
This is DoubleValueSortedList.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *  Copyright (C) 1993  Robert Davis
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of Version 2, or any later version, of 
 *  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software 
 *  Foundation.

static char RCSId[]="$Id: DoubleValueSortedList.m,v 1.5 1993/05/04 16:21:46 davis Exp $";

#import "DoubleValueSortedList.h"
#import "TicObject.h"

@implementation DoubleValueSortedList

- init
    [super init];
    isAscending = YES;
    absoluteMax = NO_MAX;

    return self;

- setAscending:(BOOL)aBool
    isAscending = aBool;
    [self _reorderObjects];
    return self;

- (BOOL) isAscending
    return isAscending;

- setMax:(int)anInt
    if ((anInt > 0) || (anInt == NO_MAX))
	absoluteMax = anInt;

    return self;

- (int)max
    return absoluteMax;

 * Returns location of the added object -- the index where it was 
 * inserted.  It is currently impossible to tell if the object was 
 * successfully added.  This could be fixed.
- (int)addObject:anObject
    if (anObject && ((absoluteMax == NO_MAX) || (numElements < absoluteMax))) {
	double value;
	int count;

	 *  Get the sort value of the object and insert it at the 
	 *  correct place in the list.

	value = [anObject doubleValue];
	for (count = 0 ; count < numElements ; count++) {
	    switch (isAscending) {
	    case YES:
		if ([[self objectAt:count] doubleValue] > value) {
		    [super insertObject:anObject at:count];
		    return count;
	    case NO:
		if ([[self objectAt:count] doubleValue] < value) {
		    [super insertObject:anObject at:count];
		    return count;

	[super insertObject:anObject at:numElements];
	return numElements - 1;

    return NX_NOT_IN_LIST;

- (int)addObjectIfDoubleAbsent:anObject
    if (anObject && ((absoluteMax == NO_MAX) || (numElements < absoluteMax))) {
	double value;
	int count;

	value = [anObject doubleValue];
	for (count = 0; count < numElements; count++) {
	    double existing;

	    switch (isAscending) {
	    case YES:
		if ((existing = [[self objectAt:count] doubleValue]) == value)
		    return NX_NOT_IN_LIST;
		else if (existing > value) {
		    [super insertObject:anObject at:count];
		    return count;
	    case NO:
		if ((existing = [[self objectAt:count] doubleValue]) == value)
		    return NX_NOT_IN_LIST;
		else if (existing < value) {
		    [super insertObject:anObject at:count];
		    return count;

	[super insertObject:anObject at:numElements];
	return numElements - 1;

    return NX_NOT_IN_LIST;

/** Overridden to do nothing **/

- insertObject:anObject at:(unsigned)index
    return nil;

- replaceObjectAt:(unsigned) index with:newObject
    return nil;

/** Private methods **/

- _reorderObjects
    int count;
    BOOL done = NO;

    if (!numElements || (numElements == 1))
	return self;

    /*  Do a simple bubble sort (the list is assumed to be fairly small). */

    while (!done) {
	done = YES;
	for (count = 0 ; count < (numElements - 1) ; count++) {
	    switch (isAscending) {
	    case YES:
		if ([[self objectAt:count] doubleValue] > 
		    [[self objectAt:count + 1] doubleValue]) {    /* Swap */
		    [super insertObject:[self removeObjectAt:count]
				     at:count + 1];
		    done = NO;
	    case NO:
		if ([[self objectAt:count] doubleValue] < 
		    [[self objectAt:count + 1] doubleValue]) {    /* Swap */
		    [super insertObject:[self removeObjectAt:count]
				     at:count + 1];
		    done = NO;

    return self;

// Shuts up the compiler about unused RCSId
- (const char *) rcsid
    return RCSId;


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