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#ifndef lint static char *RCSid = "$Id: contour.c%v 1993/04/26 00:02:13 woo Exp woo $"; #endif /* GNUPLOT - contour.c */ /* * Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to * distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed * as patches to released version. * * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * * AUTHORS * * Original Software: * Gershon Elber * * Send your comments or suggestions to * * This is a mailing list; to join it send a note to * * Send bug reports to * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "plot.h" #define DEFAULT_NUM_OF_ZLEVELS 10 /* Some dflt values (setable via flags). */ #define DEFAULT_NUM_APPROX_PTS 5 #define DEFAULT_BSPLINE_ORDER 3 #define MAX_NUM_OF_ZLEVELS 100 /* Some max. values (setable via flags). */ #define MAX_NUM_APPROX_PTS 100 #define MAX_BSPLINE_ORDER 10 #define INTERP_NOTHING 0 /* Kind of interpolations on contours. */ #define INTERP_CUBIC 1 /* Cubic spline interp. */ #define APPROX_BSPLINE 2 /* Bspline interpolation. */ #define LEVELS_AUTO 0 /* How contour levels are set */ #define LEVELS_INCREMENTAL 1 /* user specified start & incremnet */ #define LEVELS_DISCRETE 2 /* user specified discrete levels */ #define ACTIVE 1 /* Status of edges at certain Z level. */ #define INACTIVE 2 #define OPEN_CONTOUR 1 /* Contour kinds. */ #define CLOSED_CONTOUR 2 #define EPSILON 1e-5 /* Used to decide if two float are equal. */ #define INFINITY 1e10 #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE -1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #define DEFAULT_NUM_CONTOURS 10 #define MAX_POINTS_PER_CNTR 100 #define SHIFT_Z_EPSILON 0.000301060 /* Dec. change of poly bndry hit.*/ #define abs(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : (-(x))) #define sqr(x) ((x) * (x)) #ifndef AMIGA_AC_5 extern double sqrt(); #endif /* not AMIGA_AC_5 */ typedef double tri_diag[3]; /* Used to allocate the tri-diag matrix. */ typedef double table_entry[4]; /* Cubic spline interpolation 4 coef. */ struct vrtx_struct { double X, Y, Z; /* The coordinates of this vertex. */ struct vrtx_struct *next; /* To chain lists. */ }; struct edge_struct { struct poly_struct *poly[2]; /* Each edge belongs to up to 2 polygons. */ struct vrtx_struct *vertex[2]; /* The two extreme points of this vertex. */ struct edge_struct *next; /* To chain lists. */ int status, /* Status flag to mark edges in scanning at certain Z level. */ boundary; /* True if this edge is on the boundary. */ }; struct poly_struct { struct edge_struct *edge[3]; /* As we do triangolation here... */ struct poly_struct *next; /* To chain lists. */ }; struct cntr_struct { /* Contours are saved using this struct list. */ double X, Y; /* The coordinates of this vertex. */ struct cntr_struct *next; /* To chain lists. */ }; static int test_boundary; /* If TRUE look for contours on boundary first. */ static struct gnuplot_contours *contour_list = NULL; static double crnt_cntr[MAX_POINTS_PER_CNTR * 2]; static int crnt_cntr_pt_index = 0; static double contour_level = 0.0; static table_entry *hermit_table = NULL; /* Hold hermite table constants. */ static int num_of_z_levels = DEFAULT_NUM_OF_ZLEVELS; /* # Z contour levels. */ static int num_approx_pts = DEFAULT_NUM_APPROX_PTS;/* # pts per approx/inter.*/ static int bspline_order = DEFAULT_BSPLINE_ORDER; /* Bspline order to use. */ static int interp_kind = INTERP_NOTHING; /* Linear, Cubic interp., Bspline. */ static int levels_kind = LEVELS_AUTO; /* auto, incremental, discrete */ static void gen_contours(); static int update_all_edges(); static struct cntr_struct *gen_one_contour(); static struct cntr_struct *trace_contour(); static struct cntr_struct *update_cntr_pt(); static int fuzzy_equal(); static void gen_triangle(); static struct vrtx_struct *gen_vertices(); static struct edge_struct *gen_edges_middle(); static struct edge_struct *gen_edges(); static struct poly_struct *gen_polys(); static void free_contour(); static void put_contour(); static put_contour_nothing(); static put_contour_cubic(); static put_contour_bspline(); static calc_tangent(); static int count_contour(); static complete_spline_interp(); static calc_hermit_table(); static hermit_interp(); static prepare_spline_interp(); static int solve_tri_diag(); static gen_bspline_approx(); static double fetch_knot(); static eval_bspline(); /* * Entry routine to this whole set of contouring module. */ struct gnuplot_contours *contour(num_isolines, iso_lines, ZLevels, approx_pts, int_kind, order1, levels_kind, levels_list) int num_isolines; struct iso_curve *iso_lines; int ZLevels, approx_pts, int_kind, order1; int levels_kind; double *levels_list; { int i; struct poly_struct *p_polys, *p_poly; struct edge_struct *p_edges, *p_edge; struct vrtx_struct *p_vrts, *p_vrtx; double