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6. SCSI Commands and Status

  This section defines the SCSI command and status structures and gives 
several examples.

  By keeping to a minimum the functions essential to communicate via this 
protocol, a wide range of peripheral devices of varying capability can operate 
in the same environment.  Because subsets of the full architecture may be 
implemented, optional functions are noted.

6.1. Command Implementation Requirements

  The first byte of all SCSI commands shall contain an operation code as 
defined in this standard.  Targets shall implement all commands with a 
mandatory operation code (see 6.1.2) both in section 7 and in the appropriate 
section for their device type.

6.1.1. Reserved

  Reserved bits, fields, bytes, and code values are set aside for future 
standardization.  Their use and interpretation may be specified by future 
extensions to this standard.  A reserved bit, field, or byte shall be set to 
zero, or in accordance with a future extension to this standard.  A target 
that receives a reserved bit, field, or byte that is not zero or receives a 
reserved code value shall terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION status 
and the sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST.  It shall also be 
acceptable for a target to interpret a bit, field, byte, or code value in 
accordance with a future extension to this standard.

6.1.2. Operation Code Types

Code Type  Description
---------  -------------------------------------------------------------------
M          Mandatory - Commands so designated shall be implemented in order to 
           meet the minimum requirement of this standard.

O          Optional - Commands so designated, if implemented, shall be 
           implemented as defined in this standard.

V          Vendor specific - Operation codes so designated are available for 
           vendor defined commands.  See the vendor specifications where 
           compatibility is desired.

R          Reserved - Operation codes so designated shall not be used.  They 
           are reserved for future extensions to this standard.

6.2. Command Descriptor Block

  A command is communicated by sending a command descriptor block to the 
target.  For several commands, the command descriptor block is accompanied by 
a list of parameters sent during the DATA OUT phase.  See the specific 
commands for detailed information.

  The command descriptor block always has an operation code as its first byte 
and a control byte as its last byte.

  For all commands, if there is an invalid parameter in the command descriptor 
block, then the target shall terminate the command without altering the 

      Table 6-1: Typical Command Descriptor Block for Six-byte Commands

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code                              |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    | (MSB)                                      |
-----|------------------------------                                      ---|
 2   |                           Logical Block Address (if required)         |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                                                                 (LSB) |
     |                           Transfer Length (if required)               |
 4   |                           Parameter List Length (if required)         |
     |                           Allocation Length (if required)             |
 5   |                           Control                                     |

      Table 6-2: Typical Command Descriptor Block for Ten-byte Commands

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code                              |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |                  Reserved                  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                                                                       |
-----|---                        Logical Block Address (if required)      ---|
 4   |                                                                       |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 5   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 6   |                           Reserved                                    |
 7   | (MSB)                     Transfer Length (if required)               |
-----|---                        Parameter List Length (if required)      ---|
 8   |                           Allocation Length (if required)       (LSB) |
 9   |                           Control                                     |

    Table 6-3: Typical Command Descriptor Block for Twelve-byte Commands

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 0   |                           Operation Code                              |
 1   |   Logical Unit Number    |                  Reserved                  |
 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 3   |                                                                       |
-----|---                        Logical Block Address (if required)      ---|
 4   |                                                                       |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 5   |                                                                 (LSB) |
 6   | (MSB)                                                                 |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 7   |                           Transfer Length (if required)               |
-----|---                        Parameter List Length (if required)      ---|
 8   |                           Allocation Length (if required)             |
-----|---                                                                 ---|
 9   |                                                                 (LSB) |
10   |                           Reserved                                    |
11   |                           Control                                     |

6.2.1. Operation Code

  The operation code (Table 6-4) of the command descriptor block has a group 
code field and a command code field.  The three-bit group code field provides 
for eight groups of command codes.  The five-bit command code field provides 
for thirty-two command codes in each group.  Thus, a total of 256 possible 
operation codes exist.  Operation codes are defined in the subsequent Sections 
of this document.

  The group code specifies one of the following groups:

  Group 0 - six-byte commands (see Table 6-1)
  Group 1 - ten-byte commands (see Table 6-2)
  Group 2 - ten-byte commands (see Table 6-2)
  Group 3 - reserved
  Group 4 - reserved
  Group 5 - twelve-byte commands (see Table 6-3)
  Group 6 - vendor specific 
  Group 7 - vendor specific

                          Table 6-4: Operation Code

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
     |        Group Code        |                Command Code                |

6.2.2. Logical Unit Number

  The logical unit number is defined in the IDENTIFY message (5.6.7).  The 
target shall ignore the logical unit number specified within the command 
descriptor block if an IDENTIFY message was received.  It is recommended that 
the logical unit number in the command descriptor block be set to zero.  

  NOTICE:  The logical unit number field is included in the command descriptor 
  block for compatibility with some SCSI-1 devices.  This field may be 
  reclaimed in SCSI-3.  New implementations should use the outbound IDENTIFY 
  message, which is mandatory in SCSI-2, to establish the I_T_L nexus.

6.2.3. Logical Block Address

  The logical block address on logical units or within a partition on device 
volumes shall begin with block zero and be contiguous up to the last logical 
block on that logical unit or within that partition.

  A six-byte command descriptor block contains a 21-bit logical block address.  
The ten-byte and the twelve-byte command descriptor blocks contain 32-bit 
logical block addresses.  Logical block addresses in additional parameter data 
have their length specified for each occurrence.  See the specific command 

6.2.4. Transfer Length

  The transfer length field specifies the amount of data to be transferred, 
usually the number of blocks.  For several commands the transfer length 
indicates the requested number of bytes to be sent as defined in the command 
description.  For these commands the transfer length field may be identified 
by a different name.  See the following descriptions and the individual 
command descriptions for further information.

