
This is QixView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import	<stdlib.h>
#import	<math.h>
#import	<appkit/Application.h>
#import	<appkit/Slider.h>
#import	<appkit/Button.h>
#import	<appkit/NXImage.h>
#import	<dpsclient/wraps.h>
#import	"QixView.h"


#define	LEFT		( 100 )
#define	RIGHT		( 101 )
#define	UP			( 102 )
#define	DOWN		( 103 )

#define	INITLEN		( 55 )				//	Initial qix tail length.

#define	A_BASE_INC	( 5 )				//	Default distance to move the
										//	"A" point of a qix structure.
#define	B_BASE_INC	( 8 )				//	Default distance to move the
										//	"B" point of a qix structure.


@implementation QixView


- newWindow
	[ self resetQix : &head : NO ];
	[ self resetQix : &tail : YES ];
	return self;

- (const char *) windowTitle
	return ( const char * ) "Qix Lines";


- initFrame : ( const NXRect * ) frameRect
	[ super initFrame : frameRect ];
	[ self setOpaque : YES ];
	[ self setClipping : NO ];
	[ self resetQix : &head : NO ];
	[ self resetQix : &tail : YES ];
	return self;


- sizeTo : ( NXCoord ) width : ( NXCoord ) height
	[ super sizeTo : width : height ];
	[ self resetQix : &head : NO ];
	[ self resetQix : &tail : YES ];
	return self;


- resetQix : ( QIX * ) qix : ( BOOL ) resetControls
	if( resetControls == YES )
		tailLen = INITLEN;
	qix->pointA.x = bounds.size.width / 3.0;
	qix->pointA.y = bounds.size.height / 3.0;
	qix->pointA.x_dir = RIGHT;
	qix->pointA.y_dir = DOWN;
	qix->pointA.x_inc = A_BASE_INC;
	qix->pointA.y_inc = A_BASE_INC;
	qix->pointA.orig_inc = A_BASE_INC;
	qix->pointB.x = bounds.size.width / 2.0;
	qix->pointB.y = bounds.size.height / 2.0;
	qix->pointB.x_dir = LEFT;
	qix->pointB.y_dir = UP;
	qix->pointB.x_inc = B_BASE_INC;
	qix->pointB.y_inc = B_BASE_INC;
	qix->pointB.orig_inc = B_BASE_INC;
	return self;

- setQixPoint : ( MVPOINT * ) point
	if( point->x >= bounds.size.width )
		point->x_dir = LEFT;
		point->x_inc = point->orig_inc;
	else if( point->x <= 0 )
		point->x_dir = RIGHT;
	if( point->x_dir == RIGHT )
		point->x += point->x_inc;
		point->x_inc -= .009;
		point->x -= point->x_inc;
		point->x_inc += .03;

	if( point->y >= bounds.size.height )
		point->y_dir = DOWN;
		point->y_inc = point->orig_inc;
	else if( point->y <= 0 )
		point->y_dir = UP;
	if( point->y_dir == UP )
		point->y += point->y_inc;
		point->y_inc -= .009;
		point->y -= point->y_inc;
		point->y_inc += .06;
	return self;


- drawQix : ( QIX ) qix
	PSsetlinewidth( 0.5 );

	PSmoveto( qix.pointA.x, qix.pointA.y );
	PSlineto( qix.pointB.x, qix.pointB.y );
	PSstroke( );
	return self;


- oneStep
	if( tailLen )
		PSsetgray( NX_BLACK );
		[ self drawQix : tail ];
		[ self setQixPoint :  &tail.pointA ];
		[ self setQixPoint :  &tail.pointB ];
	PSsetgray( NX_WHITE );
	[ self drawQix : head ];
	[ self setQixPoint : &head.pointA ];
	[ self setQixPoint : &head.pointB ];
	return self;


- drawSelf : ( NXRect * ) r : ( int ) count
	if (!r || !count)
		return self;
	PSsetgray( NX_BLACK );
	NXRectFill( r );
	return self;



These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.