early-warning position during 
write operations. 

  A REW bit of one indicates that the target shall return CHECK CONDITION 
status with the EOM bit set in the sense data when the early-warning position 
is encountered during read and write operations.  If the REW bit is one and 
the SEW bit is zero, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status with the 
sense key set to VOLUME OVERFLOW when early-warning is encountered during 
write operations.  
  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: A REW bit of one is intended for compatibility with those 
  systems using old tape formats that require an early-warning indication 
  during read operations.  Other systems should set this bit to zero to avoid 
  potential data loss when interchanging tapes between peripheral devices.

  The GapSize field value determines the size of the inter-block gap when 
writing data.  A value of 00h specifies the device's defined gap size.  A 
value of 01h specifies a device defined gap size sufficiently long to support 
update-in-place.  Values of 02h through 0Fh are multipliers on the device's 
defined gap size.  Values 10h through 7Fh are reserved.  Values 80h through 
FFh are vendor specific.

  The end-of-data (EOD) defined field indicates which format type the logical 
unit shall use to detect and generate the EOD area.  The types of EOD formats 
are specified below:

           Value                   Description
         ---------   -----------------------------------------------
            000b     Logical unit's default EOD definition            
            001b     Format-defined erased area of medium             
            010b     As specified in the SOCF field
            011b     EOD recognition and generation is not supported
         100b-111b   Reserved                                         

  An enable EOD generation (EEG) bit set to one indicates that the logical 
unit shall generate the appropriate EOD area, as determined by the EOD defined 
field. A value of zero indicates that EOD generation is disabled.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Some logical units may not generate EOD at the 
  completion of any write-type operation.

  The synchronize at early-warning (SEW) bit set to one indicates that the 
target shall cause any buffered write data, filemarks, or setmarks to be 
transferred to the medium when early-warning is encountered. A value of zero 
indicates that the target shall retain any unwritten buffered data, filemarks, 
or setmarks in the buffer when early-warning is encountered (see the WRITE 
command, 9.2.14, and the WRITE FILEMARKS command, 9.2.15).

  The buffer size at early-warning field indicates the value, in bytes, to 
which the target shall reduce its logical buffer size when writing.  The 
target should reduce the buffer size only when the logical unit is positioned 
between its early-warning and end-of-partition.  A value of zero indicates 
that the implementation of this function is device specific.  

  NOTE: The intent is to prevent the loss of data by limiting the size of the 
  buffer when near the end-of-partition.

  The select data compression algorithm field set to 00h indicates that the 
target shall not use a compression algorithm on any data sent to it prior to 
writing the data to the medium.  A value of 01h indicates that the data to be 
written shall be compressed using the target's default compression algorithm.  
Values 02h through 7Fh are reserved.  Values 80h through FFh are vendor 

 Medium Partition Page(1)

                     Table 9-25: Medium Partition Page(1)

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |   PS   |Reserved|         Page Code (11h)                             |
 1   |                           Page Length (n-1)                           |
 2   |                           Maximum Additional Partitions               |
 3   |                           Additional Partitions Defined               |
 4   |  FDP   |  SDP   |  IDP   |       PSUM      |       Reserved           |
 5   |                           Medium Format Recognition                   |
 6   |                           Reserved                                    |
 7   |                           Reserved                                    |
8 - n|                   Partition Size Descriptor(s)                        |
 0   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                        Partition Size                           ---|
 1   |                                                                 (LSB) |

  This page (Table 9-25) is used to specify the first group of medium 
partitions.  Additional groups are specified in medium partition pages(2-4).

  The maximum additional partitions field is a target-defined value indicating 
the maximum number of additional partitions supported by the logical unit.  A 
value of zero indicates that no value is specified.

  The additional partitions defined field specifies the number of additional 
partitions to be defined for a volume when the SDP or IDP bit is set to one.  
The maximum value allowed is the value returned in the maximum additional 
partitions field.

