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/* Dateiname: SPOREN6.C Dateityp: Source Zweck: Spielkram Projekt: SPOREN.PRJ Version: 2.60 Start: 03.07.95 Update: 14.07.95 Autor: Stefan Jeworowski */ /* Bibliotheken */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "spordefs.h" //#include "drawspor.h" #include "sporen6.h" #include "draw.h" #define NOENTRY 0L /* ( SP ) */ #define REAL_MAX_SPOREN 50000 #define REALMAPMX 500 #define REALMAPMY 500 #define DIAGSY 0 /* Variablen- / Zeigerdeklarationen */ SPORE sporen[ REAL_MAX_SPOREN ], *freelist[ REAL_MAX_SPOREN ], *map[ REALMAPMX ][ REALMAPMY ], *firstSp, *lastSp; int ende, freect, statCount, clrCount; COORD loctab[ 8 ] = { {-1,-1}, { 0,-1}, { 1,-1}, {-1, 0}, { 1, 0}, {-1, 1}, { 0, 1}, { 1, 1} }; int typCount[ 4 ]; int MAPMX, /* ( SP ) */ MAPMY, SCRMX, /* Anzahl Pix in X */ MAX_SPOREN, DIAGHT, start_population, start_spread, random_kind, start_cloud, eatOne, hh; /* Die Haupt-Steuer-Funktionen */ #ifdef ATARI main() #endif #ifdef NeXT int start_simulation() #endif { hsInit(); hsMain(); hsExit(); return (0); } /* einen Simulationsschritt durchföhren ( SP ) */ void cDoSimulation( void ) { if( do_sim_step() == 0 ) init_sim(); return; } /* ScreenSize setzen ( SP ) */ void set_screen_size( int mapx, int mapy, int pixelx ) { MAPMX = mapx / 4; DIAGHT = mapy / 10; MAPMY = ( mapy - DIAGHT ) / 4; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf( stderr, "mapy:%d DIAGHT:%d\n", mapy, DIAGHT ); #endif SCRMX = pixelx; return; } /* Parameter setzen ( SP ) maxsporen -> gröût mögliche Population start_population -> Population bei Simulationsstart random_kind -> 0 = gleich viele Sporen der jeweiligen Farbe setzen 1 = Anzahl der Sporen der jeweiligen Frabe wörfeln start_spread -> abstand der einzelnen 'Startwolken' ( 3er Gruppen ) start_cloud -> Ausdehnung der Startwolken */ void set_simulation_parameter( int maxsporen, int start_pop, int spread, int rnd_kind, int cloud, int eat ) { if( maxsporen > REAL_MAX_SPOREN ) maxsporen = REAL_MAX_SPOREN; MAX_SPOREN = maxsporen; random_kind = rnd_kind; start_population = start_pop / 3; start_spread = spread; start_cloud = cloud; eatOne = eat; hh = MAX_SPOREN / DIAGHT +1; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf( stderr, "ms/dh:%d\n", MAX_SPOREN / DIAGHT ); #endif return; } /* einen 'Sim' durchlauf durchföhren ( SP ) */ int do_sim_step() { sporenLife(); statistik(); return( freect ); } /* Anfangssporen setzen ( SP ) */ void init_sim() { int x, y, i; hsInit(); Cls(); sporenInit(); varInit(); for(i = 0 ; i < start_population; i++) { x = MAPMX / 2 + zufall( start_spread ) - start_spread / 2; y = MAPMY / 2 + zufall( start_spread ) - start_spread / 2; if( random_kind == 1 ) { setSpore( x-zufall( start_cloud ), y-zufall( start_cloud ), zufall( 8 ), zufall( 3 ) + 1, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall( start_cloud ), y+zufall( start_cloud ), zufall( 8 ), zufall( 3 ) + 1, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall( start_cloud ), y-zufall( start_cloud ), zufall( 8 ), zufall( 3 ) + 1, 100 ); } else { setSpore( x-zufall( start_cloud ), y-zufall( start_cloud ), zufall(8), 1, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall( start_cloud ), y+zufall( start_cloud ), zufall(8), 2, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall( start_cloud ), y-zufall( start_cloud ), zufall(8), 3, 100 ); } } return; } void hsInit(void) { srand((unsigned) time(0L) % 37); sysInit(); } void hsMain(void) { int x, y; do { Cls(); sporenInit(); varInit(); x = MAPMX / 2; y = MAPMY / 2; setSpore( x-zufall(5), y-zufall(5), zufall(8), 1, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall(5), y+zufall(5), zufall(8), 