
This is SortedList.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Written by Don McGregor  Version 1.0, Feb 1992.

	This code is free for any use.  GNU copyleft
	rules apply.  This code has no warrantability
	of fitness for a particular use, I am not 
	responsible for any damage to data that might
	be caused by bugs, etc, etc. 
	I encourage others to examine and improve on this
	code, and to post the improvements to the net.

	Don McGregor, mcgregdr@conan.ie.orst.edu (for now).

	$Id: SortedList.h,v 1.2 93/10/27 23:44:23 ediger Exp Locker: ediger $
	$Log:	SortedList.h,v $
 * Revision 1.2  93/10/27  23:44:23  ediger
 * SortedList that handles "unsigned longs" as one of the built-in data
 * types it sorts on.  Still doesn't sort correctly, though.


#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <objc/List.h>
#import <appkit/Text.h>
#import <objc/HashTable.h>

	//Sort order, by rising value or falling value
#define ASCENDING	0
#define	DESCENDING	1

	//type of data the order is maintained by
#define	INT		0
#define	ATOM		1
#define	DOUBLE		2
#define FLOAT		3
#define	OTHER		4
#define	UNSIGNED_LONG		5


@interface SortedList:List
  int	sortOrder;	//ascending or descending
  BOOL	caseSensitive;	//case sensitive string ordering or not
  SEL	keyMethod;	//the method that returns the value the list 
  			//is sorted by
  int	keyDataType;	//the type of value returned by the keyMethod
  			//(eg, numeric, NXAtom, etc.)

+ initialize;				//sets class version

- initCount:(unsigned int)numSlots;	//initialization

- setKeyMethod:(SEL)theMethod;		//sets method the list is sorted by
- (SEL)keyMethod;			//returns same

- setSortOrder:(int)theSortOrder; 	//the sort order, asc or desc
- (int)sortOrder;		 	//returns the sort order

- setCaseSensitive:(BOOL)isIt;		//whether strings are case senstive
- (BOOL)caseSensitive;

- setKeyDataType:(int)theKeyDataType;	//sets type of key data
- (int)keyDataType;			//returns type of key data

- printKeyValues;			//useful for debugging

- addObject:anObject;			//slap a new object into list
- addObjectIfAbsent:anObject;		//override of List method 
- (int)compare:thisObject to:thatObject;//compare operator on keys
- (BOOL)isEqual:anObject;		//similar to List op

- copy;					//override of List
- copyFromZone:(NXZone*)zone;

- insertionSort;

      Methods that are NOT implemented
      since they make no sense for a 
      sorted list.  Attempting to call
      these will result in a runtime error.
- insertObject:anObject at:(unsigned int)index;
- replaceObjectAt:(unsigned int)index with:newObject; 
- replaceObject:anObject with:newObject;

         Archiving methods

- read:(NXTypedStream*)stream;


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