x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max, z, dz; struct gnuplot_contours *save_contour_list; num_of_z_levels = ZLevels; num_approx_pts = approx_pts; bspline_order = order1 - 1; interp_kind = int_kind; contour_list = NULL; if (interp_kind == INTERP_CUBIC) calc_hermit_table(); gen_triangle(num_isolines, iso_lines, &p_polys, &p_edges, &p_vrts, &x_min, &y_min, &z_min, &x_max, &y_max, &z_max); crnt_cntr_pt_index = 0; dz = (z_max - z_min) / (num_of_z_levels + 1); z = z_min; for (i = 0; i < num_of_z_levels; i++) { switch(levels_kind) { case LEVELS_AUTO: /* Step from z_min+dz upto z_max-dz in num_of_z_levels times. */ z += dz; break; case LEVELS_INCREMENTAL: z = levels_list[0] + i * levels_list[1]; break; case LEVELS_DISCRETE: z = levels_list[i]; break; } contour_level = z; save_contour_list = contour_list; gen_contours(p_edges, z + dz * SHIFT_Z_EPSILON, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max); if(contour_list != save_contour_list) { contour_list->isNewLevel = 1; sprintf(contour_list->label, "%8.3g", z); } } /* Free all contouring related temporary data. */ while (p_polys) { p_poly = p_polys -> next; free (p_polys); p_polys = p_poly; } while (p_edges) { p_edge = p_edges -> next; free (p_edges); p_edges = p_edge; } while (p_vrts) { p_vrtx = p_vrts -> next; free (p_vrts); p_vrts = p_vrtx; } if (interp_kind == INTERP_CUBIC) free(hermit_table); return contour_list; } /* * Adds another point to the currently build contour. */ add_cntr_point(x, y) double x, y; { int index; if (crnt_cntr_pt_index >= MAX_POINTS_PER_CNTR-1) { index = crnt_cntr_pt_index - 1; end_crnt_cntr(); crnt_cntr[0] = crnt_cntr[index * 2]; crnt_cntr[1] = crnt_cntr[index * 2 + 1]; crnt_cntr_pt_index = 1; /* Keep the last point as first of this one. */ } crnt_cntr[crnt_cntr_pt_index * 2] = x; crnt_cntr[crnt_cntr_pt_index * 2 + 1] = y; crnt_cntr_pt_index++; } /* * Done with current contour - create gnuplot data structure for it. */ end_crnt_cntr() { int i; struct gnuplot_contours *cntr = (struct gnuplot_contours *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct gnuplot_contours), "gnuplot_contour"); cntr->coords = (struct coordinate GPHUGE *) gpfaralloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct coordinate) * ( unsigned long)crnt_cntr_pt_index, "contour coords"); for (i=0; i<crnt_cntr_pt_index; i++) { cntr->coords[i].x = crnt_cntr[i * 2]; cntr->coords[i].y = crnt_cntr[i * 2 + 1]; cntr->coords[i].z = contour_level; } cntr->num_pts = crnt_cntr_pt_index; cntr->next = contour_list; contour_list = cntr; contour_list->isNewLevel = 0; crnt_cntr_pt_index = 0; } /* * Generates all contours by tracing the intersecting triangles. */ static void gen_contours(p_edges, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) struct edge_struct *p_edges; double z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; { int num_active, /* Number of edges marked ACTIVE. */ contour_kind; /* One of OPEN_CONTOUR, CLOSED_CONTOUR. */ struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; num_active = update_all_edges(p_edges, z_level); /* Do pass 1. */ test_boundary = TRUE; /* Start to look for contour on boundaries. */ while (num_active > 0) { /* Do Pass 2. */ /* Generate One contour (and update MumActive as needed): */ p_cntr = gen_one_contour(p_edges, z_level, &contour_kind, &num_active); put_contour(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contour_kind); /* Emit it in requested format. */ } } /* * Does pass 1, or marks the edges which are active (crosses this z_level) * as ACTIVE, and the others as INACTIVE: * Returns number of active edges (marked ACTIVE). */ static int update_all_edges(p_edges, z_level) struct edge_struct *p_edges; double z_level; { int count = 0; while (p_edges) { if (((p_edges -> vertex[0] -> Z >= z_level) && (p_edges -> vertex[1] -> Z <= z_level)) || ((p_edges -> vertex[1] -> Z >= z_level) && (p_edges -> vertex[0] -> Z <= z_level))) { p_edges -> status = ACTIVE; count++; } else p_edges -> status = INACTIVE; p_edges = p_edges -> next; } return count; } /* * Does pass 2, or find one complete contour out of the triangolation data base: * Returns a pointer to the contour (as linked list), contour_kind is set to * one of OPEN_CONTOUR, CLOSED_CONTOUR, and num_active is updated. */ static struct cntr_struct *gen_one_contour(p_edges, z_level, contour_kind, num_active) struct edge_struct *p_edges; double z_level; int *contour_kind, *num_active; { struct edge_struct *pe_temp; if (test_boundary) { /* Look for something to start with on boundary: */ pe_temp = p_edges; while (pe_temp) { if ((pe_temp -> status == ACTIVE) && (pe_temp -> boundary)) break; pe_temp = pe_temp -> next; } if (!pe_temp) test_boundary = FALSE;/* No more contours on boundary. */ else { *contour_kind = OPEN_CONTOUR; return trace_contour(pe_temp, z_level, num_active, *contour_kind); } } if (!test_boundary) { /* Look for something to start with inside: */ pe_temp = p_edges; while (pe_temp) { if ((pe_temp -> status == ACTIVE) && (!