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Release Notes ( version:1.31  compiled:21.Mar 1995 )

Changes in version 1.3.1 :
	Hp version included
	computer<->modem link now 19.200 Baud ( was 14.000 )
Changes in version 1.3 :
	Renamed from JollysFax to JollysZyXELFax due to the 
	creation of JollysClass2.0 driver.
	ASCII lockfiles can be read now.
	dwrite for dialprefixes.
Changes in version 1.2 :
	Fixed the untrimmed page error.
	Fax deletion from the PrinterManger works now.
	Works on Intel ( Thanx Adrian for using your system )
	Better internal uucp-locking mechanism.
	Higher shareware fee cause nobody payed anything.

	Speakervolume and ~dialonly options are not supported.
	If you need to dial a specific prefix you can set that as root :
		localhost#: dwrite JollysFax dialPrefix 01149
	then 01149 will get dialed in front of every number.

	First thing on my priority list right now ( after releasing ZyXEL,Class2 and Class2.0 versions ) is to support fax receiving. It's not a big deal, but I want to run my am as answering machine still; so I have to rewrite a whole bunch of things ( like messaging from am to the faxdriver and vice versa ).
Or maybe I just hack the fax receiving without am support cause Mecca ( oh' let's knee down eastwards ) will probably have a different fax-api. 

The newest version can always be obtained using (Y)-Ftp to :


There are other programs out there you should check :

For receiving faxes :                ..../next/Communication/programs/am...
For net'ters :                              ..../next/Network/Apps/Yftp...
For developers / admins :       ..../next/Tools/workspace/FastConsole...
For fun :                                       ..../next/Games/stratgic/FastSokoban...


                                                don't panic - jolly
Jolly alias Patrick Stein                 jolly@cis.uni-muenchen.de
    " System designers who do not allow users to type ahead
      ought to be tarred and feathered, or worse yet, be 
      forced to use their own system. "             - a.s.tanenbaum

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