  Commands that use one byte for the transfer length allow up to 256 blocks of 
data to be transferred by one command.  A transfer length value of 1 to 255 
indicates the number of blocks that shall be transferred.  A value of zero 
indicates 256 blocks.

  In commands that use multiple bytes for the transfer length, a transfer 
length of zero indicates that no data transfer shall take place.  A value of 
one or greater indicates the number of blocks that shall be transferred.

  Refer to the specific command description for further information.

6.2.5. Parameter List Length

  The parameter list length is used to specify the number of bytes sent during 
the DATA OUT phase.  This field is typically used in command descriptor blocks 
for parameters that are sent to a target (e.g., mode parameters, diagnostic 
parameters, log parameters, etc.).  A parameter length of zero indicates that 
no data shall be transferred.  This condition shall not be considered as an 

6.2.6. Allocation Length

  The allocation length field specifies the maximum number of bytes that an 
initiator has allocated for returned data.  An allocation length of zero 
indicates that no data shall be transferred.  This condition shall not be 
considered as an error.  The target shall terminate the DATA IN phase when 
allocation length bytes have been transferred or when all available data have 
been transferred to the initiator, whichever is less.  

  The allocation length is used to limit the maximum amount of data (e.g., 
sense data, mode data, log data, diagnostic data, etc.) returned to an 

6.2.7. Control Field

  The control field is the last byte of every command descriptor block.  The 
control field is defined in Table 6-5.

                           Table 6-5: Control Field

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
     | Vendor specific |         Reserved                  |  Flag  |  Link  |

  The flag bit specifies which message the target shall return to the 
initiator if the link bit is one and the command completes without error.  
Implementation of the flag bit is optional.  

  The flag bit should be set to zero if the link bit is zero.  If link bit is 
zero and the flag bit is one, the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status.  
The sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST.

  If the flag bit is zero and the link bit is one, and if the command 
completes successfully, the target shall send the LINKED COMMAND COMPLETE 
message.  If the flag bit is one and the link bit is one, and if the command 
completes successfully, the target shall send the LINKED COMMAND COMPLETE 
(WITH FLAG) message.  

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  The flag bit is typically used to cause an interrupt in 
  the initiator between linked commands.

  The link bit is used to continue the I/O process across multiple commands.  
Implementation of the link bit is optional.  

  A link bit of one indicates that the initiator requests a continuation of 
the I/O process and that the target should enter the command phase upon 
successful completion of the current command. 

  If the link bit is one, and if the command completes successfully, the 
target shall return INTERMEDIATE or INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET status and 
shall then send one of the two messages defined by the flag bit.

  If either of the link and flag bits are set to one, and the target does not 
implement linked commands, it shall return CHECK CONDITION status.  The sense 
key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST.

6.3. Status 

  The status byte and status byte code are specified in Tables 6-6 and 6-7.  A 
status byte shall be sent from the target to the initiator during the STATUS 
phase at the completion of each command unless the command is terminated by 
one of the following events:  
  (1) an ABORT message
  (2) an ABORT TAG message
  (3) a BUS DEVICE RESET message
  (4) a CLEAR QUEUE message
  (5) a hard reset condition
  (6) an unexpected disconnect (see 5.1.1)

  The STATUS phase normally occurs at the end of a command but in some case 
may occur prior to transferring the command descriptor block.

                           Table 6-6: Status Byte

  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
     |     Reserved    |               Status Byte Code             |Reserved|

                         Table 6-7: Status Byte Code 
     Bits of Status Byte
7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0    Status
R   R   0   0   0   0   0   R    GOOD
R   R   0   0   0   0   1   R    CHECK CONDITION
R   R   0   0   0   1   0   R    CONDITION MET
R   R   0   0   1   0   0   R    BUSY
R   R   0   1   0   0   0   R    INTERMEDIATE
R   R   0   1   0   1   0   R    INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET
R   R   0   1   1   0   0   R    RESERVATION CONFLICT
R   R   1   0   0   0   1   R    COMMAND TERMINATED
R   R   1   0   1   0   0   R    QUEUE FULL

     All Other Codes             Reserved

Key: R - Reserved bit

  A definition of the status byte codes is given below.

  GOOD.  This status indicates that the target has successfully completed the 

  CHECK CONDITION.  This status indicates that a contingent allegiance 
condition has occurred (see 6.6).

whenever the requested operation is satisfied (see the SEARCH DATA and PRE-
FETCH commands).  

  BUSY.  This status indicates that the target is busy.  This status shall be 
returned whenever a target is unable to accept a command from an otherwise 
acceptable initiator (i.e., no reservation conflicts).  The recommended 
initiator recovery action is to issue the command again at a later time.

  INTERMEDIATE.  This status or INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET shall be returned 
for every successfully completed command in a series of linked commands 
(except the last command), unless the command is terminated with CHECK 
INTERMEDIATE or INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET status is not returned, the series 
of linked commands is terminated and the I/O process is ended.

  INTERMEDIATE-CONDITION MET.  This status is the combination of the CONDITION 
MET and INTERMEDIATE statuses.

  RESERVATION CONFLICT.  This status shall be returned whenever an initiator 
attempts to access a logical unit or an extent within a logical unit that is 
reserved with a conflicting reservation type for another SCSI device (see the 
RESERVE and RESERVE UNIT commands).  The recommended initiator recovery action 
is to issue the command again at a later time.

  COMMAND TERMINATED.  This status shall be returned whenever the target 
terminates the current I/O process after receiving a TERMINATE I/O PROCESS 
message (see 5.6.22).  This status also indicates that a contingent allegiance 
condition has occurred (see 6.6).

  QUEUE FULL.  This status shall be implemented if tagged queuing is 
implemented.  This status is returned when a SIMPLE QUEUE TAG, ORDERED QUEUE 
TAG, or HEAD OF QUEUE TAG message is received and the command queue is full.  
The I/O process is not placed in the command queue.