(pe_temp -> boundary))) break; pe_temp = pe_temp -> next; } if (!pe_temp) { *num_active = 0; return NULL; } else { *contour_kind = CLOSED_CONTOUR; return trace_contour(pe_temp, z_level, num_active, *contour_kind); } } return NULL; /* We should never be here, but lint... */ } /* * Search the data base along a contour starts at the edge pe_start until * a boundary edge is detected or until we close the loop back to pe_start. * Returns a linked list of all the points on the contour * Also decreases num_active by the number of points on contour. */ static struct cntr_struct *trace_contour(pe_start, z_level, num_active, contour_kind) struct edge_struct *pe_start; double z_level; int *num_active, contour_kind; { int i, in_middle; /* If TRUE the z_level is in the middle of edge. */ struct cntr_struct *p_cntr, *pc_tail; struct edge_struct *p_edge = pe_start, *p_next_edge; struct poly_struct *p_poly, *PLastpoly = NULL; /* Generate the header of the contour - the point on pe_start. */ if (contour_kind == OPEN_CONTOUR) pe_start -> status = INACTIVE; (*num_active)--; p_cntr = pc_tail = update_cntr_pt(pe_start, z_level, &in_middle); if (!in_middle) { return NULL; } do { /* Find polygon to continue (Not where we came from - PLastpoly): */ if (p_edge -> poly[0] == PLastpoly) p_poly = p_edge -> poly[1]; else p_poly = p_edge -> poly[0]; p_next_edge = NULL; /* In case of error, remains NULL. */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) /* Test the 3 edges of the polygon: */ if (p_poly -> edge[i] != p_edge) if (p_poly -> edge[i] -> status == ACTIVE) p_next_edge = p_poly -> edge[i]; if (!p_next_edge) { pc_tail -> next = NULL; free_contour(p_cntr); return NULL; } p_edge = p_next_edge; PLastpoly = p_poly; p_edge -> status = INACTIVE; (*num_active)--; pc_tail -> next = update_cntr_pt(p_edge, z_level, &in_middle); if (!in_middle) { pc_tail -> next = NULL; free_contour(p_cntr); return NULL; } pc_tail = pc_tail -> next; } while ((pe_start != p_edge) && (!p_edge -> boundary)); pc_tail -> next = NULL; return p_cntr; } /* * Allocates one contour location and update it to to correct position * according to z_level and edge p_edge. if z_level is found to be at * one of the extreme points nothing is allocated (NULL is returned) * and in_middle is set to FALSE. */ static struct cntr_struct *update_cntr_pt(p_edge, z_level, in_middle) struct edge_struct *p_edge; double z_level; int *in_middle; { double t; struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; t = (z_level - p_edge -> vertex[0] -> Z) / (p_edge -> vertex[1] -> Z - p_edge -> vertex[0] -> Z); if (fuzzy_equal(t, 1.0) || fuzzy_equal(t, 0.0)) { *in_middle = FALSE; return NULL; } else { *in_middle = TRUE; p_cntr = (struct cntr_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct cntr_struct), "contour cntr_struct"); p_cntr -> X = p_edge -> vertex[1] -> X * t + p_edge -> vertex[0] -> X * (1-t); p_cntr -> Y = p_edge -> vertex[1] -> Y * t + p_edge -> vertex[0] -> Y * (1-t); return p_cntr; } } /* * Simple routine to decide if two real values are equal by simply * calculating the relative/absolute error between them (< EPSILON). */ static int fuzzy_equal(x, y) double x, y; { if (abs(x) > EPSILON) /* Calculate relative error: */ return (abs((x - y) / x) < EPSILON); else /* Calculate absolute error: */ return (abs(x - y) < EPSILON); } /* * Generate the triangles. * Returns the lists (vrtxs edges & polys) via pointers to their heads. */ static void gen_triangle(num_isolines, iso_lines, p_polys, p_edges, p_vrts, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max) int num_isolines; struct iso_curve *iso_lines; struct poly_struct **p_polys; struct edge_struct **p_edges; struct vrtx_struct **p_vrts; double *x_min, *y_min, *z_min, *x_max, *y_max, *z_max; { int i, grid_x_max = iso_lines->p_count; struct vrtx_struct *p_vrtx1, *p_vrtx2, *pv_temp; struct edge_struct *p_edge1, *p_edge2, *pe_tail1, *pe_tail2, *pe_temp, *p_edge_middle, *pe_m_tail; struct poly_struct *p_poly, *pp_tail; *p_polys = NULL; *p_edges = NULL; *p_vrts = NULL; *z_min = INFINITY; *y_min = INFINITY; *x_min = INFINITY; *z_max = -INFINITY; *y_max = -INFINITY; *x_max = -INFINITY; /* Read 1st row. */ p_vrtx1 = gen_vertices(grid_x_max, iso_lines->points, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max); *p_vrts = p_vrtx1; /* Gen. its edges.