
This is MHFilterTool.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class:			MHFilterTool
Version:		0.1
File:			MHFilterTool.m				 

Written by:		Thomas Engel
Created:		17.05.1995	(Copyleft)
Last modified:	17.05.1995

Note:	For a detailed description please read the class documentation.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#import <MHFilterTool.h>

@implementation MHFilterTool

- image
	return [NXImage findImageNamed:"ConsoleScreen"];

- (BOOL)canProcess:aFile for:aController
	// Remember the controller. By default we handle no filetype.

	processController = aController;
	return NO;

- revert:sender
	return self;

- processInput:aPath forOutput:outPath
	return self;

- startProcessing:sender
	if( processController )
		if( !activeShell )
			activeShell = [processController sharedShell];
		if( [processController toolWillStartProcessing:self] == nil )
			return nil;
		isProcessing = YES;
		[self processInput:[processController filename]
				forOutput:[processController outputFilename]];
	return self;

- stopProcessing:sender
	// Only if we really are active..otherwise we might terminate another
	// tools shell !

	if( activeShell &&
		isProcessing )
		[activeShell terminate:self];
		isProcessing = NO;
		[processController toolDidStopProcessing:self];
	return self;

- (BOOL)isProcessing
	// We really should take care if the shell is still running. No reason
	// to maintain that internal state.

	return isProcessing;

- willSwapIn
	[self revert:self];
	return self;


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