6.4. Command Examples

  The following sections give examples of typical command processing in the 
SCSI environment.  

6.4.1. Single Command Example
  An I/O process containing one untagged READ command is used in this section 
to illustrate a simple I/O process on the SCSI bus.  This example does not 
include error or exception conditions.

  The initiator has one set of active pointers that includes a command 
pointer, a data pointer, and a status pointer.  In addition, the initiator has 
one set of saved pointers for each I/O process that it is able to concurrently 
manage.  The initiator sets up the saved pointers to point to the appropriate 
bytes for the I/O process and copies the saved pointers to the active 
pointers.  It then arbitrates for the SCSI bus, and upon winning arbitration, 
selects the target.  Once the target is selected, the target assumes control 
of the I/O process.

  During the SELECTION phase, the initiator asserts the ATN signal to inform 
the target that the initiator wishes to send a message.  The target enters the 
MESSAGE OUT phase and transfers the IDENTIFY message from the initiator.  This 
message informs the target of which logical unit is to be used.  At this 
point, an I_T_L nexus has been established for the I/O process.  This nexus 
associates the initiator's pointers with the I/O process.

  The target switches to the COMMAND phase and transfers the command 
descriptor block from the initiator.  In this case, the command descriptor 
block contains a READ command.  The target interprets the command and switches 
to the DATA IN phase, transfers the data, switches to STATUS phase, sends GOOD 
status, switches to MESSAGE IN phase, and transfers a COMMAND COMPLETE 
message.  After successfully sending the COMMAND COMPLETE message, the target 
goes to the BUS FREE phase by releasing the BSY signal and the I/O process 

6.4.2. Disconnect Example

  In the above single command example, the length of time necessary to obtain 
the data may require a time-consuming physical positioning operation.  In 
order to improve system throughput, the target may disconnect from the 
initiator, thereby freeing the SCSI bus to allow other I/O process to occur.  

  After the target has received the READ command (and has determined that 
there will be a delay), it disconnects from the SCSI bus by sending a 
DISCONNECT message and by going to the BUS FREE phase.

  After the target retrieves the requested data from the peripheral device it 
arbitrates for the SCSI bus.  Upon winning arbitration, it reselects the 
initiator and sends an IDENTIFY message to the initiator via the MESSAGE IN 
phase.  This revives the I_T_L nexus so that the initiator can retrieve the 
correct set of pointers for the I/O process.  The initiator restores the 
active pointers to their most recent saved values (which, in this case, are 
the initial values) and the target continues (as in the single command 
example) to finish the I/O process.

  If target wishes to disconnect after transferring part of the data (e.g., 
while crossing a cylinder boundary), it may do so by sending a SAVE DATA 
POINTER message and a DISCONNECT message to the initiator and then 
disconnecting.  When reconnection is completed, the current data pointer is 
restored to its value immediately prior to the SAVE DATA POINTER message.

  On those occasions when an error or exception condition occurs and the 
target elects to repeat the information transfer, the target may repeat the 
transfer by either issuing a RESTORE POINTERS message or by disconnecting 
without issuing a SAVE DATA POINTER message.  When reconnection is completed, 
the most recent saved pointer values are restored.

6.4.3. Linked Command Example

  An I/O process may contain multiple commands "linked" together.  Upon 
completing a linked command successfully, the target automatically proceeds to 
the next linked command for the I/O process.  All commands in a series of 
linked commands are addressed to the same nexus and are part of a single I/O 

  The commands are not entirely independent.  When using the relative address 
bit (see 8.1.10), the address of the last logical block accessed by one of the 
commands is available to the next command.  Thus one can search for a 
particular data pattern using a SEARCH DATA command and then read the logical 
block containing the data pattern with a READ command linked to the SEARCH 
DATA command.  One can also read a logical block at a specified displacement 
from the block containing the data pattern.

sent from the target to the initiator to indicate that a linked command 
completed.  The initiator then updates the saved pointers for the nexus so 
that subsequent transfers from the target reference the next command of the 
series.  Command processing of linked and single commands is similar except 
that relative addressing is permitted in linked commands.

  For example, a successful completion of a SEARCH DATA EQUAL command causes 
the target to continue with the linked READ command from the initiator.  If 
the relative address bit in the READ command has been set to one, and the 
address field of the READ command is set to zero, the target transfers the 
successfully searched block to the initiator. 

6.5. Command Processing Considerations and Exception Conditions 

  The following sections describe some exception conditions and errors 
associated with command processing and the sequencing of commands.

6.5.1. Programmable Operating Definition

  Some applications require that the operating definition of a logical unit be 
modified to meet the special requirements of a particular initiator.  The 
program-controlled modification of the operating definition is typically 
provided to allow operating systems to change the operating definition of a 
more recently developed targets to one which is more compatible with the 
operating system.  This ability requires that the system comply with the low-
level hardware definitions of SCSI-2.

  The parameters that can be changed by modifying the operating definition of 
a logical unit include the vendor identification, the device type, the device 
model, the SCSI compliance level, the SCSI specification level, the command 
set, and other parameters.  The low-level hardware parameters including signal 
timing and parity definitions cannot be changed by modifying the operating 
definition.  The present operating definition of a logical unit with respect 
to an initiator can be determined at any time by execution of an INQUIRY 
command.  In some vendor-specific cases, it may also be necessary to perform 
other commands including MODE SENSE and READ CAPACITY.

  Each logical unit begins at a particular operating definition.  If the 
logical unit supports the CHANGE DEFINITION command, the present operating 
definition can be changed to any other operating definition supported by the 
logical unit.  The actual details of the operating definition of a logical 
unit are vendor-specific.  If the operating definition is changed to one that 
does not include the CHANGE DEFINITION command, the target should continue to 
accept the CHANGE DEFINITION command.

