
This is SchoolView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]


  Author:	David C. "Slam" Lambert
  Date:		1 February, 1993
#import <appkit/View.h>

struct boid	{
	float	x;
	float	y;
	float	xVel;
	float	yVel;
	float	xAcc;
	float	yAcc;

typedef struct boid	BOID;

#define BOID_X(b)		((b)->x)
#define BOID_Y(b)		((b)->y)
#define BOID_XVEL(b)	((b)->xVel)
#define BOID_YVEL(b)	((b)->yVel)
#define BOID_XACC(b)	((b)->xAcc)
#define BOID_YACC(b)	((b)->yAcc)

#define ABS(x)			((x>0.0)?x:-x)
#define XDIFF(b0, b1)	((b0->x) - (b1->x))
#define YDIFF(b0, b1)	((b0->y) - (b1->y))
#define NORM(q1, q2)	(sqrt(q1*q1 + q2*q2))
#define MIN_DIST		(0.5)

@interface SchoolView:View
	int		schoolCount;
	int		goalChgFreq;
	BOOL	hasColor;
	BOOL	followMouse;
	float	maxVel;
	float	minVel;
	float	distExp;
	float	accLimit;
	float	avoidFact;
	float	matchFact;
	float	targetFact;
	float	minRadius;
	float	centerFact;
	float	momentum;
	float	distComp;
	char	*schoolString;
	char	*oldString;
	float	*coords;
	float	*oldCoords;
	NXPoint	goalPoint;
	BOID	*theSchools;
	NXColor	theBackColor;
	id		theFont;
	id		thePanel;
	id		countField;
	id		countSlider;
	id		vMaxField;
	id		vMaxSlider;
	id		avoidField;
	id		avoidSlider;
	id		followSwitch;
	id		targetImage;

+ initialize;

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame;
- free;
- setup;
- oneStep;
- setValues;
- didLockFocus;
- awakeFromNib;
- writeDefaults;
- inspector:sender;
- takeValues:sender;
- computeAccelerations;
- (BOOL)useBufferedWindow;
- (BOOL)ignoreMouseMovement;
- sizeTo:(NXCoord)w :(NXCoord)h;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)theRects :(int)rectCount;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.