
This is MHFilterTool.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.1  Copyleft ©1995 by ClassEditor.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MySuperObject

Conforms To:	MyProtocol

Declared In:	MHFilterTool.h

Depends On:	MySecondClass.h

Class Description

Place class description here.

Instance Variables

id firstID;

id secondID;

firstID	Just a temp.

secondID	Another temp.

Method Types

	- myMethod

Class Methods

Instance Methods


- (BOOL)canProcess:aFile for:aController

Subclasses should always call super to ensure that all data is set properly. We remember the controller we should process the data for.
If subclasses depend on their superclass to perform some processing they should check if their superclass can handle a certain file. This may depend on the specific situation.
This class alwys returns NO.

See also:  - myReference


- image

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL)isProcessing

Returns if the tool is still active.

See also:  - myReference


- processInput:aPath forOutput:outPath

Should us the activeShell and the two files specified for input and output. The activeShell is normally defined inside the startProcessing: or initFrame:: methdos.
In general subclass don't need to envolve super into the process. If they do then they should first call super and then process on their own.

See also:  - startProcessing:


- startProcessing:sender

Ensures that there is a valid shell. If there is none we will use the processControllers sharedShell. Then calls processInput:forOutput: if the right parameters have been retrieved successfully from the processController.
If we could not become an active tool this method will play the systems Beep and returns nil!

See also:  - processInput:forOutput:, - stopProcessing:


- stopProcessing:sender

Terminates the activeShell and sends a notification to the processController.
Subclasses should call this method before doing other things¼like adjusting the trigger buttons action method. This ensures that the process is real dead.

See also:  - startProcessing:, - isProcessing

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