  If an error occurs during execution of a CHANGE DEFINITION command, the 
original operating definition remains in effect after the command is executed. 
The new operating definition becomes active only after successful execution of 
the CHANGE DEFINITION command.  

  Since new operating definitions may preclude the execution of I/O processes 
that are already in progress, the target may disconnect to allow completion of 
any I/O processes that are in progress.  Operating definition changes that may 
cause conflicts with the normal operation from other initiators shall be 
indicated to those initiators by generating a unit attention condition for 
each other initiator.  The additional sense code shall be set to CHANGED 

  An initiator may request a list of the operating definitions that the target 
supports and descriptive text for each operating definition using the INQUIRY 

6.5.2. Incorrect Initiator Connection

  An incorrect initiator connection occurs on a reconnection if:
  (1) an initiator attempts to reconnect to an I/O process, and
  (2) a soft reset condition has not occurred, and 
  (3) the initiator does not send an ABORT, ABORT TAG, BUS DEVICE RESET, CLEAR 
QUEUE, or TERMINATE I/O PROCESS message during the same MESSAGE OUT phase as 
the IDENTIFY message.

  An incorrect initiator connection also occurs on an initial connection when 
an initiator:
  (1) attempts to establish an I_T_L_Q nexus when an I_T_L nexus already 
exists from a previous connection, or
  (2) attempts to establish an I_T_L nexus when an I_T_L_Q nexus already 
exists unless there is a contingent allegiance or extended contingent 
allegiance condition present for the logical unit or target routine.

  A target that detects an incorrect initiator connection shall abort all I/O 
processes for the initiator on the logical unit or target routine and shall 
return CHECK CONDITION status.  The sense key shall be set to ABORTED COMMAND 
and the additional sense code shall be set to OVERLAPPED COMMANDS ATTEMPTED.

  If an initiator reconnects to an I/O process and a soft reset condition has 
occurred, the target shall meet the requirements of

  (1) An incorrect initiator connection may be indicative of a serious error 
  and, if not detected, could result in an I/O process operating with a wrong 
  set of pointers.  This is considered a catastrophic failure on the part of 
  the initiator.  Therefore, vendor-specific error recovery procedures may be 
  required to guarantee the data integrity on the medium.  The target may 
  return additional sense data to aid in this error recovery procedure (e.g., 
  sequential-access devices may return the residue of blocks remaining to be 
  written or read at the time the second command was received).
  (2)  Some targets may not detect an incorrect initiator connection until 
  after the command descriptor block has been received.

6.5.3. Selection of an Invalid Logical Unit

  The target's response to selection of a logical unit which is not valid is 
described in the following paragraphs.

  The logical unit may not be valid because:
  (1) the target does not support the logical unit (e.g., some targets support 
only one peripheral device).  In response to an INQUIRY command the target 
shall return the INQUIRY data with the peripheral qualifier set to the value 
required in Table 7-16.  In response to any other command except REQUEST SENSE 
the target shall terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION status.  In 
response to a REQUEST SENSE command the target shall return sense data.  The 
sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST and the additional sense code shall 
  (2) the target supports the logical unit, but the peripheral device is not 
currently attached to the target.  In response to an INQUIRY command the 
target shall return the INQUIRY data with the peripheral qualifier set to the 
value required in Table 7-16.  In response to any other command except REQUEST 
SENSE the target shall terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION status.  In 
response to a REQUEST SENSE command the target shall return sense data.  The 
sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST and the additional sense code shall 
  (3) the target supports the logical unit and the peripheral device is 
attached, but not operational.  In response to an INQUIRY command the target 
shall return the INQUIRY data with the peripheral qualifier set to the value 
required in Table 7-16.  The target's response to any command other than 
INQUIRY and REQUEST SENSE is vendor specific.
  (4) the target supports the logical unit but is incapable of determining if 
the peripheral device is attached or is not operational when it is not ready.  
In response to an INQUIRY command the target shall return the INQUIRY data 
with the peripheral qualifier set to the value required in Table 7-16.  In 
response to a REQUEST SENSE command the target shall return the REQUEST SENSE 
data with a sense key of NO SENSE unless a prior error condition exists.  The 
target's response to any other command is vendor specific.

6.5.4. Parameter Rounding

  Certain parameters sent to a target with various commands contain a range of 
values.  Targets may choose to implement only selected values from this range.  
When the target receives a value that it does not support, it either rejects 
the command (CHECK CONDITION status with ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key) or it 
rounds the value received to a supported value.  The target shall reject 
unsupported values unless rounding is permitted in the description of the 

  Rounding of parameter values, when permitted, shall be performed as follows:  
A target that receives a parameter value that is not an exact supported value 
shall adjust the value to one that it supports and shall return CHECK 
CONDITION status with a sense key of RECOVERED ERROR.  The additional sense 
code shall be set to ROUNDED PARAMETER.  The initiator is responsible to issue 
an appropriate command to learn what value the target has selected.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Generally, the target should adjust maximum-value fields 
  down to the next lower supported value than the one specified by the 
  initiator.  Minimum-value fields should be rounded up to the next higher 
  supported value than the one specified by the initiator.  In some cases, the 
  type of rounding (up or down) is explicitly specified in the description of 
  the parameter.

6.5.5. Asynchronous Event Notification 

  Implementation of asynchronous event notification is optional.  This 
protocol can be used to inform processor devices that an asynchronous event 
has occurred.  A SEND command with an AEN bit of one is issued to a processor 
device with a subsequent data phase that includes the REQUEST SENSE 
information.  SCSI devices that respond to an INQUIRY command as a processor 
device type with asynchronous event notification capability may be notified of 
asynchronous events using this protocol.  An SCSI device has to be capable of 
acting as an initiator in order to perform asynchronous event notification.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE:  Asynchronous event notification cannot be used with a 
  device that acts as a temporary initiator (e.g., devices executing COPY 
  commands) since they are not identified as a processor device.

