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Copyright ©1994 by Christopher Wolf
($Id: SCSI2KitFunctions.rtf,v 0.2 94/10/10 16:16:10 chris Exp Locker: chris $)

S2K_ReadBigEndianLong(), S2K_ReadBigEndianShort(), S2K_ReadBigEndianValue()

	SUMMARY	Read a big-endian integer value



int S2K_ReadBigEndianLong(void *address)
int S2K_ReadBigEndianShort(void *address)
int S2K_ReadBigEndianValue(void *address, int numBits)

	DESCRIPTION	Use this function to read an integer value stored in big-endian (MSB first) order from the specified address and return the value as an bit integer in native byte format.   This function should always be used when reading multi-byte fields in SCSI structures to insure that your code will work on both big-endian (Motorola) and little-endian (Intel) machines.
		The S2K_ReadBigEndianLong function reads a 32 bit value from address.  The S2K_ReadBigEndianShort function reads a 16 bit value from address.  The S2K_ReadBigEndianValue reads a value from address whose length, from 1-32 bits, is specifed in numBits.   Note that the return value, in native byte order, is always cast to a 32 bit integer even if the value being read is fewer bits. 

	RETURN	A 32 bit native byte-order integer value equal to the bit big-endian integer value stored at the indicated address.


	SUMMARY	Write a big-endian integer value



void S2K_WriteBigEndianLong(int value, void *address)
void S2K_WriteBigEndianShort(int value,  void *address)
void S2K_WriteBigEndianValue(int value, void *address, int numBits)

	DESCRIPTION	Use this function to store a value as a big-endian (MSB first) integer at the specified address.  This function should always be used when writing multi-byte integer fields in SCSI structures to insure that your code will work on both big-endian (Motorola) and little-endian (Intel) machines.
		The S2K_WriteBigEndianLong function writes to a 32 bit value to address.  The S2K_WriteBigEndianShort function write a 16 bit value to address.  The S2K_WriteBigEndianValue writes a value to address whose length, from 1-32 bits, is specifed in numBits.   Note that the specified value, in native byte order, must always be passed as a 32 bit integer even if the destination big endian value is being stored in fewer bits.

	RETURN	This function does not return any value. 	 

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