
This is LoadView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/View.h>

#import "NLoadCommon.h"

void timer(DPSTimedEntry, double, id);

@interface LoadView : View
	const char *hostName;

	BOOL which[QUEUES];

	int index, nErrors;
	DPSTimedEntry timedEntry;

	float maxLoad, shift, update, load[(int) WIDTH][QUEUES];
	NXColor divisionColor, backgroundColor, quiescentColor, queueColors[QUEUES];

- initFrame:(const NXRect *) frameRect;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *) rects :(int) rectCount;
- free;

- startTimer;

- (float) getLoadAverage:(int) offset;
- loadAverage:(long *)vector loadScale:(int *)scale;

- drawOneLoad:(int) offset;
- displayAll;

- moveArray;
- (float) maxOfArray;

- setHostName:(const char *) name;
- setWhich:(BOOL *) array;

- (float) shift;
- setShift:(float) value;
- (float) update;
- setUpdate:(float) value;

- setDivisionColor:(NXColor) color;
- setBackgroundColor:(NXColor) color;
- setQuiescentColor:(NXColor) color;

- setQueueColors:(NXColor *) colors;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.