  Parameters affecting the use of asynchronous event notification are 
contained in the control mode page (see

  The four uses of asynchronous event notification are:
  (1) informing a processor of an error condition encountered after command 
  (2) informing all processor devices that a newly initialized device is 
  (3) informing all processor devices of other unit attention conditions
  (4) informing all processor devices of other asynchronous events.

  Other uses of asynchronous event notification are not prohibited, however 
this protocol is not intended to be used while an I_T_L or I_T_L_Q nexus 
exists between the processor device (i.e., the initiator of the nexus) and the 
other SCSI device (i.e., the target of the nexus).  Asynchronous event 
notification is not intended for use with target routines (i.e., an I_T_R or 
I_T_R_Q nexus).

  An example of the first case above is a device that implements a write 
cache.  If the target is unable to write cached data to the medium, it may use 
an asynchronous event notification to inform the initiator of the failure.  An 
extended contingent allegiance condition may also be established during the 
same I_T_L nexus used for the asynchronous event notification (see 5.6.9).

  An example of the third case above is a device that supports removable 
media.  Asynchronous event notification may be used to inform an initiator of 
a not-ready-to-ready transition (medium changed) or of an operator initiated 
event (e.g., activating a write protect switch or activating a start or stop 

  An example of the fourth case above is a sequential-access device performing 
a REWIND command with the immediate bit set to one.  Asynchronous event 
notification may be used to inform an initiator that the beginning of medium 
has been reached.  Completion of a CD-ROM AUDIO PLAY command started in the 
immediate mode is another example of this case.

  Notification of an asynchronous event is performed using the SEND command 
with the AEN bit set to one.  The information identifying the condition being 
reported shall be returned during the DATA OUT phase of the SEND command (see 
11.2.2.).  The data sent is shown in Table 11-4.

  An error condition or unit attention condition shall be reported once per 
occurrence of the event causing it.  The target may choose to use an 
asynchronous event notification or to return CHECK CONDITION status on a 
subsequent command, but not both.  Notification of command-related error 
conditions shall be sent only to the processor that initiated the I/O process.

  The asynchronous event notification protocol can be used to notify processor 
devices that a system resource has become available.  If a target chooses to 
use this method, the sense key in the sense data sent to the processor device 
shall be set to UNIT ATTENTION. 

  The asynchronous event notification protocol shall be used only to SCSI 
devices that return processor device type with an AENC bit of one in response 
to an INQUIRY command.  The INQUIRY command should be issued to logical unit 
zero of each SCSI device responding to selection.  This procedure shall be 
conducted prior to the first asynchronous event notification and shall be 
repeated whenever the device deems it appropriate or when an event occurs that 
may invalidate the current information.  (See 5.6.21, SYNCHRONOUS DATA 
TRANSFER REQUEST message, for examples of these events.)

  Each SCSI device that returns processor device type with an AENC bit of one 
shall be issued a TEST UNIT READY command to determine that the SCSI device is 
ready to receive an asynchronous event notification.  An SCSI device returning 
CHECK CONDITION status is issued a REQUEST SENSE command.  This clears any 
pending unit attention condition.  An SCSI device that returns processor 
device type with an AENC bit of one and returns GOOD status when issued a TEST 
UNIT READY command shall accept a SEND command with an AEN bit of one.

  IMPLEMENTORS NOTE: An SCSI device which can use asynchronous event 
  notification at initialization time should provide means to defeat these 
  notifications.  This can be done with a switch or jumper wire.  Devices 
  which implement saved parameters may alternatively save the asynchronous 
  event notification permissions either on a per SCSI device basis or as a 
  system wide option.  In any case, a device conducts a survey with INQUIRY 
  commands to be sure that the devices on the SCSI bus are appropriate 
  destinations for SEND commands with an AEN bit of one.  (The devices on the 
  bus or the SCSI ID assignments may have changed.)  

6.5.6. Unexpected Reselection

  An unexpected reselection occurs if an SCSI device attempts to reconnect to 
an I/O process for which a nexus does not exist.  An SCSI device should 
respond to an unexpected reselection by sending an ABORT message.

6.6. Contingent Allegiance Condition

  The contingent allegiance condition shall exist following the return of 
CHECK CONDITION or COMMAND TERMINATED status and may optionally exist 
following an unexpected disconnect.  The contingent allegiance condition shall 
be preserved for the I_T_x nexus until it is cleared.  The contingent 
allegiance condition shall be cleared upon the generation of a hard reset 
condition, or by an ABORT message, a BUS DEVICE RESET message, or any 
subsequent command for the I_T_x nexus.  While the contingent allegiance 
condition exists the target shall preserve the sense data for the initiator.  

  While the contingent allegiance condition exists, if the target is unable to 
maintain separate sense data, the target shall respond to any other requests 
for access to the logical unit or target routine from another initiator with a 
BUSY status.  Execution of queued commands for the logical unit or target 
routine for which the contingent allegiance condition exists shall be 
suspended until the contingent allegiance condition is cleared.

6.7. Extended Contingent Allegiance Condition

  Implementation of extended contingent allegiance is optional.  The extended 
contingent allegiance condition extends the contingent allegiance condition 
for an I_T_x nexus.  This condition is generated by the target sending an 
INITIATE RECOVERY message to the initiator following CHECK CONDITION or 
COMMAND TERMINATED status and prior to the COMMAND COMPLETE message.  This 
condition shall be preserved until it is cleared by a BUS DEVICE RESET 
message, a RELEASE RECOVERY message, or a hard reset condition.

  While the extended contingent allegiance condition exists the target shall 
respond to any other request for access to the logical unit from another 
initiator with BUSY status.  Execution of queued commands for the logical unit 
for which the extended contingent allegiance condition exists shall be 
suspended until the RELEASE RECOVERY message is received by the target.

