
This is PHDocConverter.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class:			PHDocConverter
Version:		0.1
File:			PHDocConverter.m				 

Written by:		Thomas Engel
Created:		17.05.1995	(Copyleft)
Last modified:	17.05.1995

Note:	For a detailed description please read the class documentation.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#import "PHDocConverter.h"
#import "PHEvenPageTool.h"
#import "PHOddPageTool.h"
#import "PHFileInfoTool.h"
#import "MHStdErrorTool.h"

#import <misckit/MiscString.h>
#import <misckit/MiscShell.h>
#import <misckit/MiscSwapView.h>
#import <misckit/MiscIconWell.h>

@implementation PHDocConverter

- init
	return [self initFromFile:""];

- initFromFile:(const char *)path
	self = [super init];
	if( !self ) return self;

	// OK. We really are an object...here we go with our init.

	if( !window )
		if( [NXApp loadNibSection:"PHDocConverter.nib" owner:self] == nil )
			NXRunAlertPanel( NULL, "Couldn't load PHDocConverter.nib",
							 "OK", NULL, NULL );

	// Now lets prepare the tool list

	shellTool = [MHStdErrorTool new];

	registeredTools = [List new];
	[registeredTools addObject:[PHOddPageTool new]];
	[registeredTools addObject:[PHEvenPageTool new]];
	[registeredTools addObject:[PHFileInfoTool new]];
	[registeredTools addObject:shellTool];

	// Lets setup the window

	[window setFrameAutosaveName:"DocumentWindow"];
	[window setFrameUsingName:[window frameAutosaveName]];
	[window setMiniwindowImage:[NXImage findImageNamed:"Ring"]];

	filename = [MiscString new];
	outputFilename = [MiscString new];
	outputExtension = nil;

	[self setFilename:(char *)path];

	return self;

- free
	// No need to free the shellTool...it is part of the registerd tools.

	[[registeredTools freeObjects] free];
	[filename free];
	[outputFilename free];
	if( outputExtension ) [outputExtension free];
	return [super free];

- setFilename:(char *)path
	// This method should be used to change a converters file via the
	// program. This is the reason why we consider it is good to make the
	// window key in the same turn.
	id	aString;

	aString = [MiscString newWithString:path];
	[self takeFilenameFrom:aString];
	[aString free];

	[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
	return self;

- checkFiles
	// This gets called when we might have lost the source file due to 
	// A filesystem change.

	[self _updateOutputDropView];

	// Well we will check if the file does exist or not. If it does not
	// We will bring up an Error.

	if( 	_skipAutoFileCheck == NO &&
		![filename doesExistInFileSystem] )
		NXRunAlertPanel( NULL, "The source file does not exist anymore! Be careful...using a filter tool might have strange effects under these conditions.",
							 "Ooops", NULL, NULL );

		// We will remove the current entry...this makes shure that the
		// drop view really updates the visible represenation.
		[sourceDropView setImage:[NXImage findImageNamed:"NotExistingFile"]];

		// But now lets remember that we did the check !
		// otherwise we won't get out of this loop anymore.

		_skipAutoFileCheck = YES;

	// BUG: A real File too should disable all the filter Buttons!
	// Yes I know that. But its a hack.
	return self;

- takeFilenameFrom:sender
	int	i;
	int	count;
	id	aTool;
	id	theCell;

	// If we are working where is not way to change the path !

	if( [self isProcessing] )
		NXRunAlertPanel( NULL, "Can't change Sourcepath. We have "\
							 "a process running on the current files!",
							 "OK", NULL, NULL );
		return self;

	// BUG: !
	// We should checki if this path is a valid input.
	// This should happen even during the drop !
	// Lets be sure that we will check the new file for existance again !

	_skipAutoFileCheck = NO;
	[filename setStringValue:[sender stringValue]];

	// Now update them all. We will for the output to go to the same
	// folder as the source.
	[sourceDropView setStringValue:[filename stringValue]];
	[sourcePathText setStringValue:[filename stringValue]];

	[outputPath free];
	outputPath = nil;
	[self _updateOutputFilename];
	[self _updateOutputDropView];

	// So lets init the list of useful tools. If might have changed.