*/ pe_temp = p_edge1 = gen_edges(grid_x_max, p_vrtx1, &pe_tail1); for (i = 1; i < grid_x_max; i++) {/* Mark one side of edges as boundary. */ pe_temp -> poly[1] = NULL; pe_temp = pe_temp -> next; } for (i = 1; i < num_isolines; i++) { /* Read next column and gen. polys. */ iso_lines = iso_lines->next; /* Get row into list. */ p_vrtx2 = gen_vertices(grid_x_max, iso_lines->points, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max); /* Generate its edges. */ p_edge2 = gen_edges(grid_x_max, p_vrtx2, &pe_tail2); /* Generate edges from one vertex list to the other one: */ p_edge_middle = gen_edges_middle(grid_x_max, p_vrtx1, p_vrtx2, &pe_m_tail); /* Now we can generate the polygons themselves (triangles). */ p_poly = gen_polys(grid_x_max, p_edge1, p_edge_middle, p_edge2, &pp_tail); pe_tail1 -> next = (*p_edges); /* Chain new edges to main list. */ pe_m_tail -> next = p_edge1; *p_edges = p_edge_middle; pe_tail1 = pe_tail2; p_edge1 = p_edge2; pv_temp = p_vrtx2; while (pv_temp -> next) pv_temp = pv_temp -> next; pv_temp -> next = *p_vrts; *p_vrts = p_vrtx1 = p_vrtx2; pp_tail -> next = (*p_polys); /* Chain new polys to main list. */ *p_polys = p_poly; } pe_temp = p_edge1; for (i = 1; i < grid_x_max; i++) {/* Mark one side of edges as boundary. */ pe_temp -> poly[0] = NULL; pe_temp = pe_temp -> next; } pe_tail1 -> next = (*p_edges); /* Chain last edges list to main list. */ *p_edges = p_edge1; /* Update the boundary flag, saved in each edge, and update indexes: */ pe_temp = (*p_edges); i = 1; while (pe_temp) { pe_temp -> boundary = (!(pe_temp -> poly[0])) || (!(pe_temp -> poly[1])); pe_temp = pe_temp -> next; } } /* * Handles grid_x_max 3D points (One row) and generate linked list for them. */ static struct vrtx_struct *gen_vertices(grid_x_max, points, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max) int grid_x_max; struct coordinate GPHUGE *points; double *x_min, *y_min, *z_min, *x_max, *y_max, *z_max; { int i; struct vrtx_struct *p_vrtx, *pv_tail, *pv_temp; for (i=0; i<grid_x_max; i++) {/* Get a point and generate the structure. */ pv_temp = (struct vrtx_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct vrtx_struct), "contour vertex"); pv_temp -> X = points[i].x; pv_temp -> Y = points[i].y; pv_temp -> Z = points[i].z; if (pv_temp -> X > *x_max) *x_max = pv_temp -> X; /* Update min/max. */ if (pv_temp -> Y > *y_max) *y_max = pv_temp -> Y; if (pv_temp -> Z > *z_max) *z_max = pv_temp -> Z; if (pv_temp -> X < *x_min) *x_min = pv_temp -> X; if (pv_temp -> Y < *y_min) *y_min = pv_temp -> Y; if (pv_temp -> Z < *z_min) *z_min = pv_temp -> Z; if (i == 0) /* First vertex in row: */ p_vrtx = pv_tail = pv_temp; else { pv_tail -> next = pv_temp; /* Stick new record as last one. */ pv_tail = pv_tail -> next; /* And continue to last record. */ } } pv_tail -> next = NULL; return p_vrtx; } /* * Combines N vertices in pair to form N-1 edges. * Returns pointer to the edge list (pe_tail will point on last edge in list). */ static struct edge_struct *gen_edges(grid_x_max, p_vrtx, pe_tail) int grid_x_max; struct vrtx_struct *p_vrtx; struct edge_struct **pe_tail; { int i; struct edge_struct *p_edge, *pe_temp; for (i=0; i<grid_x_max-1; i++) { /* Generate grid_x_max-1 edges: */ pe_temp = (struct edge_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct edge_struct), "contour edge"); pe_temp -> vertex[0] = p_vrtx; /* First vertex of edge. */ p_vrtx = p_vrtx -> next; /* Skip to next vertex. */ pe_temp -> vertex[1] = p_vrtx; /* Second vertex of edge. */ if (i == 0) /* First edge in row: */ p_edge = (*pe_tail) = pe_temp; else { (*pe_tail) -> next = pe_temp; /* Stick new record as last one. */ *pe_tail = (*pe_tail) -> next; /* And continue to last record. */ } } (*pe_tail) -> next = NULL; return p_edge; } /* * Combines 2 lists of N vertices each into edge list: * The dots (.) are the vertices list, and the . . . . * edges generated are alternations of vertical edges |\ |\ |\ | * (|) and diagonal ones (\). | \| \| \| * A pointer to edge list (alternate | , \) is returned . . . . * Note this list will have (2*grid_x_max-1) edges (pe_tail points on last * record). */ static struct edge_struct *gen_edges_middle(grid_x_max, p_vrtx1, p_vrtx2, pe_tail) int grid_x_max; struct vrtx_struct *p_vrtx1, *p_vrtx2; struct edge_struct **pe_tail; { int i; struct edge_struct *p_edge, *pe_temp; /* Gen first (|). */ pe_temp = (struct edge_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct edge_struct), "contour edge"); pe_temp -> vertex[0] = p_vrtx2; /* First vertex of edge. */ pe_temp -> vertex[1] = p_vrtx1; /* Second vertex of edge. */ p_edge = (*pe_tail) = pe_temp; /* Advance in vrtx list grid_x_max-1 times, and gen. 2 edges /| for each.