  (1) It is not required to generate an extended contingent allegiance 
  condition for every CHECK CONDITION or COMMAND TERMINATED status that 
  occurs.  Simple errors not requiring an extended recovery may be dealt with 
  by using the contingent allegiance protocol.
  (2) During the existence of the extended contingent allegiance condition,  
  appropriate error recovery sequences may be executed.  Such commands can 
  correct data, modify or delete queued commands, perform LOG SENSE commands 
  and obtain diagnostic information.  Extended contingent allegiance is 
  recommended for error conditions that may require execution of multiple-step 
  error-recovery protocols without interference from other initiators.

  An extended contingent allegiance condition may also be generated using an 
asynchronous event notification protocol.  When the event is detected, the bus 
device which detected the event assumes the initiator role and transmits a 
SEND command with an AEN bit of one to the appropriate device(s) (see 11.2.2).

  If the device wishes to generate an extended contingent allegiance condition 
during an asynchronous event notification, it shall send an INITIATE RECOVERY 
message following the IDENTIFY message (and following any queue tag message) 
and prior to the COMMAND phase of the SEND command.  An extended contingent 
allegiance condition can be generated for only one I_T_L nexus at a time.  The 
extended contingent allegiance condition is cleared when a RELEASE RECOVERY 
message is received from the device to which the INITIATE RECOVERY message was 
sent.  The generation of a hard reset condition, or receipt of a BUS DEVICE 
RESET message shall also clear the extended contingent allegiance condition.

  During an extended contingent allegiance only untagged I/O processes from 
the SCSI device to which the INITIATE RECOVERY message was sent shall be 
executed by the target.  If the initiator sends a queue tag message the target 
shall respond with QUEUE FULL status.  After the extended contingent 
allegiance condition is cleared any commands remaining in the command queue 
shall be executed.

6.8. Queued I/O Processes

  The implementation of queuing for I/O processes is optional.  Queuing of I/O 
processes allows a target to accept multiple I/O processes for execution at a 
later time.  

  There are two methods for implementation of queuing, tagged and untagged. 
Tagged queuing allows a target to accept multiple I/O processes from each 
initiator for each logical unit or target routine.  Untagged queuing allows a 
target to accept one I/O process from each initiator for each logical unit.  

  A target may be capable of both methods of queuing, but only one method may 
be used by an initiator at a time.  Other initiators may choose the other 
queuing method; in that case, the target may manage both types of queued 

  Untagged queuing may be supported by SCSI-1 or SCSI-2 devices.  Tagged 
queuing is new in SCSI-2.

6.8.1. Untagged Queuing

  Untagged queuing allows a target to accept a command from an initiator for a 
logical unit or target routine while a command from another initiator is being 
executed.  Only one command for each I_T_x nexus shall be accepted at a time.  

  An I/O process may be initiated any time the BUS FREE phase exists even if 
an I/O process from a different initiator is  active.  If the disconnect 
privilege is not granted in the IDENTIFY message of the new I/O process, the 
target may either suspend the active I/O process or it may return BUSY status 
to the new I/O process.

  The I_T_x nexus sufficiently specifies the relationship so that the target 
can reconnect to the initiator to restore the pointers for I/O process as long 
as only one I/O process per I_T_x nexus is issued.  It is the responsibility 
of the initiator to assure that only one such I/O process is issued at any 
time (see 6.5.2).

6.8.2. Tagged Queuing

  Tagged queuing allows a target to accept multiple I/O processes from the 
same or different initiators until the logical unit's command queue is full.  
If an I/O process is received and the command queue is full, the target shall 
terminate the I/O process with QUEUE FULL status.  

  The command queue is setup by the target for each supported logical unit and 
target routine.  Initiators may add or delete I/O processes to the queue.  
When adding an I/O process, the initiator may specify fixed order of 
execution, allow the target to define the order of execution, or specify that 
the I/O process is to be executed next.

  If the disconnect privilege is not granted in the IDENTIFY message for a 
tagged I/O process the target shall return BUSY status.

  The queue tag messages (see 5.6.17) allow the initiator to establish a 
unique I_T_L_Q nexus to identify each I/O process.  The I_T_L_Q nexus allows 
the target to reconnect to a specific I/O process and allows the initiator to 
restore the set of pointers for that I/O process.  An initiator may have 
several I/O processes ongoing to the same or different logical units or target 
routines as long as each has a unique nexus.

  If only SIMPLE QUEUE TAG messages are used, the target may execute the 
commands in any order that is deemed desirable within the constraints of the 
queue management algorithm specified in the control mode page (see  

  If ORDERED QUEUE TAG messages are used, the target shall execute the 
commands in the order received with respect to other commands received with 
ORDERED QUEUE TAG messages.  All commands received with an SIMPLE QUEUE TAG 
message prior to a command received with an ORDERED QUEUE TAG message, 
regardless of initiator, shall be executed before that command with the 
ORDERED QUEUE TAG message.  All commands received with an SIMPLE QUEUE TAG 
message after a command received with an ORDERED QUEUE TAG message, regardless 
of initiator, shall be executed after that command with the ORDERED QUEUE TAG 

  A command received with a HEAD OF QUEUE TAG message is placed first in the 
queue, to be executed next.  A command received with a HEAD OF QUEUE TAG 
message shall not suspend an I/O process for which the target has begun 
execution.  Consecutive commands received with HEAD OF QUEUE TAG messages are 
executed in a last-in-first-out order.

  An I/O process received without a queue tag message while there are any 
tagged I/O commands in the command queue from the same initiator is an 
incorrect initiator connection (see 6.5.2) unless there is a contingent 
allegiance or extended contingent allegiance condition.

