
[View ModuleList.h] 
[View NewSpaceView.h] 
[View NewSpaceView.m] 
[View StarShipProtocol.h] 
[View StarShipView.h] 
[View StarShipView.m] 
[View Thinker.h] 
[View psfuncts.h] 


						StarShipView BackSpace Module 
						(For NeXTstep 3.0 or higher)

1. Compiling:

	I wanted a module that could be completely built with PB. Double click
	the PB.project file. In Project Builder, simply do a build with 
	install in the Args field for  NextStep 3.0. If you are compiling under
	3.1, select install from the target pull down menu and choose the 
	appropriate cpu type from the options button.  It should install the
	StarShipView.BackModule in the ~/Library/BackSpaceViews in your home
	directory.If you want to include the Warp1 module, drag and drop the
	Warp1.bproj subproject onto the subprojects suitcase in ProjectBuilder
	and then do the compile.
	Important Notes:
	I am submitting a 3.0 and a 3.1 fat binary version. They
	need to be run with the compatible version of BackSpace. I have been
	told that doing the build install will not do the right things under
	3.2 so when I know what the changes are, I will update.

2 Internals:

	StarShip tries to simulate going through space in a starship.
	I had a idea to design a backspace module that would set
	up an environment that others could write modules for and that
	would be loaded in dynamically at run time. I include two separate
	modules called Celestial and Warp1. Celestial is really the 
	main module and Warp1 was a quick module to show how
	other modules can be loaded and unloaded. I include Warp1 in the sources
	but I don't include it  in the project.

	StarShipView really doesn't unload modules. At start time it builds
	a list of all the bundle objects that are in the StarShipView.BackModule
	folder(bundle). It instantiates all the classes that it finds up front.
	I do provide a message to the freeResources method that is to be used
	to get rid of memory gobblers like tiff images and sounds that are just
	used for your module.
	There is a StarShipProtocol.h that includes the methods that must be
	implemented. I really should test the modules to see if they conform
	to the protocol but I haven't added that yet. The other "should be there",
	is to have a separate button on the inspector panel that fires up a
	separate info panel from the different modules. That way when your module
	is active the user could get specific info about your module.
	I do however provide a way to see on the inspector what module is currently
	running. If anyone could tell me the easy way to do this with a nib file,
	please let me know. I couldn't figure out how to free a loaded nib when
	the next module is being loaded. The other way I thought of was to build 
	the scrollView from scratch. I didn't like that either. Another thing
	I thought of was that the slider labels in the inspector should be dynamic.
	That way each module could label the sliders any way they wanted.
	The Module that you write will be sent the outlet for the stars so that
	your module has control over starting and stopping them. You even have
	control over turning them off altogether. See the HideStars method
	in NewSpaceView. 
	The border around the viewscreen actually moves 9 pixels back and forth to
	prevent screen burn in.
	I have defined variables to allow you to custom tailor the
	program. I've included them here.
	SCREENMOVE 1000  how often the screen border resizes
	LIGHTMOVE 10	 how often the lights below the viewscreen move
	MAXMULTBODY 10   maximum mutiple objects - randomly generated up to
	MAXIMAGESIZE 150  maximum size the scaled images will be
	SIZEINC  2		  each animation frame is incremented by this amount
					  in pixels - starting at 1 pixel 
					  The smaller, the more images are built into memory
					  but also the smoother the animation
	MAXANIMATIONS 4	  maximum number of animations to be built for each
					  cycle - on larger memory machines you can up this
3:	The Celestial Module

	When the Celestial module is activated it starts building tiff images
	in memory(tiffManager object) and adds them to a list that is put in a 
	storage object. The Celestial object acts as the controller and then
	takes the info in the storage object and creates and frees body objects
	as they fly through space. To do mutiple objects, it just creates more
	of them. The tricky part is for each body to set an avoidance rectangle
	in a storage object. That storage object is passed off to the stars
	object(NewSpaceView) who avoids drawing or erasing any stars there.
4:	The Warp1 Module

	I wrote this module very quickly without too much thought as to how
	good it looked. It really only serves as a second module to demonstrate
	how the modules can be switched between.	

5:  Thoughts
	I strip out all alpha from the tiff images coming in. This makes everything
	go faster. It's ok to have alpha in your own tiff images cause I composite
	to a black background. I did discover a way to have the starShipView
	get running faster but it involved generating the animations to a
	single tiff image ahead of time. Since I use lists of tiff images and
	don't internally build a single tiff image (which could be done), it would
	have taken a bit more work to build that functionality into it. Also
	I didn't like the fact you would have all these huge files sitting around
	just to launch faster. Currently they would range from .5 meg to 1.2 meg
	each depending the the scheme to put all the images into one tiff image.
	Besides, the idea of a screen saver isn't really to sit and watch it,
	or is it? Anyways, I do hope someone will write some others to go along
	with these. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!
	R.S. Brown

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.