*/ for (i=0; i<grid_x_max-1; i++) { /* The / edge. */ pe_temp = (struct edge_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct edge_struct), "contour edge"); pe_temp -> vertex[0] = p_vrtx1; /* First vertex of edge. */ pe_temp -> vertex[1] = p_vrtx2 -> next; /* Second vertex of edge. */ (*pe_tail) -> next = pe_temp; /* Stick new record as last one. */ *pe_tail = (*pe_tail) -> next; /* And continue to last record. */ /* The | edge. */ pe_temp = (struct edge_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct edge_struct), "contour edge"); pe_temp -> vertex[0] = p_vrtx2 -> next; /* First vertex of edge. */ pe_temp -> vertex[1] = p_vrtx1 -> next; /* Second vertex of edge. */ (*pe_tail) -> next = pe_temp; /* Stick new record as last one. */ *pe_tail = (*pe_tail) -> next; /* And continue to last record. */ p_vrtx1 = p_vrtx1 -> next; /* Skip to next vertices in both lists. */ p_vrtx2 = p_vrtx2 -> next; } (*pe_tail) -> next = NULL; return p_edge; } /* * Combines 3 lists of edges into triangles: * 1. p_edge1: Top horizontal edge list: ----------------------- * 2. p_edge_middge: middle edge list: |\ |\ |\ |\ |\ |\ | * | \| \| \| \| \| \| * 3. p_edge2: Bottom horizontal edge list: ----------------------- * Note that p_edge1/2 lists has grid_x_max-1 edges, while p_edge_middle has * (2*grid_x_max-1) edges. * The routine simple scans the two list Upper 1 Lower * and generate two triangle upper one ---- | \ * and lower one from the lists: 0\ |2 0| \1 * (Nums. are edges order in polys) \ | ---- * The routine returns a pointer to a 2 * polygon list (pp_tail points on last polygon). 1 * ----------- * In addition, the edge lists are updated - | \ 0 | * each edge has two pointers on the two | \ | * (one active if boundary) polygons which 0|1 0\1 0|1 * uses it. These two pointer to polygons | \ | * are named: poly[0], poly[1]. The diagram | 1 \ | * on the right show how they are used for the ----------- * upper and lower polygons. 0 */ static struct poly_struct *gen_polys(grid_x_max, p_edge1, p_edge_middle, p_edge2, pp_tail) int grid_x_max; struct edge_struct *p_edge1, *p_edge_middle, *p_edge2; struct poly_struct **pp_tail; { int i; struct poly_struct *p_poly, *pp_temp; p_edge_middle -> poly[0] = NULL; /* Its boundary! */ /* Advance in vrtx list grid_x_max-1 times, and gen. 2 polys for each. */ for (i=0; i<grid_x_max-1; i++) { /* The Upper. */ pp_temp = (struct poly_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct poly_struct), "contour poly"); /* Now update polys about its edges, and edges about the polygon. */ pp_temp -> edge[0] = p_edge_middle -> next; p_edge_middle -> next -> poly[1] = pp_temp; pp_temp -> edge[1] = p_edge1; p_edge1 -> poly[0] = pp_temp; pp_temp -> edge[2] = p_edge_middle -> next -> next; p_edge_middle -> next -> next -> poly[0] = pp_temp; if (i == 0) /* Its first one in list: */ p_poly = (*pp_tail) = pp_temp; else { (*pp_tail) -> next = pp_temp; *pp_tail = (*pp_tail) -> next; } /* The Lower. */ pp_temp = (struct poly_struct *) alloc((unsigned long)sizeof(struct poly_struct), "contour poly"); /* Now update polys about its edges, and edges about the polygon. */ pp_temp -> edge[0] = p_edge_middle; p_edge_middle -> poly[1] = pp_temp; pp_temp -> edge[1] = p_edge_middle -> next; p_edge_middle -> next -> poly[0] = pp_temp; pp_temp -> edge[2] = p_edge2; p_edge2 -> poly[1] = pp_temp; (*pp_tail) -> next = pp_temp; *pp_tail = (*pp_tail) -> next; p_edge1 = p_edge1 -> next; p_edge2 = p_edge2 -> next; p_edge_middle = p_edge_middle -> next -> next; } p_edge_middle -> poly[1] = NULL; /* Its boundary! */ (*pp_tail) -> next = NULL; return p_poly; } /* * Calls the (hopefully) desired interpolation/approximation routine. */ static void put_contour(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contr_kind) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; double z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; int contr_kind; { if (!p_cntr) return; /* Nothing to do if it is empty contour. */ switch (interp_kind) { case INTERP_NOTHING: /* No interpolation/approximation. */ put_contour_nothing(p_cntr); break; case INTERP_CUBIC: /* Cubic spline interpolation. */ put_contour_cubic(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contr_kind); break; case APPROX_BSPLINE: /* Bspline approximation. */ put_contour_bspline(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contr_kind); break; } free_contour(p_cntr); } /* * Simply puts contour coordinates in order with no interpolation or * approximation. */ static put_contour_nothing(p_cntr) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; { while (p_cntr) { add_cntr_point(p_cntr -> X, p_cntr -> Y); p_cntr = p_cntr -> next; } end_crnt_cntr(); } /* * Find Complete Cubic Spline Interpolation. */ static put_contour_cubic(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contr_kind) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; double z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; int contr_kind; { int num_pts, i; double tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2; /* Tangents at end points. */ struct cntr_struct *pc_temp; num_pts = count_contour(p_cntr); /* Number of points in contour. */ if (num_pts > 2) { /* Take into account 3 points in tangent estimation. */ calc_tangent(3, p_cntr -> X, p_cntr -> next -> X, p_cntr -> next -> next -> X, p_cntr -> Y, p_cntr -> next -> Y, p_cntr -> next -> next -> Y, &tx1, &ty1); pc_temp = p_cntr; for (i=3; i<num_pts; i++) pc_temp = pc_temp -> next;/* Go to the end.