  A series of linked commands are a single I/O process, and are assigned the 
queue tag established in the initial connection.  A command received with a 
HEAD OF QUEUE TAG message shall not suspend a series of linked commands for 
which the target has begun execution.

  The RESERVE and RELEASE commands should be sent with an ORDERED QUEUE TAG 
message.  Use of the HEAD OF QUEUE TAG message with these commands could 
result in reservation conflicts with previously issued commands.  

  The TEST UNIT READY and INQUIRY commands are often sent with a HEAD OF QUEUE 
TAG message, since the information returned has no effect on the condition of 
the logical unit. 

  Two error recovery options are allowed.  The error recovery option to be 
used is specified in the control mode page (see  

  The first post-recovery option is to continue execution of commands in the 
queue after the contingent allegiance or extended contingent allegiance 
condition has cleared.  The target returns BUSY status to other initiators 
while the contingent allegiance or extended contingent allegiance condition 
exists.  During this time all commands in the queue are suspended.  All 
commands used for recovery operations shall be untagged commands.  The queue 
may be modified by removing all or selected commands in the queue as part of 
the recovery procedure.  

  If commands are combined by the queuing algorithm such that the error 
affects more than one command, then a contingent allegiance condition shall be 
generated for all affected commands.

  The second recovery option clears the queue after the contingent allegiance 
or extended contingent allegiance condition has been cleared.  When the queue 
is cleared because of this recovery option, a unit attention condition shall 
be generated for all other initiators and the additional sense code shall be 

  Deferred errors are normally related to a command that has already 
completed.  As such, there is no attempt to return the queue tag value 
assigned to the original command.

  A device that does not support tagged queuing for any reason (e.g., not 
implemented, disabled by the DQue bit in the control mode page, or it has been 
switched to an operating definition that does not include tagged queuing) 
shall respond to any queue tag message with a MESSAGE REJECT message.  The 
target shall continue the I/O process as if it was an untagged I/O process.

  Tagged queuing may also be temporarily disabled internal to the SCSI device 
during certain initialization periods or to control internal resource 
utilization.  During these periods the target may elect to return QUEUE FULL 
status or it may respond to any queue tag message with a MESSAGE REJECT 

  Several messages may be used to clear part or all of the command queue.  
messages in Section 5 for details.

6.8.3. Example of Queued I/O Process

  An example of I/O process queuing benefits from the consideration of the 
execution of a number of commands.  After each command, the state of the queue 
kept in the target is shown to indicate the function actually performed by the 
queuing. Typical Sequences for Tagged Queuing
  An I/O process using tagged queuing uses the following sequences for normal 
execution.  The initiator first arbitrates for the SCSI bus, and after 
successfully obtaining the SCSI bus, selects the appropriate SCSI device.  The 
ATN signal is asserted during the SELECTION phase to indicate that a MESSAGE 
OUT phase is requested by the initiator.  The first message byte transferred 
is an IDENTIFY message.  The ATN signal continues to be asserted during the 
MESSAGE OUT phase to indicate that the initiator has another message.  The 
second message byte transferred is the first byte of the appropriate queue tag 
message, in this case a SIMPLE QUEUE TAG message.  The third and last message 
byte is transmitted containing the second byte of the queue tag message, the 
queue tag.  As it is transferred, the ATN signal is negated to indicate that 
no more message bytes are available.  The target then transfers the command 
descriptor block.  Assuming the command requires disconnection, the target 
transmits a DISCONNECT message to the initiator and then enters the BUS FREE 
phase.  The target places the command, identified by the I_T_L_Q nexus, at the 
appropriate place in the command queue.

  When the target removes I/O processes from the queue for execution, a 
physical latency period may occur.  At the end of this period, when the target 
is prepared to transfer the appropriate data, the target begins an ARBITRATION 
phase and, upon winning, enters a RESELECTION phase.  After a successful 
reselection, the target sends the IDENTIFY message followed by a SIMPLE QUEUE 
TAG message with the queue tag value originally sent by the initiator.  The 
initiator uses the I_T_L_Q nexus to identify the correct set of pointers and 
control blocks associated with the I/O process and to establish the necessary 
conditions for data transfer.  The target begins data transfer.  When the data 
transfer is successfully completed, the target returns GOOD status and 
terminates the I/O process with a COMMAND COMPLETE message. Example of Tagged Queuing 
  An example of the execution of five queued I/O processes is described to 
demonstrate how tagged queuing operates.  All tagged I/O processes are from 
one initiator to a single logical unit of a single target.  The five I/O 
processes are defined in Table 6-8.  The target is a direct-access device.  At 
the time the I/O processes are first being executed, it is assumed that the 
actuator is in position to access logical block 10000.

               Table 6-8: Commands in Order Received by Target

                                   Queue  Logical
                                    Tag    Block   Transfer
       Command  Queue Tag Message  Value  Address   Length     Status  
       -------  -----------------  -----  -------  ---------  ---------
        READ          SIMPLE        01h    10000     1000      Queued
        READ          SIMPLE        02h      100        1      Queued  
        READ         ORDERED        03h     1000     1000      Queued  
        READ          SIMPLE        04h    10000        1      Queued
        READ          SIMPLE        05h     2000     1000      Queued  

  The optimum order would require that those blocks close to the actuator 
position be the first blocks accessed, followed by those increasingly far from 
the actuator position.  However, the command with queue tag 03h is an ordered 
I/O process, so that all simple I/O processes transferred previously must be 
executed before, while all simple I/O processes transferred after the ordered 
I/O process must be executed after the ordered I/O process.

  If a target supports an optimizing algorithm the actual order in which the 
I/O processes are executed could be as shown in Table 6-9.

