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#ifdef INCRCSDATA static char RCSid[]="$Id: dialogs.c%v 1993/03/15 21:39:29 woo Exp woo $" ; #endif /**************************************************************************** PROGRAM: gnupmdrv Outboard PM driver for GNUPLOT 3.3 MODULE: dialogs.c Dialog procedures for gnupmdrv ****************************************************************************/ /* * PM driver for GNUPLOT * Copyright (C) 1992 Roger Fearick * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to * distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed * as patches to released version. * * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * * AUTHOR * * Gnuplot driver for OS/2: Roger Fearick * * Send your comments or suggestions to * * This is a mailing list; to join it send a note to * * Send bug reports to * **/ #define INCL_PM #define INCL_WIN #define INCL_DEV #define INCL_SPL #define INCL_SPLDOSPRINT #define INCL_WINDIALOGS #define INCL_WINBUTTONS #define INCL_WINSYS #define INCL_WINFRAMEMGR #define INCL_WINPOINTERS #define INCL_WINTRACKRECT #define INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS #define INCL_WINWINDOWMGR #include <os2.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "gnupmdrv.h" /* struct for printer capabilities */ static struct { long lTech ; // printer technology long lVer ; // driver version long lWidth ; // page width in pels long lHeight ; // page height in pels long lWChars ; // page width in chars long lHChars ; // page height in chars long lHorRes ; // horizontal resolution pels / metre long lVertRes ; // vertical resolution pels / metre } prCaps ; MRESULT EXPENTRY QPrintDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) /* ** Query print area and printer setup */ { static PQPRINT pqp = NULL ; static SWP swp ; TRACKINFO ti ; RECTL rectlBox ; HDC hdc ; ULONG ulStyle ; char *psz ; switch ( usMsg ) { case WM_INITDLG : pqp = (PQPRINT) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ; if( pqp->caps & QP_CAPS_FILE ) { ulStyle = WinQueryWindowULong( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_PRINTQNAME ), QWL_STYLE ) ; WinSetWindowULong( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_PRINTQNAME ), QWL_STYLE, ulStyle ^ DT_HALFTONE ) ; } else { WinSendMsg( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRNAME ), EM_SETREADONLY, (MPARAM)TRUE, 0L ) ; } case WM_USER_SET_DATA : psz = *pqp->piPrinter->pszComment ? pqp->piPrinter->pszComment : pqp->piPrinter->pszName ; WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_PRINTNAME, psz ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloatF( hwnd, IDD_QPRXSIZE, 1, pqp->xsize ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloatF( hwnd, IDD_QPRYSIZE, 1, pqp->ysize ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, pqp->xfrac ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, pqp->yfrac ) ; WinQueryWindowRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ), &rectlBox ) ; WinQueryWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ), &swp ) ; rectlBox.xRight = rectlBox.yTop * pqp->xsize/pqp->ysize ; WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ), NULLHANDLE, 0, 0, (short) rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE ) ; rectlBox.xRight *= pqp->xfrac ; rectlBox.yTop *= pqp->yfrac ; WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRFRAME ), NULLHANDLE, swp.x, swp.y, //+(short)(*(1.0-pqp->yfrac)), (short)rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE ) ; break ; case WM_COMMAND : switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) { case DID_OK: WinQueryDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, &pqp->xfrac ) ; WinQueryDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, &pqp->yfrac ) ; if( pqp->caps & QP_CAPS_FILE ) { WinQueryDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_QPRNAME, 32, pqp->szFilename ) ; } break ; case IDD_QPRSETPR: /* printer setup */ if( SetPrinterMode( hwnd, pqp->piPrinter ) == 1 ) { if( (hdc = OpenPrinterDC( WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwnd ), pqp->piPrinter, OD_INFO, NULL )) != DEV_ERROR ) { DevQueryCaps( hdc, CAPS_TECHNOLOGY, (long)sizeof(prCaps)/sizeof(long), (PLONG)&prCaps ) ; DevCloseDC( hdc ) ; pqp->xsize = (float)100.0* (float) prCaps.lWidth / (float) prCaps.lHorRes ; // in cm pqp->ysize = (float)100.0* (float) prCaps.lHeight / (float) prCaps.lVertRes ; // in cm WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_SET_DATA, 0L, 0L ) ; } } return 0L ; case IDD_QPRTRACK : /* track plot area */ WinQueryWindowRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ), &rectlBox ) ; ti.cxBorder = ti.cyBorder = 2 ; ti.cxGrid = ti.cyGrid = 0 ; ti.cxKeyboard = ti.cyKeyboard = 2 ; ti.ptlMinTrackSize.x = ti.ptlMinTrackSize.y = 2 ; ti.rclBoundary = rectlBox ; ti.ptlMaxTrackSize.x = rectlBox.xRight ; ti.ptlMaxTrackSize.y = rectlBox.yTop ; ti.rclTrack.xRight = pqp->xfrac * rectlBox.xRight ; ti.rclTrack.yTop = pqp->yfrac*rectlBox.yTop ; ti.rclTrack.xLeft = 0 ; ti.rclTrack.yBottom = 0 ;//(1.0-pqp->yfrac) * rectlBox.yTop ; ti.fs = TF_RIGHT|TF_TOP|TF_STANDARD|TF_SETPOINTERPOS|TF_ALLINBOUNDARY ; WinSetPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_SIZENWSE, FALSE ) ) ; WinTrackRect( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRBOX ), NULL, &ti ) ; pqp->xfrac = (float)ti.rclTrack.xRight / (float)rectlBox.xRight ; pqp->yfrac = ((float)(ti.rclTrack.yTop-ti.rclTrack.yBottom) / (float)rectlBox.yTop) ; rectlBox.yTop = ti.rclTrack.yTop - ti.rclTrack.yBottom ; rectlBox.xRight = ti.rclTrack.xRight ; WinSetWindowPos( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRFRAME ), NULLHANDLE, swp.x, swp.y,//+(short)(*(1.0-pqp->yfrac)), (short)rectlBox.xRight, (short)rectlBox.yTop, SWP_SIZE|SWP_MOVE ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRXFRAC, pqp->xfrac ) ; WinSetDlgItemFloat( hwnd, IDD_QPRYFRAC, pqp->yfrac ) ; return 0L ; default: break ; } default: break ; } /* fall through to the default control processing */ return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ; } MRESULT EXPENTRY QPrintersDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) /* ** Query printers and allow selection */ { static HWND hwndLB ; static PPRQINFO3 pprq ; static int cPrinters ; static USHORT usItem ; static char *szPrinterName ; int i, iSelect ; char *psz ; switch ( usMsg ) { case WM_INITDLG : szPrinterName = (char*) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ; iSelect = 0 ; GetPrinters( &pprq, &cPrinters ) ; hwndLB = WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDD_QPRSLIST ) ; for( i=0; i<cPrinters;i++ ) { psz = *pprq[i].pszComment ? pprq[i].pszComment : pprq[i].pszName ; WinSendMsg( hwndLB, LM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)LIT_END, MPFROMP(psz) ) ; if( strcmp( pprq[i].pszName, szPrinterName ) == 0 ) iSelect = i ; } WinSendMsg( hwndLB, LM_SELECTITEM, MPFROMSHORT( iSelect ), (MPARAM)TRUE ) ; break ; case WM_COMMAND : switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) { case DID_OK: strcpy( szPrinterName, pprq[usItem].pszName ) ; case DID_CANCEL: free( pprq ) ; break ; } break ; case WM_CONTROL: if( SHORT1FROMMP( mp1 ) == IDD_QPRSLIST ) { if( SHORT2FROMMP( mp1 ) == LN_SELECT ) { usItem = (ULONG)WinSendMsg( hwndLB, LM_QUERYSELECTION, 0L, 0L ) ; } } default: break ; } /* fall through to the default control processing */ return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ; } int GetPrinters( PPRQINFO3 *pprq, int *pcTot ) /* ** get a list of printers */ { ULONG rc ; ULONG cQueues, cbData ; rc = SplEnumQueue( NULL, 3, NULL, 0, &cQueues, pcTot, &cbData, NULL ) ; if( *pcTot == 0 ) { /* no printers */ *pprq == NULL ; return 0 ; } *pprq = malloc( cbData ) ; rc = SplEnumQueue( NULL, 3, *pprq, cbData, &cQueues, pcTot, &cbData, NULL ) ; return *pcTot ; } MRESULT EXPENTRY PauseMsgDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, ULONG usMsg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) /* ** Pause message dialog box proc */ { static PSWP pswp = NULL ; switch ( usMsg ) { case WM_INITDLG : /* set the position so user can move out the way, and have it come back there next time */ if( pswp != NULL ) WinSetWindowPos( hwnd, HWND_TOP, pswp->x, pswp->y, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE ) ; WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDD_PAUSETEXT, (char*) PVOIDFROMMP( mp2 ) ) ; break ; case WM_COMMAND : switch ( SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) ) { case DID_OK: case DID_CANCEL: WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER ), WM_PAUSEEND, SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)==DID_OK?(MPARAM)1L:0L, 0L ) ; if( pswp == NULL ) pswp = (PSWP)malloc( sizeof(SWP) ) ; WinQueryWindowPos( hwnd, pswp ) ; WinDismissDlg( hwnd, 0 ) ; break ; default: break ; } default: break ; } /* fall through to the default control processing */ return WinDefDlgProc ( hwnd , usMsg , mp1 , mp2 ) ; } void WinSetDlgItemFloatF( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, int nDec, float flValue ) /* ** A function microsoft forgot ( in v1.1) , see WinSet...Short */ { char achBuffer [ 34 ], *szCvt ; // default string field size ... int iDec ; int iSign ; char fmt[32] ; sprintf( fmt, "%%12.%df", nDec ) ; sprintf( achBuffer, fmt, flValue ) ; WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ; } void WinSetDlgItemFloat( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, float flValue ) /* ** A function microsoft forgot ( in v1.1) , see WinSet...Short */ { char achBuffer [ 34 ] ; // default string field size ... char fmt[10] ; sprintf( fmt, "%%12.%df", 4 ) ; sprintf( achBuffer, fmt, flValue ) ; WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ; WinSetDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, achBuffer ) ; } void WinQueryDlgItemFloat( HWND hwnd, USHORT usID, float *pflValue ) /* ** A function microsoft forgot ( in v1.1) , see WinQ...Short */ { char achBuffer [ 34 ] ; // default string field size ... ULONG ulTemp ; WinQueryDlgItemText( hwnd, usID, 34, achBuffer ) ; *pflValue = (float) atof( achBuffer ) ; }
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