2, 100 ); setSpore( x+zufall(5), y-zufall(5), zufall(8), 3, 100 ); do { sporenLife(); statistik(); keyTest(); } while ( ende == 0 && freect != 0 ); } while ( !ende ); } void hsExit(void) { sysExit(); } void hsError(int e) { hsExit(); exit(e); } /* Die Hilfsfunktionen */ void Cls(void) { int x, y; tosCls(); NextCls( MAPMX * 4, DIAGHT ); for ( x = 0; x < MAPMX; x++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < MAPMY; y++ ) { map[ x ][ y ] = (SPORE *) NOENTRY; } } } int zufall(int wid) { return rand() % wid; } void keyTest(void) { /* long k; k = tosKeyTest(); /* Abfragen, ohne warten */ /* if ( (int) k == 27 ) ende = 1; /* ESC = Abbruch */ } /* Die Programmfunktionen */ void varInit(void) { ende = 0; freect = 0; firstSp = NOENTRY; lastSp = NOENTRY; typCount[ 1 ] = 0; typCount[ 2 ] = 0; typCount[ 3 ] = 0; statCount = 0; clrCount = SCRMX / 16; } void sporenInit(void) { int a; for (a = 0; a < MAX_SPOREN; a++) { sporen[ a ].mapx = 0; sporen[ a ].mapy = 0; sporen[ a ].rot = 0; sporen[ a ].typ = 0; sporen[ a ].pow = 0; sporen[ a ].pPrv = (SPORE *) NOENTRY; sporen[ a ].pNxt = (SPORE *) NOENTRY; freelist[ a ] = &( sporen[ a ] ); } freect = 0; } void killSpore(SPORE *spore) { SPORE *prev, *next; prev = spore->pPrv; next = spore->pNxt; if ( prev != NOENTRY ) prev->pNxt = next; if ( next != NOENTRY ) next->pPrv = prev; freelist[ --freect ] = spore; if ( spore == lastSp ) lastSp = next; if ( spore == firstSp ) firstSp = prev; map[ spore->mapx ][ spore->mapy ] = NOENTRY; drawSpore( spore->mapx, spore->mapy + ( DIAGHT / 4 ), 0, 0 ); typCount[ ( int )spore->typ ]--; } SPORE *newSpore(void) { SPORE *spore; if ( freect < MAX_SPOREN ) { spore = freelist[ freect++ ]; } else { return ( NOENTRY ); } spore->pPrv = firstSp; spore->pNxt = NOENTRY; if ( firstSp != NOENTRY ) { firstSp->pNxt = spore; } else { lastSp = spore; } firstSp = spore; return ( spore ); } void setSpore(int x, int y, int r, int t, int p) { SPORE *spore; spore = newSpore(); if (spore != NOENTRY) { spore->mapx = x; spore->mapy = y; spore->rot = r; spore->typ = t; spore->pow = p; typCount[ t ]++; map[ x ][ y ] = spore; drawSpore( x, y + ( DIAGHT / 4 ), spore->typ, spore->pow ); } } void sporenLife(void) { register int x, y, r, t, p; SPORE *aspore, *bspore; int flag = 0; aspore = firstSp; if ( aspore != NOENTRY ) { do { if ( aspore->pow == 0 ) { killSpore( aspore ); } else { r = aspore->rot; r++; if ( r == 8 ) r = 0; aspore->rot = r; x = aspore->mapx + loctab[ r ].x; y = aspore->mapy + loctab[ r ].y; if ( x < 0 ) x = MAPMX - 1; else { if ( x >= MAPMX ) x = 0; } if ( y < 0 ) y = MAPMY - 1; else { if ( y >= MAPMY ) y = 0; } bspore = map[ x ][ y ]; t = aspore->typ; if ( bspore != NOENTRY ) { if( !eatOne ) { if ( bspore->typ != t ) { flag = 1; } else { flag = 0; aspore->pow--; } } else { t = aspore -> typ - 1; if ( t == 0 ) t = 3; if ( bspore -> typ == t ) flag = 1; else { aspore->pow--; flag = 0; } } if( flag ) { p = aspore->pow + 30; bspore->pow = 0; if ( p > 100 ) p = 100; aspore->pow = p; } } else { p = (int) aspore->pow - 10; if ( p > 0 ) { setSpore( x, y, r, t, p ); aspore->pow = p; } aspore->pow--; } } aspore = aspore->pPrv; } while ( aspore != NOENTRY ); } } void statistik(void) { int x, y1, y2, y3, y12; x = statCount; y1 = typCount[ 1 ] / hh; y2 = typCount[ 2 ] / hh; y3 = typCount[ 3 ] / hh; y12 = y1 + y2; diagLine( x, DIAGSY, y1, 1 ); diagLine( x, DIAGSY + y1, y12, 2 ); diagLine( x, DIAGSY + y12, y12 + y3, 3 ); statCount++; if ( statCount == SCRMX ) statCount = 0; diagLine( clrCount, DIAGSY, DIAGHT/* + 9*/, 0 ); clrCount++; if ( clrCount == SCRMX ) clrCount = 0; }
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