                  Table 6-9: Commands in Order of Execution

                                   Queue  Logical
                                    Tag    Block   Transfer
       Command  Queue Tag Message  Value  Address   Length     Status  
       -------  -----------------  -----  -------  ---------  ---------
        READ          SIMPLE        01h    10000     1000      Queued
        READ          SIMPLE        02h      100        1      Queued  
        READ         ORDERED        03h     1000     1000      Queued  
        READ          SIMPLE        05h     2000     1000      Queued  
        READ          SIMPLE        04h    10000        1      Queued

  I/O processes with queue tag values 01h and 02h are executed in the order 
received since the actuator is already in position to execute I/O process 01h.  
I/O process 02h must be executed before I/O process 04h or 05h because the 
ordered I/O process 03h was transmitted after I/O processes 01h and 02h but 
before I/O processes 04h and 05h.  I/O process 03h is then executed after I/O 
process 02h.  The I/O processes 04h and 05h are executed after the ordered I/O 
process 03h.  I/O process 05h is executed before I/O process 04h because the 
actuator is in position to access block 2000 after executing I/O process 03h.  
I/O process 04h is executed last. 

  As an example of the operation of the HEAD OF QUEUE TAG I/O process, 
consider that a new I/O process, identified by a HEAD OF QUEUE TAG message 
with a queue tag of 08h, is transmitted to the target while the ordered I/O 
process 03h is being executed.  The I/O process 03h continues execution, but 
the new HEAD OF QUEUE TAG I/O process is placed in the queue for execution 
before all subsequent I/O processes.  In this case, the queue for execution 
after the ordered I/O process 03h was executed would appear as shown in Table 

              Table 6-10: Modified by HEAD OF QUEUE TAG Message

                                   Queue  Logical
                                    Tag    Block   Transfer
       Command  Queue Tag Message  Value  Address   Length     Status
       -------  -----------------  -----  -------  ---------  ---------
        READ         ORDERED        03h     1000      1000    Executing
        READ      HEAD OF QUEUE     08h        0         8     Queued
        READ          SIMPLE        05h     2000      1000     Queued
        READ          SIMPLE        04h    10000         1     Queued  

  To obtain maximum performance gains using tagged queuing requires careful 
implementation of the queuing algorithms in the target.  In addition, 
initiators should allow a maximum number of simple I/O processes to be 
executed with a minimum number of ordered I/O processes.  RESERVE and RELEASE 
commands, SET LIMITS commands, and appropriate software locking conventions 
should be used to guarantee the proper relationship between the commands 
executed and the data stored on the peripheral devices.  These conventions are 
not defined by this standard.

6.9. Unit Attention Condition

  The target shall generate a unit attention condition for each initiator on 
each valid logical unit whenever the target has been reset by a BUS DEVICE 
RESET message, a hard reset condition, or by a power-on reset.  The target 
shall also generate a unit attention condition on the affected logical unit(s) 
for each initiator whenever one of the following events occurs:
  (1) A removable medium may have been changed.
  (2) The mode parameters in effect for this initiator have been changed by 
  another initiator.
  (3) The version or level of microcode has been changed.
  (4) Tagged commands queued for this initiator were cleared by another 
  (5) INQUIRY data has been changed.
  (6) The mode parameters in effect for this initiator have been restored from 
  non-volatile memory.
  (7) A change in the condition of a synchronized spindle.
  (8) Any other event occurs that requires the attention of the initiator.

  (1)  Targets may queue unit attention conditions on logical units.  After 
  the first unit attention condition is cleared, another unit attention 
  condition may exist (e.g., a power on condition followed by a microcode 
  change condition).  The initiator can clear all pending unit attention 
  conditions by repeatedly sending the REQUEST SENSE command until a sense key 
  other than UNIT ATTENTION is returned by the target.
  (2)  See 6.5.3 for requirements concerning selection of an invalid logical 

  The unit attention condition shall persist on the logical unit for each 
initiator until that initiator clears the condition as described in the 
following paragraphs.

  If an INQUIRY command is received from an initiator to a logical unit with a 
pending unit attention condition (before the target generates the contingent 
allegiance condition), the target shall perform the INQUIRY command and shall 
not clear the unit attention condition.  If the INQUIRY command is received 
after the target has generated the contingent allegiance condition for a 
pending unit attention condition, then the unit attention condition on the 
logical unit shall be cleared, and the target shall perform the INQUIRY 

  If any other command is received after the target has generated the 
contingent allegiance condition for a pending unit attention condition, the 
unit attention condition on the logical unit shall be cleared, and if no other 
unit attention condition is pending the target shall perform the command.  If 
another unit attention condition is pending the target shall not perform the 
command and shall generate another contingent allegiance condition.

  If a REQUEST SENSE command is received from an initiator with a pending unit 
attention condition (before the target generates the contingent allegiance 
condition), then the target may either:
  (1) report any pending sense data and preserve the unit attention condition 
on the logical unit or
  (2) report the unit attention condition, may discard any pending sense data, 
and clear the unit attention condition on the logical unit for that initiator.

  If the target has already generated the contingent allegiance condition for 
the unit attention condition, the target shall perform the second action 
listed above.

  If an initiator issues a command other than INQUIRY or REQUEST SENSE while a 
unit attention condition exists for that initiator (prior to generating the 
contingent allegiance condition for the unit attention condition), the target 
shall not perform the command and shall report CHECK CONDITION status unless a 
higher priority status as defined by the target is also pending (e.g., BUSY or 

  If after generating the contingent allegiance condition for a pending unit 
attention condition, the next command received from that initiator on the 
logical unit is not REQUEST SENSE, then that command shall be performed and 
the unit attention condition shall be cleared for that initiator on the 
logical unit and the sense data is lost (see 6.6).

  If a target becomes a temporary initiator to issue a SEND command with an 
AEN bit of one, which informs the initiator (temporary target) of the unit 
attention condition, and the SEND command completes with GOOD status, then the 
target shall clear the unit attention condition for that initiator on the 
logical unit (see 6.5.5).

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