
This is ToastersViewClass.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*																										*/
/* Copyright (c) 1991																			*/
/* Pages / KVM  Banzai Research Inst.														*/
/* 3914 Murphy Cyn Rd.																			*/
/* San Diego, CA 92123																			*/
/* (619) 492-9050																					*/
/*																										*/

/* RCS History Section-------------------------------------------------------	*/

#ifdef RCSID
static char _rcsid[] = "$Header$";

 * $Log$

/* RCS History Section-------------------------------------------------------	*/

/* Description --------------------------------------------------------------	*/
/*  																									*/
/*		This class contains the BackSpace view for the Toasters module, which	*/
/*		was inspired by the "After Dark" module of the same name.					*/
/*  																									*/
/*  	Nov 14, 1991: Bruce Henderson (bruce@pages.com)									*/
/*  																									*/
/* Description --------------------------------------------------------------	*/

#import "ToastersViewClass.h"
#import "FlyingImage.h"
#import <objc/List.h>
#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <appkit/NXImage.h>
#import <dpsclient/wraps.h>
#import <libc.h>
#import <math.h>

#define	DEF_TOASTERS	15
#define	DEF_TOAST		5

#define 	BIG_RAND			2147483647

@implementation ToastersView

- initFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect
	int	count;
	NXPoint	startPoint = {0.0};
	NXPoint	maxPoint = {0.0};
	id			newBeastie;
	NXSize	screen;
	long		rNum;
	float		xOffset;
	float		yOffset;
	float		speed = 0.25;
	int		startFrame;
	[super initFrame:frameRect];
	[self allocateGState];		// For faster lock/unlockFocus

	[NXApp getScreenSize:&screen];
	maxPoint.x = screen.width;
	maxPoint.y = screen.height;
	thingies = [[List allocFromZone:[self zone]] init];

	for(count = 0; count < DEF_TOAST;count++)
		newBeastie = [FlyingImage allocFromZone:[self zone]];
		rNum = random();
		xOffset = floor(((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) * maxPoint.x);
		rNum = random();
		yOffset = floor(((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) * maxPoint.y);
		speed = 3.0;
		startPoint.x = maxPoint.x - xOffset;
		startPoint.y = maxPoint.y - yOffset;
		[newBeastie initAtPoint:&startPoint andSpeed:speed isToast:YES for:self];
		[thingies addObject:newBeastie];

	for(count = 0; count < DEF_TOASTERS;count++)
		newBeastie = [FlyingImage allocFromZone:[self zone]];
		rNum = random();
		xOffset = floor(((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) * maxPoint.x);
		rNum = random();
		yOffset = floor(((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) * maxPoint.y);
		rNum = random();
		speed = (((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) *3) + 3;
		if(speed < 3.5)
			speed = 4.0;
		startPoint.x = maxPoint.x - xOffset;
		startPoint.y = maxPoint.y - yOffset;
		[newBeastie initAtPoint:&startPoint andSpeed:speed isToast:NO for:self];
		rNum = random();
		startFrame = (int)rint(((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) * 3);
		[newBeastie setFrame:startFrame];
		[thingies addObject:newBeastie];

	return self;

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
	if(!rects || !rectCount)
		return self;

	[super drawSelf:rects :rectCount];
	[thingies makeObjectsPerform:@selector(display)];

	return self;

- oneStep
	[window disableFlushWindow];
	[thingies makeObjectsPerform:@selector(move)];
	[window reenableFlushWindow];

	return self;

- (BOOL) useBufferedWindow
	return NO;

- verifyNewRect:(NXRect*)newRect for:flapper
	NXRect	dummyRect;
	id			checkBuzzard;
	int		count,maxThings = [thingies count];
	float		flapperSpeed = [flapper speed];
	float		buzzardSpeed;
	long		rNum;
	float		rfloat;

	for(count=0;count < maxThings;count++)
		checkBuzzard = [thingies objectAt:count];
		if(checkBuzzard != flapper)
			dummyRect = [checkBuzzard targetRect];
			if(NXIntersectsRect(&dummyRect, newRect))
				/* undo last changes */
				NX_X(newRect) += flapperSpeed;
				NX_Y(newRect) += flapperSpeed;
				/* tryMovingDown */
				NX_Y(newRect) -= flapperSpeed;
				if(NXIntersectsRect(&dummyRect, newRect))
					/* undo last changes */
					NX_Y(newRect) += flapperSpeed;
					/* tryMovingUp */
					NX_X(newRect) -= flapperSpeed;
					NX_Y(newRect) += flapperSpeed;
					if(NXIntersectsRect(&dummyRect, newRect))
						/* undo last changes */

						NX_Y(newRect) -= flapperSpeed;
						NX_X(newRect) += flapperSpeed;
						/*just match speed */
						while(NXIntersectsRect(&dummyRect, newRect))
							NX_X(newRect) += 2.0;
						buzzardSpeed = [checkBuzzard speed];
						[flapper setSpeed:buzzardSpeed];

						NX_X(newRect) -= buzzardSpeed;
						NX_Y(newRect) -= buzzardSpeed;

				rNum = random();
				rfloat = (float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND;
				if(rfloat > 0.95)
					rNum = random();
					rfloat = (((float)rNum/(float)BIG_RAND) *3) + 3;
					if(rfloat < 3.5)
						rfloat = 4.0;
					[flapper setSpeed:rfloat];

	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.