
This is SpinView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import	<appkit/View.h>

#define	MINANGLEINC	(  0 )
#define	MAXANGLEINC	( 90 )

#define	MINNUMSPINS	(  1 )
#define	MAXNUMSPINS	( 20 )		// If you want to change this one, you'll also
								// have to increase the size of userPathOps[]
								// in SpinViewPart.m.  Statically filling that
								// array with drawing ops seems faster than
								// writing a function to load it up at runtime
								// or filling it on the fly. (which is the way
								// I've seen it done most often.)
#define	MINTAILLEN	(   1 )
#define	MAXTAILLEN	( 300 )

#define	MINRADIUS	(  10 )
#define	MAXRADIUS	( 300 )

#define	MINXINC		(  0.0 )
#define	MAXXINC		( 20.0 )

#define	MINYINC		(  0.0 )
#define	MAXYINC		( 20.0 )

#define	OWNER		"SpinView"	// Owner of defaults.


typedef	struct
				float	x;		// Current center X coord.
				float	y;		// Current center Y coord.
				int		a;		// Current angle.
				float	ix;		// Amount to move center in x direction.
				float	iy;		// Amount to move center in y direction.
				int		dx;		// Current x direction. ( LEFT or RIGHT )
				int		dy;		// Current y direction. ( UP or DOWN )

@interface SpinView : View

	int		CurNumSpins;	// Current number of spinners on screen.
	int		CurAngleInc;	// Current angle increment between line draws.
	int		CurRadius;		// Current line radius from center point.
	int		CurTailLen;		// Current number of "shadow" lines before
							// lines begin to be erased.
	float	CurXInc;		// Current x increment.  Amount to move spinner
							// in x direction between line draws.
	float	CurYInc;		// Current y increment.  Amount to move spinner
							// in y direction between line draws.
	float	Bbox[ 4 ];		// Bounding box for user path operations.  I really
							// cheat on this one. :->
	float	r;				// These are for color drawing, they
	float	g;				// are taken from bbum's module LizardSaver.
	float	b;				// (Some slight modifications, per Sam Streeper,
							// and some tiding up from me.)

	id		inspectPanel;		// Panel that holds the inspector controls.
	id		mainInspectBox;		// Box that contains it all.  The 
								// inspector: method returns the
								// content view of this box.
	id		xIncField;
	id		xIncSlider;
	id		yIncField;
	id		yIncSlider;
	id		angleSlider;
	id		angleField;
	id		numSpinSlider;
	id		numSpinField;
	id		radiusSlider;
	id		radiusField;
	id		tailSlider;
	id		tailField;


- (const char *) windowTitle;
- ( void ) getAngleInc;
- ( void ) getNumSpinners;
- ( void ) getRadius;
- ( void ) getTailLength;
- ( void ) getXIncrement;
- ( void ) getYIncrement;
- ( void ) resetSpinners;
- initFrame : ( const NXRect * ) frameRect;
- newWindow;
- sizeTo : ( NXCoord ) width : ( NXCoord ) height;
- ( void ) setStartPoints;
- ( void ) resetSpinners;
- ( void ) moveSpinner : ( SPINNER * ) spin;
- ( void ) drawSpinners : ( SPINNER * ) spin;
- oneStep;
- drawSelf : ( NXRect * ) r : ( int ) count;


@interface	SpinView(inspect)

- inspector : sender;
- ( void ) connectInspector;
- setAngle : sender;
- setXInc : sender;
- setYInc : sender;
- setNumSpins : sender;
- setRadius : sender;
- setTailLength : sender;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.