
[View InspectorPane.h] 


$Id: README,v 1.5 1994/07/13 06:20:27 davis Exp $

		Notes on Developing Custom Inspectors for Pastry


	Developing inspectors for Pastry is simple if you are familiar
with NeXTSTEP programming.  Just follow these steps:

o  Use Project Builder to create a new bundle.  You can name the
   bundle whatever you want as long as it doesn't conflict with the
   other bundles in the directory you plan to put it in -- something
   related to the type of information it will inspect is good.

o  If you are using NeXTSTEP 3.2 or newer, press the "Attributes"
   button in PB and change the extension of the bundle to "pane".  (If
   you are using 3.1, you'll need to use some other method to change
   the default extension "bundle" to the one Pastry expects, "pane".
   You can do this in the Makefiles or by renaming it manually after
   you have built it.)

o  Create a class that conforms to the InspectorPane protocol.  In
   choosing a name for your class, try to pick something that is
   unlikely to be used by someone else who may write bundles for
   Pastry.  I've included "InspectorPane.h" which declares the
   protocol that your class must implement.  It contains 3 methods --
   here's a quick description of each one:

   + (const NXAtom *)types

     This method should return a NULL-terminated list of all of the
     pasteboard types your inspector can inspect.  Pastry will send
     the message when it loads your class, just before the
     InspectorPanel becomes key for the first time, to find out what
     it does.  Pastry loads panes from directories in this order:


     And it can load panes when the user opens them with the Workspace

     The first pane that Pastry encounters that can inspect a certain
     type will be assigned the task of inspecting that type.  If your
     pane can inspect both ASCII and RTF, for example, and Pastry
     loads some other pane that inspects ASCII before it loads yours,
     your pane will not be called upon to inspect ASCII.  But your
     pane will be called upon to inspect RTF if no previous class
     inspects that type.

     There is no way for your class to determine which panes in the
     same directory will be loaded first.  If you want to guarantee
     that your pane will be loaded before some other pane, place it in
     a directory earlier in Pastry's pane load path.  To replace the
     default inspectors for text (ASCII and RTF), images (any type
     that can be opened by an NXImage), fonts, rulers, and files,
     replace the panes in Pastry.app with your panes.

     Your class should return only the native types that it can
     inspect -- not all of the types that can be converted for
     inspection by filter services.  Pastry will handle filtering.

   - updateFromStream:(NXStream *)stream withType:(NXAtom)type

     When it is time for your pane to present a representation of the
     pasteboard information to the user, Pastry will send this method
     to your class.  The stream argument is the information read from
     the pasteboard that your class should inspect.  (It will already
     open for reading.)  The type argument is the type of data in the
     stream, a type that your class has claimed to inspect.  Your
     class can read from the stream but shouldn't close or free it.

     Pastry will send this message only if the pasteboard information
     has changed, so there is no need for your class to check that.

     Your class should read the appropriate information from the
     stream and change the appearance of its view (see below) to
     reflect the information.  The panel that the view is in will have
     its display and flush disabled before this message is sent -- and
     it will displayed and flushed after your class returns from the

   - (View *)view

     Pastry will ask your class (at any time) for a View.  It will
     position that view in the Inspector Panel and display it at the
     appropriate times.  It is this view that your class should modify
     when it receives an -updateFromStream:withType: method.  If your
     class is a View, it could just return self.

     Pastry will eventually free your class but not the view so make
     sure your class frees everything it allocates.

   Your class may also implement one or both of these methods:

   - didSwapIn:sender
   - didSwapOut:sender

   If it does, your class will receive notification immediately after
   its view is moved into and out of the Inspector Panel.

o  Use Project Builder to add your class, the InspectorPane.h header,
   and any other source files to the bundle project.  If your bundle
   contains more than one class, make sure the one that conforms to
   the InspectorPane protocol is the principal class.

o  Add any NIB interfaces and other resources required by your class
   using PB. 

o  Compile your bundle, make sure it has a ".pane" extension, and
   place it in one of the pane search directories listed above and
   restart Pastry.


	Here are some suggestions for implementing the pane.

o  If your pane will contain several views or controls, create a NIB
   that contains a window.  Put your views and controls in this
   window.  When Pastry asks for your pane's view, return the content
   view of the window.  You can do this with something like

	view = [window setContentView:[[View alloc] init]];

   where view is an instance variable of your class.  The -view method
   should return this variable.

   Doing this will allow you to coordinate the various controls in
   your pane and it will allow you to set various connections and
   autosizing attributes in IB.

   It would be nice for your class to load the NIB as late as
   possible, at the first request for the view or the first request
   for an update, for example.  In your -update... method, you could
   do this:

	if (!window)
	   [self _loadNib];

   and something similar in the -view method.

o  Remember that the inspector panel is resizable and your view will
   be sized along with it.  If you use the content view suggestion
   above, be sure to make the other views in the window (i.e. the
   subviews of the window's content view) resizable, or anchor them
   correctly to an edge of the content view.  (Also if you are using
   the context view suggestions, select the window in your NIB and set
   all sides non-sizable in the size inspector.)

o  Pastry attempts to keep the Inspector Panel from becoming the key
   window.  For this reason, any text fields in your pane should not
   be editable or selectable, unless they must be for your pane to
   work properly.

o  Your class should not try to overstep its bounds -- don't try to
   mess with the Inspector Panel or NXApp or any other such weirdness.
   Bad things would surely result.


	I've included the source for a sound inspector pane.  It
doesn't do much, but it illustrates the stuff I've mentioned above.
To try it out, cd to the "sample" directory and type "make" to create
"SoundSample.pane", then copy SoundSample.pane to /LocalLibrary/Pastry
or wherever you want it installed.  If you are using NeXTSTEP 3.1, the
final product of the make will be "SoundSample.bundle" -- rename this
to "SoundSample.pane".

Future Compatibility

	This API is fairly loose and it could very well change in the
future -- I make no claims that it will stay constant.  Luckily,
inspectors are fairly easy to write and probably won't require much
change even if I do change the API.  You'll probably be better off if
you stick to my suggestions, because that's how I develop panes.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.