
This is MiscPaperView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyleft ©1995 by Thomas Engel.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MiscColorView : View : Responder : Object

Declared In:	misckit/MiscPaperView.h

Class Description

This class can draw its contents in many different papertypes¼white lined, gray grid, yellow card with border, etc.
It was inspired by the NoteBook application which itself stole the idea from the paper store down the road.

You can change the background color, line or grid color/size and the type of border to draw. See the single method descriptions for detailed information on the possible settings.

Sidelines (borders) use the same settings but can be turn on and off for the single sides of the view. 

Instance Variables

int gridType;

int gridVertOffset;

int gridHorOffset;

NXColor gridColor;

int gridOrigin;

int sidelineType;

int sidelineOffset;

NXColor sidelineColor;

gridType	Holds the type of grid.

gridVertOffset	The vertical offset (this is what separates horizontal lines).

gridHorOffset	The horizontal offset (this is what separates horizontal lines).

gridColor	The grids color.

gridOrigin	Specifies in which corner the grid starts.

sidelineType	Holds the type of borders we will draw.

sidelineOffset	The offset each of the single borderlines has to the Views bounding box.

sidelineColor	The border color.

Method Types

Initializing the class object	+ initialize

Initializing a new object 	- initFrame:

Controlling the grid	- setGridColor:
	- gridColor
	- setGridType:withOrigin:
	- gridType
	- gridOrigin
	- setGridSizeVertical:horizontal:
	- verticalGridSize
	- horizontalGridSize

Controlling the sidelines/borders
	- setSidelineColor:
	- sidelineColor
	- setSidelineType:
	- sidelineType
	- setSidelineOffset:
	- sidelineOffset

Drawing	- drawSelf::

Archiving	- read:
	- write:

Class Methods


+ initialize

Initializes the class.

See also:  - initFrame:

Instance Methods


- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount

Draws the grid and the borderlines according to the current settings.

See also:  - setGridType:withOrigin:, - setSidelineType:


- (NXColor)gridColor

Returns the grid color.

See also:  - setGridColor:, - gridType


- (int)gridOrigin

Returns the grids origin.

See also:  - setGridType:withOrigin:, - gridType


- (int)gridType

Returns the type of grid we will draw.

See also:  - setGridType:withOrigin:, - gridColor


- (int)horizontalGridSize

Returns the horizontal grid size. This is the space between vertical lines.

See also:  - setGridSizeVertical:horizontal:


- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect

The grid is by default light gray (33%) with offsets set to 20 in both directions. We will only draw horizontal lines starting in the top of the view on the left side.
The borders will be dark gray (66%) and one will be visible on the right side with and offset of 4 units (pixels)

See also:  - initialize


- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the object from a stream. We take care of versioning.

See also:  - write:, - initialize, 


- setGridColor:(NXColor)color

Sets the grids color to a color.

See also:  - gridColor, - setGridType:


- setGridSizeVertical:(int)vert horizontal:(int)hor

Sets the grid size in the vertical and horizontal direction. The code ensures that both are always at least 1.
Remember that vertical lines are seperated by horizontal space! So never mix the direction of the lines with the space between them.

See also:  - verticalGridSize, - horizontalGridSize


- setGridType:(int)aType withOrigin:(int)theOrigin

Sets the grids type and origin. The possible grid types are:

Constant	Grid 
Misc_PaperGridNone	No grid 
Misc_PaperGridHorizontal	Horizonal lines only 
Misc_PaperGridVertical	Vertical lines only 

To get a full grid combin both linetypes with an OR operation.
The grid origin can be set using:

Constant	Origin 
Misc_PaperGridStartsUpperLeft	Left side on the top 
Misc_PaperGridStartsUpperRight	Right side on the top 
Misc_PaperGridStartsLowerLeft	Left side on the bottom 
Misc_PaperGridStartsLowerRight	Right side on the bottom

See also:  - gridType, - gridOrigin, - setGridSizeVertical:horizontal:


- setSidelineColor:(NXColor)color

Sets the sidelines color to color.

See also:  - sidelineColor


- setSidelineOffset:(int)offset

Sets the off the borderlines have to their relating view border. The offset is the same for every line we have to draw.

See also:  - sidelineOffset


- setSidelineType:(int)aType

Specifies which sidelines get drawn or no.

Constant	Lineposition 
Misc_PaperSidelineNone	Nowhere 
Misc_PaperSidelineTop	On the top 
Misc_PaperSidelineBottom	On the bottom 
Misc_PaperSidelineLeft	On the left side
Misc_PaperSidelineRight	On the right side

You can create more then a single line by combining the single type with an OR operation.

See also:  - sidelineType, - setSidelineColor:


- (NXColor)sidelineColor

Returns the color of the sidelines.

See also:  - setSidelineColor:


- (int)sidelineOffset

Returns the offset in which we will place the borderlines from the views frame.

See also:  - setSidelineOffset:


- (int)sidelineType

Returns the type of borders we will draw.

See also:  - setSidelineType:


- (int)verticalGridSize

Returns the vertical grid size. This is the space between horizontal lines.

See also:  - setGridSizeVertical:horizontal:


- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the object to a stream using the latest archiving version.

See also:  - read:, - initialize

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