  A fixed data partitions (FDP) bit of one indicates that the device assigns 
partitions based on its fixed definition of partitions.  Setting this bit to 
one may only be valid at beginning-of-partition and is mutually exclusive with 
the SDP and IDP bits.

  A select data partitions (SDP) bit of one indicates that the device is to 
partition the medium into the the number of partitions as specified by the 
additional partitions defined field using partition sizes defined by the 
device.  Setting this bit to one may only be valid at beginning-of-partition 
and it is mutually exclusive with the FDP and IDP fields.

  An initiator-defined partitions (IDP) bit of one indicates that the 
initiator is defining the number and size of the data partitions using the 
additional partitions defined field and the partition size descriptors. 
Setting this bit to one may only be valid at beginning-of-partition and is 
mutually exclusive with the FDP and SDP fields.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: Since defining partitions may require re-formatting the 
  medium for some implementations, an implicit write to the medium may occur 
  as a result of a MODE SELECT command that supplies any of these parameters.

  Partition size unit of measure (PSUM) field defines the units in which the 
partition size descriptors select the partition size.  The values 00b, 01b, 
and 10b define the units as bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes, respectively.  
The value 11b is reserved.

   The medium format recognition field is a target-defined value indicating 
the device's capability to automatically identify the medium format and 
partition information when reading an unknown volume.

  Values for the medium format recognition field shall be assigned as follows:

  00h    Logical unit is incapable of format or partition recognition.
  01h    Logical unit is capable of format recognition only.
  02h    Logical unit is capable of partition recognition only.
  03h    Logical unit is capable of format and partition recognition.
04h-FFh  Reserved.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: If a target indicates that it is not capable of medium 
  format recognition, the initiator must supply all necessary parameters for 
  the device to identify the specific format.  The value in this field may be 
  different following a medium change.

  Partition size descriptors define the size of the respective partitions in 
the units specified in the PSUM field.  Up to 64 partitions may be defined 
using this page.  If additional partitions need to be defined, up to 64 
partitions can be defined in each of the medium partition pages(2-4) defined 

 Medium Partition Page(2-4)

                    Table 9-26: Medium Partition Page(2-4)

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |   PS   |Reserved|         Page Code (p)                               |
 1   |                           Page Length (n-1)                           |
2 - n|                       Partition Size Descriptor(s)                    |
 0   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                        Partition Size                           ---|
 1   |                                                                 (LSB) |

  The medium partition pages (Table 9-26) are used to specify additional 
groups of medium partitions.  The first group is specified in the medium 
partition page(1) (see

  The additional page codes (p) defined for partition size definition are 12h, 
13h, and 14h.  Up to a maximum of 64 partitions can be defined in each of 
these pages.  The partition size is defined by the value of the partition size 
field.  The units of size used by the partition size field is specified in the 
PSUM field of the medium partition page(1) (

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: Since defining partitions may require re-formatting the 
  medium for some implementations, an implicit write to the medium may occur 
  as a result of a MODE SELECT command that supplies these parameters. 

 Read-Write Error Recovery Page

                  Table 9-27: Read-Write Error Recovery Page

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |   PS   |Reserved|         Page Code (01h)                             |
 1   |                           Page Length (0Ah)                           |
 2   |Reserved|Reserved|   TB   |Reserved|  EER   |  PER   |  DTE   |  DCR   |
 3   |                           Read Retry Count                            |
 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
 5   |                           Reserved                                    |
 6   |                           Reserved                                    |
 7   |                           Reserved                                    |
 8   |                           Write Retry Count                           |
 9   |                           Reserved                                    |
 10  |                           Reserved                                    |
 11  |                           Reserved                                    |

  The read-write error recovery page (Table 9-27) specifies the error recovery 
and reporting parameters that the target shall use when transferring data 
between the initiator and the medium.  These parameters only apply to read-
write errors and do not affect message system retries or positioning error 
recovery procedures.

