
[View BackView.h] 
[View PrefController.h] 
[View PrefController.m] 


[View SlideShowViewPart.h] 
[View SlideShowViewPart.m] 
[View Thinker.h] 


SlideShow 1.0 - A BackSpace module for displaying multiple images.


Directory hierarchy:

	SlideShow files, containing source for SlideShow and its 
	optional preferences panel nib/controller.  Note that the 
	Thinker.h supplied here is slightly modified from the original.

	Patches that are to be applied to the original BackSpace source, 
	as found on the Purdue NeXT archives:
		-rw-r--r--  1 archiver  305490 Sep 30 09:14 BackSpace.tar.Z
	See PATCHES/README.Patches for details.


SlideShow install;  example assumptions:

	- BackSpace.app is installed in /LocalApps,
	- You have a /LocalLibrary/Images/ directory containing tiff images

Install the module:

	% cp SlideShowView.o /LocalApps/BackSpace.app

Build the Filelist:

	% cd /LocalLibrary/Images
	% ls `pwd`/*.tiff > .list
	% dwrite SlideShow Filelist `pwd`/.list

If you do not have write permission in the BackSpace.app directory, ask your
sysadmin to install SlideShow,  or,  given that BackSpace is in /LocalApps:

	% mkdir ~/Apps/BackSpace.app
	% cd /LocalApps/BackSpace.app
	% foreach i (*)
	? ln -s `pwd`/$i ~/Apps/BackSpace.app/$i
	? end
	% cp SlideShowView.o ~/Apps/BackSpace.app

	% (build Filelist as shown above)


Summary of SlideShow defaults:

	SlideShow Filelist /LocalLibrary/Images/.list
	SlideShow FadeDelta 0.05
	SlideShow Waittime 2000
	SlideShow Steptime 50
	SlideShow Randomize NO
	SlideShow Fancy NO
	SlideShow Slide NO
	SlideShow Debug 0

Filelist: string
Location of file containing a list of tiff filenames,  one per line, 
each must be an absolute (starting with a /) pathname.  Blank lines
are permitted,  and lines starting with a '#' are ignored.

FadeDelta: float
Fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies how much of the image will be
composited to the screen upon each iteration.  Note,  the delta must be 
greater than 0.0 otherwise nothing will happen.

Waittime: int
Number of milliseconds to pause between each image.

Steptime: int
Number of milliseconds to pause between each dissolve composite.

( [enabled] := {"YES", "ON", nonzero integer} )

Randomize: string
If [enabled],  frames are selected randomly;  otherwise frames are displayed 
sequentially in the order given in the filelist.

Fancy: string
If [enabled],  the next frame is faded-in while the current frame is faded-out.

Slide: string
If [enabled],  the image will slide around the screen,  much like the 
SlidingImageView behaves.

Debug: int
If nonzero,  debugging information is printed on the standard output,  or
in the console window if BackSpace is started from the Workspace.


Thanks to:
Sam Streeper,  for writing BackSpace app,
Lennart Lovstrand,  for the FadingImageView on which SlideShow was based,
Ron Blanford,  for the code in GlobeView which opens multiple images, and
to the whole NeXT community who make their source code available for all to
learn from.

If you like SlideShow,  send me a postcard.
If you don't like it,  improve it,  email the fixes,  and send me a postcard.


Large images fade visibly.  Use small images.

The Escher images,
look neat when Fancy=YES, FadeDelta=0.1

To duplicate the action of GlobeSaver or IvoSaver,  build the Filelist
accordingly,  and set Fancy=YES, Slide=YES, FadeDelta=1.0

When using the Globe.anim files on a monochrome NeXT,  the corners are white.

Bill Carson / brighton@pixar.com / brighton@phuket.nbn.com
PO Box 10009, San Rafael, CA 94912, USA

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.