
This is LockMgr.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <libc.h>

#import "LockMgr.h"
#import "ScreenLock.h"
#import <appkit/appkit.h>

void idleTimerProc ( DPSTimedEntry teNumber, double now, char *userData )
	[ (id) userData idle ] ;
	return ;

@implementation LockMgr

- init
	static NXDefaultsVector	SentinelDefaults =
								{ "DimTime", "5" },
								{ "AutoLock", "NO" },
								{ "RequirePassword", "YES" },
								{ NULL }
							} ;

	NXRegisterDefaults ( "Sentinel", SentinelDefaults ) ;
	maxIdleTime = atoi ( NXGetDefaultValue ( "Sentinel", "DimTime" ) ) ;
	autoLock = ! strcmp (
			NXGetDefaultValue ( "Sentinel", "AutoLock" ), "YES" ) ;
	requirePassword = ! strcmp (
			NXGetDefaultValue ( "Sentinel", "RequirePassword" ), "YES" ) ;
	lastDimDestiny = 0 ;

	evsDriver = NXOpenEventStatus() ;

	timedEntry = DPSAddTimedEntry ( 60.0, (DPSTimedEntryProc) idleTimerProc,
			(void *) self, NX_MODALRESPTHRESHOLD ) ;

	return [ super init ] ;

- free
	NXCloseEventStatus(evsDriver) ;
	DPSRemoveTimedEntry ( timedEntry ) ;
	return [ super free ] ;

- ok: sender
	char				idleString [ 4 ] ;
	char				autoString [ 4 ] ;
	char				pwordString [ 4 ] ;
	NXDefaultsVector	SentinelDefaults =
							{ "DimTime", idleString },
							{ "AutoLock", autoString },
							{ "RequirePassword", pwordString },
							{ NULL }
						} ;

	autoLock = [ autoLockSwitch intValue ] ;
	requirePassword = [ requirePasswordSwitch intValue ] ;
	maxIdleTime = [ idleSlider intValue ] ;

	sprintf ( idleString, "%d", maxIdleTime ) ;
	strcpy ( autoString, autoLock ? "YES" : "NO" ) ;
	strcpy ( pwordString, requirePassword ? "YES" : "NO" ) ;
	NXWriteDefaults ( "Sentinel", SentinelDefaults ) ;

	[ revertButton setEnabled: NO ] ;
	[ okButton setEnabled: NO ] ;
	[ prefsPanel orderOut: self ] ;

	lastDimDestiny = 0 ;

	return self ;

- revert: sender
	[ autoLockSwitch setIntValue: autoLock ] ;
	[ requirePasswordSwitch setIntValue: requirePassword ] ;
	[ idleSlider setIntValue: maxIdleTime ] ;
	[ idleField setIntValue: maxIdleTime ] ;
	[ revertButton setEnabled: NO ] ;
	[ okButton setEnabled: NO ] ;
	[ prefsPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront: self ] ;

	lastDimDestiny = 0 ;

	return self ;

- changeSetting: sender
	switch ( [ sender tag ] )
		case 1:
			[ idleField setIntValue:[ idleSlider intValue ] ] ;
			break ;
		case 2:
			[ idleSlider setIntValue:[ idleField intValue ] ] ;
			break ;
	[ revertButton setEnabled: YES ] ;
	[ okButton setEnabled: YES ] ;
	return self ;

- idle
	double	currentDimDestiny ;

	if ( [ screenLock isLocked ] )
		idleTime = 0 ;
		return self ;
	currentDimDestiny = NXAutoDimTime ( evsDriver ) ;
	if ( currentDimDestiny < lastDimDestiny )
		idleTime++ ;
		idleTime = 0 ;
	if ( ( autoLock ) && ( idleTime >= maxIdleTime ) )
		[ screenLock lock: self ] ;
	lastDimDestiny = currentDimDestiny ;
	return self ;

- (BOOL) requirePassword
	return requirePassword ;

- (double) brightness
	double		theBrightness ;
	theBrightness = NXScreenBrightness(evsDriver) ;
	return theBrightness ;

- setBrightness: (double) newBrightness
	NXSetScreenBrightness(evsDriver, newBrightness) ;
	return self ;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.