
This is SparseLifeView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/View.h>

#define ITERATIONS 20000/* max # of iterations before restarting */
#define PANELTIME 333   /* ms delay between *panel* animation frames */
#define DEEPEDGE 2      /* edge is this # squares beyond visible */
#define MINCELLSIZE 2   /* Make sure cell size gets no smaller than... */
#define MAXCELLSIZE 24  /* Make sure cell size gets no bigger than... */
#define COLORS 24       /* Generations from youngest color to oldest color */
#define SQUAREBLOCK 64  /* Number of squares of one color to draw at once */
#define STATSIZE 1024   /* Recognizes all stasis periods up to this number */
#define STATIVAL 128    /* Takes up to this long to recognize stasis */
#  define MAXCOLS (1280/MINCELLSIZE+2) /* full screen of smallest cells (x) */
#  define MAXROWS (1024/MINCELLSIZE+2) /* (y) */

typedef struct _lifecell {
    int next;
    char neighbors;
    char color;
} lifecell;

@interface SparseLifeView:View
    lifecell Grid[MAXCOLS*MAXROWS];

    int ifirst;
    int ncols, nrows;
    int countDown;
    int installedCountDown;
    int cellSize;
    int xoffset, yoffset;

    NXColor youngColor;
    NXColor mediumColor;
    NXColor oldColor;

    NXColor colorTable[COLORS];
    int squareCount[COLORS];
    NXRect squareBuffer[COLORS][SQUAREBLOCK];
    int stasis[STATSIZE];
    int strack;
    int spass;
    int sindex;

    id sharedInspectorPanel;
    id panelYoungColorWell;
    id panelMediumColorWell;
    id panelOldColorWell;
    id panelRestartButton;
    id panelStepButton;
    id panelLifeView;
    id panelCreditsView;
    id panelSizeMatrix;

- oneStep;
- drawSquares;
- putSquare:(int)x :(int)y Color:(int)color;
- flushColor:(int)color;
- flushSquares;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;
- (const char *) windowTitle;
- setupSquareBuffer;
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
- getLifeDefaults;
- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;
- initLife;
- clearLife;
- checkStasis:(int)checksum;

- computeColors;
- updateViews;

- inspector:sender;
- inspectorInstalled;
- takeYoungColorFrom:sender;
- takeMediumColorFrom:sender;
- takeOldColorFrom:sender;
- doSizeMatrix:sender;
- doSingleStep:sender;
- doRestart:sender;

- showCredits:sender;
- hideCredits:sender;

- doShowCredits:sender;
- doHideCredits:sender;


@interface StaticSparseLifeView:SparseLifeView
- setYoungColor:(NXColor)yc MediumColor:(NXColor)mc OldColor:(NXColor)oc;
- setLifeCellSize:(int)cs;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.