*/ calc_tangent(3, pc_temp -> next -> next -> X, pc_temp -> next -> X, pc_temp -> X, pc_temp -> next -> next -> Y, pc_temp -> next -> Y, pc_temp -> Y, &tx2, &ty2); tx2 = (-tx2); /* Inverse the vector as we need opposite direction. */ ty2 = (-ty2); } /* If following (num_pts > 1) is TRUE then exactly 2 points in contour. */ else if (num_pts > 1) {/* Take into account 2 points in tangent estimat. */ calc_tangent(2, p_cntr -> X, p_cntr -> next -> X, 0.0, p_cntr -> Y, p_cntr -> next -> Y, 0.0, &tx1, &ty1); calc_tangent(2, p_cntr -> next -> X, p_cntr -> X, 0.0, p_cntr -> next -> Y, p_cntr -> Y, 0.0, &tx2, &ty2); tx2 = (-tx2); /* Inverse the vector as we need opposite direction. */ ty2 = (-ty2); } else return(0); /* Only one point (???) - ignore it. */ switch (contr_kind) { case OPEN_CONTOUR: break; case CLOSED_CONTOUR: tx1 = tx2 = (tx1 + tx2) / 2.0; /* Make tangents equal. */ ty1 = ty2 = (ty1 + ty2) / 2.0; break; } complete_spline_interp(p_cntr, num_pts, 0.0, 1.0, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2); end_crnt_cntr(); } /* * Find Bspline approximation for this data set. * Uses global variable num_approx_pts to determine number of samples per * interval, where the knot vector intervals are assumed to be uniform, and * Global variable bspline_order for the order of Bspline to use. */ static put_contour_bspline(p_cntr, z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, contr_kind) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; double z_level, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; int contr_kind; { int num_pts, order = bspline_order; num_pts = count_contour(p_cntr); /* Number of points in contour. */ if (num_pts < 2) return(0); /* Can't do nothing if empty or one points! */ /* Order must be less than number of points in curve - fix it if needed. */ if (order > num_pts - 1) order = num_pts - 1; gen_bspline_approx(p_cntr, num_pts, order, contr_kind); end_crnt_cntr(); } /* * Estimate the tangents according to the n last points where n might be * 2 or 3 (if 2 onlt x1, x2). */ static calc_tangent(n, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, tx, ty) int n; double x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, *tx, *ty; { double v1[2], v2[2], v1_magnitude, v2_magnitude; switch (n) { case 2: *tx = (x2 - x1) * 0.3; *ty = (y2 - y1) * 0.3; break; case 3: v1[0] = x2 - x1; v1[1] = y2 - y1; v2[0] = x3 - x2; v2[1] = y3 - y2; v1_magnitude = sqrt(sqr(v1[0]) + sqr(v1[1])); v2_magnitude = sqrt(sqr(v2[0]) + sqr(v2[1])); *tx = (v1[0] / v1_magnitude) - (v2[0] / v2_magnitude) * 0.1; *tx *= v1_magnitude * 0.1; /* Make tangent less than magnitude. */ *ty = (v1[1] / v1_magnitude) - (v2[1] / v2_magnitude) * 0.1; *ty *= v1_magnitude * 0.1; /* Make tangent less than magnitude. */ break; default: /* Should not happen! */ (*ty) = 0.1; *tx = 0.1; break; } } /* * Free all elements in the contour list. */ static void free_contour(p_cntr) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; { struct cntr_struct *pc_temp; while (p_cntr) { pc_temp = p_cntr; p_cntr = p_cntr -> next; free((char *) pc_temp); } } /* * Counts number of points in contour. */ static int count_contour(p_cntr) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; { int count = 0; while (p_cntr) { count++; p_cntr = p_cntr -> next; } return count; } /* * Interpolate given point list (defined via p_cntr) using Complete * Spline interpolation. */ static complete_spline_interp(p_cntr, n, t_min, t_max, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; int n; double t_min, t_max, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2; { double dt, *tangents_x, *tangents_y; int i; tangents_x = (double *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(double) * n), "contour c_s_intr"); tangents_y = (double *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(double) * n), "contour c_s_intr"); if (n > 1) prepare_spline_interp(tangents_x, tangents_y, p_cntr, n, t_min, t_max, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2); else { free((char *) tangents_x); free((char *) tangents_y); return(0); } dt = (t_max-t_min)/(n-1); add_cntr_point(p_cntr -> X, p_cntr -> Y); /* First point. */ for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) { hermit_interp(p_cntr -> X, p_cntr -> Y, tangents_x[i], tangents_y[i], p_cntr -> next -> X, p_cntr -> next -> Y, tangents_x[i+1], tangents_y[i+1], dt); p_cntr = p_cntr -> next; } free((char *) tangents_x); free((char *) tangents_y); } /* * Routine to calculate intermidiate value of the Hermit Blending function: * This routine should be called only ONCE at the beginning of the program. */ static