PSSELECT(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual PSSELECT(1) NAME psselect - select pages from a PostScript file SYNOPSIS psselect [ -q ] [ -e ] [ -o ] [ -r ] [ -ppages ] [ infile [ outfile ] ] DESCRIPTION Psselect selects pages from a PostScript document, creating a new PostScript file. The input PostScript file should fol- low the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions. The -e option selects all of the even pages; it may be used in conjunction with the other page selection options. The -o option selects all of the odd pages; it may be used in conjunction with the other page selection options. The -ppages option specifies the pages which are to be selected. Pages is a comma separated list of page ranges, each of which may be a page number, or a page range of the form first-last. If first is omitted, the first page is assumed, and if last is omitted, the last page is assumed. The -r option causes psselect to output the selected pages in reverse order. Psselect normally prints the page numbers of the pages rear- ranged; the -q option suppresses this. NOTES Psselect selects pages in the order that they appear in the file, starting from one. The actual page number in the docu- ment may be different. AUTHOR Angus Duggan SEE ALSO psbook(1), pstops(1) TRADEMARKS PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. BUGS Psselect cannot cope with documents longer than 5000 pages.