
This is Controller.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Controller.h"

@implementation Controller

/* $Log:	Controller.m,v $
Revision 1.4  94/05/29  20:14:32  ediger
help/explanation panel support

Revision 1.3  94/05/29  14:59:51  ediger
cleanup to eliminate compiler warning

Revision 1.2  94/02/03  19:54:34  ediger
cleanup of commented out code

Revision 1.1  93/12/19  13:02:54  ediger
Initial revision


static char rcsident[] = "$Id: Controller.m,v 1.4 94/05/29 20:14:32 ediger Exp Locker: ediger $";

static BOOL
fGetOpenPath(char *pcName, int iBufferLength, char *pcType)
	BOOL fSuccess = NO;
	static char *ppcFileTypes[2] = {NULL, NULL};
	static id openPanel = Nil;

	assert(pcName != NULL);
	if (openPanel == Nil)
		openPanel = [OpenPanel new];

	assert(openPanel != Nil);
	if (pcType != NULL && *pcType != '\0')
		ppcFileTypes[0] = pcType;
	[NXApp setAutoupdate:NO];
	if ([openPanel runModalForTypes:ppcFileTypes])
	{	const char *pcNameTmp = [openPanel filename];
		strncpy(pcName, pcNameTmp, iBufferLength);
		fSuccess = YES;
	[NXApp setAutoupdate:YES];

	return fSuccess;

- init
	infoPanel = Nil;
	return self;

- closeFile:sender
	id oCurrentMainWindow;

	oCurrentMainWindow = [NXApp mainWindow];
	[oCurrentMainWindow close];
	[oCurrentMainWindow free];

    return self;

- openNewFile:sender
	char pcPath[1024];

	if (fGetOpenPath(pcPath, 1024, NULL))
	{	id p = [[Document alloc] init];
		[p openFileNamed:pcPath];
		[p show:self];

    return self;

- showInfoPanel:sender
	if (infoPanel == nil)
		if (![NXApp loadNibSection:"Info.nib" owner:self])
			return nil;
	[infoPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
	return self;

- showHelpPanel:sender
	if (helpPanel == nil)
		if (![NXApp loadNibSection:"HelpPanel.nib" owner:self])
			return nil;
	[helpPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.