	[toolMatrix renewRows:1 cols:0];
	count = 0;

	for( i=0; i<[registeredTools count]; i++ )
		aTool = [registeredTools objectAt:i];
		if( [aTool canProcess:filename for:self] )
			[toolMatrix addCol];
			theCell = [toolMatrix cellAt:0 :count];
			[theCell setImage:[aTool image]];
			// First set the trigger and then set the swapView.
			// settng the swapView requires a valid trigger.

			[aTool setTrigger:theCell];
			[aTool setSwapView:swapView];

	[toolMatrix sizeToCells];

	// BUG NeXT:
	// Changing the selection like this seems to cause a ugly flicker on the
	// screen ..two cells are seletced until we do the full redraw.
	// This is strange because selectCell should desel the current sel first
	// AND redisplay it ??

	[toolMatrix selectCellAt:0 :0];
	[toolMatrix display];

	// Be sure that the swapView shows the right contents...just trigger and
	// virtual swap action.

	[swapView swapContentView:toolMatrix];

	return self;

- filename
	return filename;

- outputFilename
	return outputFilename;

- takeOutputFilenameFrom:sender
	id	aString;
	aString = [MiscString newWithString:[sender stringValue]];
	if( [aString isFileOfType:Misc_Directory] )
		if( outputPath == nil )
			outputPath = [MiscString new];
		[outputPath setStringValue:[aString stringValue]];
	[aString free];
	[self _updateOutputFilename];
	[self _updateOutputDropView];

	return self;

- _updateOutputDropView
	// The final action is to sync the dropWell with the current path.
	// If it is an existing file then we will show it..otherwise we won't.
	if( [outputFilename isFileOfType:Misc_PlainFile] )
		[outputDropView setStringValue:[outputFilename stringValue]];
		[outputDropView setStringValue:""];

		if( outputExtension != nil &&
			[outputExtension isKindOf:[NXImage class]] )
			[outputDropView setImage:[outputExtension copy]];
	// NOTE: This could be improved so that a target dir different from the
	// original dir is display also.
	return self;

- _updateOutputFilename
	id	outname;
	id	basename;
	if( outputExtension != nil &&
		[outputExtension isKindOf:[MiscString class]] )
		basename = [filename fileBasename];

		if( outputPath != nil )
				outname = [outputPath copy];
		else	outname = [filename pathName];
		[outname addChar:[MiscString pathSeparator]];
		[outname concatenate:basename];
		[basename free];
		[outname cat:"."];
		[outname concatenate:outputExtension];
		[outputFilename takeStringValue:outname];
		[outname free];
		[outputFilename setStringValue:""];

	[outputPathText setStringValue:[outputFilename stringValue]];

	return self;

- setOutputExtension:anObject
	if( outputExtension ) [outputExtension free];
	outputExtension = anObject;

	// Now force an update of the output filename...

	[self _updateOutputFilename];
	[self _updateOutputDropView];
	return self;

- sharedShell
	return [(MHStdErrorTool *)shellTool shell];

- (BOOL)isProcessing
	if( activeTool )
		return YES;

	return NO;

- windowDidBecomeKey:sender
	// As the windows delegate we will tkae care of change which happened
	// during the last time.
	[self checkFiles];
	return self;

- toolWillStartProcessing:sender
	int	result;

	if( activeTool != nil ) return nil;

	// Lets check if we are bound to overwrite an existing file.

	if( [outputFilename emptyString] == NO &&
		[outputFilename doesExistInFileSystem] )
		result = NXRunAlertPanel( "Process", 
						"The file %s already exists. Overwrite it?", 
						"Replace", "Cancel", NULL, 
						[outputFilename stringValue] );

		if( result != NX_ALERTDEFAULT )
			return nil;

	activeTool = sender;
	[window setTitle:"MPEG L3 Converter ¼ processing"];

	[sourceDropView setAllowDestinationDragging:NO];
	[outputDropView setAllowDestinationDragging:NO];

	return self;

- toolDidStopProcessing:sender
	if( activeTool == sender )
		[window setTitle:"PostScript Filter"];
		activeTool = nil;
		[sourceDropView setAllowDestinationDragging:YES];
		[outputDropView setAllowDestinationDragging:YES];

	// If it is the shellTool the this means that we can stop the currently
	// active process.

	else if( sender == shellTool )
		[activeTool stopProcessing:self];

	// Lets check the files. It is quite obvious that something has changed.

	[self checkFiles];
	return self;



Known Bugs:   Dropping Multiple Files does not work properly. The IconWell
			 should discourage that somehow. At least we get our strange Alert.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.