  NOTE: The parameters in this page also apply to verify operations.

  A transfer block (TB) bit of one indicates that a data block that is not 
recoverable within the specified recovery limits shall be transferred to the 
initiator before CHECK CONDITION status is returned.  A TB bit of zero 
indicates that the unrecoverable data block shall not be transferred to the 
initiator.  Data blocks that can be recovered within the recovery limits are 
always transferred, regardless of the value of the TB bit.

  An enable early recovery (EER) bit of one indicates that the target shall 
use the most expedient error recovery algorithm (e.g., attempt error 
correction prior to retries).  An EER bit of zero indicates that the target 
shall use the most deliberate error recovery algorithm, within the limits 
established by the other error recovery parameters (e.g., attempt to recover 
the block error-free prior to using error correction).

  A post error (PER) bit of one indicates that the target shall return CHECK 
CONDITION status to report recovered errors.  A PER bit of zero indicates that 
the target shall not report errors recovered within the limits established by 
the error recovery parameters.  If this bit is zero, the DTE bit must also be 
set to zero.

  A disable transfer on error (DTE) bit of one indicates that the target shall 
terminate the data transfer after a recovered read-write error occurs.  All 
data from the recovered block shall be transferred prior to terminating the 
read-write operation.  A DTE bit of zero indicates that the target shall not 
terminate the transfer for errors recovered within the limits established by 
the read-write error recovery parameters.

  A disable correction (DCR) bit of one indicates that the target shall not 
use error correction codes during error recovery.  A DCR bit of zero allows 
the use of error correction codes for error recovery.

  The read retry count specifies the number of times that the target should 
attempt its recovery algorithm during a read operation before an unrecoverable 
error is reported.  A read retry count of zero indicates that the target shall 
not use its recovery algorithm during read operations.

  The write retry count specifies the number of times that the target should 
attempt its recovery algorithm during a write operation before an 
unrecoverable error is reported.  A write retry count of zero indicates that 
the target shall not use its recovery algorithm during write operations.

9.4. Glossary for Sequential Access Devices

beginning-of-partition. The position at the beginning of the permissible 
recording region of a partition.  If only one partition is defined, this 
position is typically equivalent to the beginning-of-medium.

beginning-of-medium. The extreme position along the medium in the direction 
away from the supply reel which can be accessed by the device. 

buffered mode. A mode of data transfer in write operations which facilitates 
tape streaming (9.1.5), as reported in the mode parameter header device-
specific parameter (9.3.3).

early-warning. A physical mark or device computed position near but logically 
before the end-of-partition (independent of physical direction).  See the REW 
bit in the device configuration page in

end-of-data. End of data in a partition is denoted in format-specific manner. 
See the EOD defined field in the device configuration page in

end-of-medium. The extreme position along the medium in the direction away 
from the take-up reel which can be accessed by the device.  This position may 
be accessed by devices that support the LOAD UNLOAD command with the EOT bit 
set to one.

end-of-partition. The position at the end of the permissible recording region 
of a partition.

filemark. A special recorded element within a partition, containing no user 
data, which provides a segmentation scheme.

overlength. The incorrect length condition that exists after executing a read 
command when the the length of the actual block read exceeds the requested 
transfer length in the command descriptor block.

partition. The entire usable region of recording and reading paths in a volume 
or in a portion of a volume, defined in a device-specific manner.  If there is 
more than one partition, they shall be numbered starting with zero (i.e., 

setmark.  A special recorded element within a partition, containing no user 
data, which provides a segmentation scheme hierarchically superior to 
filemarks for use in addressing or fast positioning on high capacity storage 

spacing.  The act of positioning the medium on a sequential access device.

underlength. The incorrect length condition that exists after executing a read 
command when the requested transfer length in the command descriptor block 
exceeds the length of the actual block read.

volume. A recording medium together with its physical carrier.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.