calc_hermit_table() { int i; double t, dt; hermit_table = (table_entry *) alloc ((unsigned long) (sizeof(table_entry) * (num_approx_pts + 1)), "contour hermit table"); t = 0; dt = 1.0/num_approx_pts; for (i=0; i<=num_approx_pts; i++) { hermit_table[i][0] = (t-1)*(t-1)*(2*t+1); /* h00. */ hermit_table[i][1] = t*t*(-2*t+3); /* h10. */ hermit_table[i][2] = t*(t-1)*(t-1); /* h01. */ hermit_table[i][3] = t*t*(t-1); /* h11. */ t = t + dt; } } /* * Routine to generate an hermit interpolation between two points given as * two InterpStruct structures. Assume hermit_table is already calculated. * Currently the points generated are printed to stdout as two reals (X, Y). */ static hermit_interp(x1, y1, tx1, ty1, x2, y2, tx2, ty2, dt) double x1, y1, tx1, ty1, x2, y2, tx2, ty2, dt; { int i; double x, y, vec_size, tang_size; tx1 *= dt; ty1 *= dt; /* Normalize the tangents according to param. t. */ tx2 *= dt; ty2 *= dt; /* Normalize the tangents so that their magnitude will be 1/3 of the */ /* segment length. This tumb rule guaranteed no cusps or loops! */ /* Note that this normalization keeps continuity to be G1 (but not C1). */ vec_size = sqrt(sqr(x1 - x2) + sqr(y2 - y1)); tang_size = sqrt(sqr(tx1) + sqr(ty1)); /* Normalize T1. */ if (tang_size * 3 > vec_size) { tx1 *= vec_size / (tang_size * 3); ty1 *= vec_size / (tang_size * 3); } tang_size = sqrt(sqr(tx2) + sqr(ty2)); /* Normalize T2. */ if (tang_size * 3 > vec_size) { tx2 *= vec_size / (tang_size * 3); ty2 *= vec_size / (tang_size * 3); } for (i=1; i<=num_approx_pts; i++) { /* Note we start from 1 - first */ x = hermit_table[i][0] * x1 + /* point is not printed as it is */ hermit_table[i][1] * x2 + /* redundent (last on last section). */ hermit_table[i][2] * tx1 + hermit_table[i][3] * tx2; y = hermit_table[i][0] * y1 + hermit_table[i][1] * y2 + hermit_table[i][2] * ty1 + hermit_table[i][3] * ty2; add_cntr_point(x, y); } } /* * Routine to Set up the 3*N mat for solve_tri_diag routine used in the * Complete Spline Interpolation. Returns TRUE of calc O.K. * Gets the points list in p_cntr (Of length n) and with tangent vectors tx1, * ty1 at starting point and tx2, ty2 and end point. */ static prepare_spline_interp(tangents_x, tangents_y, p_cntr, n, t_min, t_max, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2) double tangents_x[], tangents_y[]; struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; int n; double t_min, t_max, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2; { int i; double *r, t, dt; tri_diag *m; /* The tri-diagonal matrix is saved here. */ struct cntr_struct *p; m = (tri_diag *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(tri_diag) * n), "contour tri_diag"); r = (double *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(double) * n), "contour tri_diag2"); n--; p = p_cntr; m[0][0] = 0.0; m[0][1] = 1.0; m[0][2] = 0.0; m[n][0] = 0.0; m[n][1] = 1.0; m[n][2] = 0.0; r[0] = tx1; /* Set start tangent. */ r[n] = tx2; /* Set end tangent. */ t = t_min; dt = (t_max-t_min)/n; for (i=1; i<n; i++) { t = t + dt; m[i][0] = dt; m[i][2] = dt; m[i][1] = 2 * (m[i][0] + m[i][2]); r[i] = m[i][0] * ((p -> next -> X) - (p -> X)) / m[i][2] + m[i][2] * ((p -> next -> next -> X) - (p -> next -> X)) / m[i][0]; r[i] *= 3.0; p = p -> next; } if (!solve_tri_diag(m, r, tangents_x, n+1)) { /* Find the X(t) tangents. */ free((char *) m); free((char *) r); int_error("Cannt interpolate X using complete splines", NO_CARET); } p = p_cntr; m[0][0] = 0.0; m[0][1] = 1.0; m[0][2] = 0.0; m[n][0] = 0.0; m[n][1] = 1.0; m[n][2] = 0.0; r[0] = ty1; /* Set start tangent. */ r[n] = ty2; /* Set end tangent. */ t = t_min; dt = (t_max-t_min)/n; for (i=1; i<n; i++) { t = t + dt; m[i][0] = dt; m[i][2] = dt; m[i][1] = 2 * (m[i][0] + m[i][2]); r[i] = m[i][0] * ((p -> next -> Y) - (p -> Y)) / m[i][2] + m[i][2] * ((p -> next -> next -> Y) - (p -> next -> Y)) / m[i][0]; r[i] *= 3.0; p = p -> next; } if (!solve_tri_diag(m, r, tangents_y, n+1)) { /* Find the Y(t) tangents. */ free((char *) m); free((char *) r); int_error("Cannt interpolate Y using complete splines", NO_CARET); } free((char *) m); free((char *) r); } /* * Solve tri diagonal linear system equation. The tri diagonal matrix is * defined via matrix M, right side is r, and solution X i.e. M * X = R. * Size of system given in n. Return TRUE if solution exist. */ static int solve_tri_diag(m, r, x, n) tri_diag m[]; double r[], x[]; int n; { int i; double t; for (i=1; i<n; i++) { /* Eliminate element m[i][i-1] (lower diagonal). */ if (m[i-1][1] == 0) return FALSE; t = m[i][0] / m[i-1][1]; /* Find ratio between the two lines. */ m[i][0] = m[i][0] - m[i-1][1] * t; m[i][1] = m[i][1] - m[i-1][2] * t; r[i] = r[i] - r[i-1] * t; } /* Now do back subtitution - update the solution vector X: */ if (m[n-1][1] == 0) return FALSE; x[n-1] = r[n-1] / m[n-1][1]; /* Find last element. */ for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) { if (m[i][1] == 0) return FALSE; x[i] = (r[i] - x[i+1] * m[i][2]) / m[i][1]; } return TRUE; } /* * Generate a Bspline curve defined by all the points given in linked list p: * Algorithm: using deBoor algorithm * Note: if Curvekind is OPEN_CONTOUR than Open end knot vector is assumed, * else (CLOSED_CONTOUR) Float end knot vector is assumed. * It is assumed that num_of_points is at list 2, and order of Bspline is less * than num_of_points! */ static gen_bspline_approx(p_cntr, num_of_points, order, contour_kind) struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; int num_of_points, order, contour_kind; { int i, knot_index = 0, pts_count = 1; double dt, t, next_t, t_min, t_max, x, y; struct cntr_struct *pc_temp = p_cntr, *pc_tail; /* If the contour is Closed one we must update few things: */ /* 1. Make the list temporary circular, so we can close the contour. */ /* 2. Update num_of_points - increase it by "order-1" so contour will be */ /* closed. This will evaluate order more sections to close it! */ if (contour_kind == CLOSED_CONTOUR) { pc_tail = p_cntr; while (pc_tail -> next) pc_tail = pc_tail -> next;/* Find last point.*/ pc_tail -> next = p_cntr; /* Close contour list - make it circular.*/ num_of_points += order; } /* Find first (t_min) and last (t_max) t value to eval: */ t = t_min = fetch_knot(contour_kind, num_of_points, order, order); t_max = fetch_knot(contour_kind, num_of_points, order, num_of_points); next_t = t_min + 1.0; knot_index = order; dt = 1.0/num_approx_pts; /* Number of points per one section. */ while (t<t_max) { if (t > next_t) { pc_temp = pc_temp -> next; /* Next order ctrl. pt. to blend. */ knot_index++; next_t += 1.0; } eval_bspline(t, pc_temp, num_of_points, order, knot_index, contour_kind, &x, &y); /* Next pt. */ add_cntr_point(x, y); pts_count++; /* As we might have some real number round off problems we must */ /* test if we dont produce too many points here... */ if (pts_count + 1 == num_approx_pts * (num_of_points - order) + 1) break; t += dt; } eval_bspline(t_max - EPSILON, pc_temp, num_of_points, order, knot_index, contour_kind, &x, &y); /* If from round off errors we need more than one last point: */ for (i=pts_count; i<num_approx_pts * (num_of_points - order) + 1; i++) add_cntr_point(x, y); /* Complete the contour. */ if (contour_kind == CLOSED_CONTOUR) /* Update list - un-circular it. */ pc_tail -> next = NULL; } /* * The recursive routine to evaluate the B-spline value at point t using * knot vector PKList, and the control points Pdtemp. Returns x, y after the * division by the weight w. Note that Pdtemp points on the first control * point to blend with. The B-spline is of order order. */ static eval_bspline(t, p_cntr, num_of_points, order, j, contour_kind, x, y) double t; struct cntr_struct *p_cntr; int num_of_points, order, j, contour_kind; double *x, *y; { int i, p; double ti, tikp, *dx, *dy; /* Copy p_cntr into it to make it faster. */ dx = (double *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(double) * (order + j)), "contour b_spline"); dy = (double *) alloc((unsigned long) (sizeof(double) * (order + j)), "contour b_spline"); /* Set the dx/dy - [0] iteration step, control points (p==0 iterat.): */ for (i=j-order; i<=j; i++) { dx[i] = p_cntr -> X; dy[i] = p_cntr -> Y; p_cntr = p_cntr -> next; } for (p=1; p<=order; p++) { /* Iteration (b-spline level) counter. */ for (i=j; i>=j-order+p; i--) { /* Control points indexing. */ ti = fetch_knot(contour_kind, num_of_points, order, i); tikp = fetch_knot(contour_kind, num_of_points, order, i+order+1-p); if (ti == tikp) { /* Should not be a problems but how knows... */ } else { dx[i] = dx[i] * (t - ti)/(tikp-ti) + /* Calculate x. */ dx[i-1] * (tikp-t)/(tikp-ti); dy[i] = dy[i] * (t - ti)/(tikp-ti) + /* Calculate y. */ dy[i-1] * (tikp-t)/(tikp-ti); } } } *x = dx[j]; *y = dy[j]; free((char *) dx); free((char *) dy); } /* * Routine to get the i knot from uniform knot vector. The knot vector * might be float (Knot(i) = i) or open (where the first and last "order" * knots are equal). contour_kind determines knot kind - OPEN_CONTOUR means * open knot vector, and CLOSED_CONTOUR selects float knot vector. * Note the knot vector is not exist and this routine simulates it existance * Also note the indexes for the knot vector starts from 0. */ static double fetch_knot(contour_kind, num_of_points, order, i) int contour_kind, num_of_points, order, i; { switch (contour_kind) { case OPEN_CONTOUR: if (i <= order) return 0.0; else if (i <= num_of_points) return (double) (i - order); else return (double) (num_of_points - order); case CLOSED_CONTOUR: return (double) i; default: /* Should never happen */ return 1.0; } #ifdef sequent return 1.0; #endif }
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