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/* * a2, an Apple II emulator in C * (c) Copyright 1990 by Rich Skrenta * * Command line interface written by Tom Markson * * Distribution agreement: * * You may freely copy or redistribute this software, so long * as there is no profit made from its use, sale, trade or * reproduction. You may not change this copyright notice, * and it must be included prominently in any copy made. * * Send emulator related mail to: * skrenta@blekko.uucp */ #import <stdio.h> #import <libc.h> #import <ctype.h> #import <signal.h> #import "a2.h" #import "cli.h" #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT #import <joystick.h> #import <errno.h> #endif JOYSTICK_SUPPORT extern unsigned short lpoint; extern long phantom_location; extern char *getcwd(); extern int map_to_upper; extern char escape_char; long get_hex_number(); char diskname[2][200]; /* disk names stored here */ struct point_stack { unsigned short data[MAXSTACK]; int sp; } pstack; void init_point(void) { pstack.sp = -1; } int pop_point(char *rest) { if (pstack.sp < 0 ) { printf("stack empty\n"); return OK; } switch (*rest){ case 'l': case 'L': printf("%x\n", lpoint =[pstack.sp--]); break; case 'p': case 'P': printf("%x\n", lpoint =[pstack.sp--]); break; default : printf("pop [lp]\n"); break; } return(OK); } int dup_point(char *rest) { if (pstack.sp < 0 ) { printf("stack empty\n"); return OK; } switch (*rest){ case 'l': case 'L': lpoint =[pstack.sp]; break; case 'p': case 'P': lpoint =[pstack.sp]; break; default : printf("dup [lp]\n"); break; } return(OK); } int push_point(char *rest) { long value; char *addr; assert(pstack.sp < MAXSTACK); switch (*rest){ case 'l': case 'L':[++pstack.sp] = lpoint; break; case 'p': case 'P':[++pstack.sp] = Pc; break; default: addr = rest; rest = split(rest); value = get_hex_number(addr); if (value == -1L) printf("push [l|p|<addr>]\n"); else[++pstack.sp]=(unsigned short)value; break; } return(OK); } int clb(char *junk) { B = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int seb(char *junk) { B = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int clc(char *junk) { C = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int sec(char *junk) { C = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int sev(char *junk) { V = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int clv(char *junk) { V = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int sed(char *junk) { D = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int cld(char *junk) { D = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int sei(char *junk) { I = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int clri(char *junk) { I = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int sen(char *junk) { N = 1; return(DISPLAY); } int cln(char *junk) { N = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int sez(char *junk) { NZ = 0; return(DISPLAY); } int clz(char *junk) { NZ = 1; return(DISPLAY); } void quit_emulator(char *junk) { restore_term(); exit(0); } int ver(char *junk) { printf("a2 - Apple II emulator (c) Copyright 1990 by Rich Skrenta & Tom Markson\n"); return(OK); } int refresh(char *junk) { in_cli = FALSE; return(OK); } int shell_escape(char *rest) { char line[100]; char *s; s = getenv("SHELL"); if (s == NULL) s = "/bin/sh"; strcpy(line, s); if (*rest != '\0') { strcat(line, " -c '"); strcat(line, rest); strcat(line, "'"); } system(line); printf("\n"); return(OK); } int do_soft_reset(char *rest) { Pc = mem[0xFFFC] | (mem[0xFFFD] << 8); return(DISPLAY); } int do_bload(char *rest) { char *first; char *file; unsigned short start; long foo; file = rest; rest = split(rest); first = rest; rest = split(rest); foo = get_hex_number(first); if (foo == -1) { printf("usage: bload file hex-address\n"); return(OK); } start = (unsigned int) foo; bload(file, start); return(OK); } int do_bsave(char *rest) { char *startc, *sizec, *file; unsigned short start, size; long istart, iend; file = rest; rest = split(rest); startc = rest; rest = split(rest); sizec = rest; rest = split(rest); istart = get_hex_number(startc); iend = get_hex_number(sizec); if ((istart == -1) || (iend == -1)) printf("usage: bsave file hex-address hex-length\n"); else { start = (unsigned short) istart; size = (unsigned short) iend; bsave(file, start, size); } return(OK); } int show_point(char *rest) { lpoint = Pc; return(DISPLAY); } int hack(char *rest) { extern int cur_track; cur_track = get_hex_number(rest); return(OK); } int do_jump(char *rest) { char *start; long istart; start = rest; rest = split(rest); istart = get_hex_number(start); if (istart == -1) { printf("usage: jmp <hex address>\n"); return(OK); } else { Pc = istart & 0xFFFF; return(DISPLAY); } } int trace(char *rest) { char *addr1, *addr2, *file; long addr1i, addr2i; addr1 = rest; rest = split(rest); addr2 = rest; rest = split(rest); file = rest; rest = split(rest); addr1i = get_hex_number(addr1); addr2i = get_hex_number(addr2); if (addr1i == -1 && addr2i == -1) { if (trace_lo == -1) printf("No trace region set\n"); else printf("Tracing between $%.4X and $%.4x\n", (unsigned int)trace_lo, (unsigned int)trace_hi); return(OK); } if (addr1i == -1 || addr2i == -1) { printf("usage: trace [low high]\n"); return(OK); } if (logging_fp == NULL) { if (*file == '\0' || file == NULL) { printf("Trace log will go to file 'trace'.\n"); file = "trace"; } logging_fp = fopen(file, "w"); if (logging_fp == NULL) { perror("can't open trace file"); trace_lo = -1; return(OK); } } trace_lo = addr1i & 0xFFFF; trace_hi = addr2i & 0xFFFF; return(OK); } int ldx(char *rest) { long number; char *first; first = rest; rest = split(rest); number = get_hex_number(first); number &= 0xFF; if (number < 0) { printf("usage: ldx <hex number>\n"); return(OK); } X = number & 0xFF; return(DISPLAY); } int ldy(char *rest) { long number; char *first; first = rest; rest = split(rest); number = get_hex_number(first); if (number < 0) { printf("usage: ldy <hex number>\n"); return(OK); } Y = number & 0xFF; return(DISPLAY); } int lda(char *rest) { long number; char *first; first = rest; rest = split(rest); number = get_hex_number(first); if (number < 0) { printf("usage: lda <hex number>\n"); return(OK); } A = number & 0xFF; return(DISPLAY); } int lds(char *rest) { long number; char *first; first = rest; rest = split(rest); number = get_hex_number(first); if (number < 0) { printf("usage: lds <hex number>\n"); return(OK); } Sp = number & 0xFF; return(DISPLAY); } int set_break_point(char *rest) { long addr; char *first; first = rest; rest = split(rest); addr = get_hex_number(first); if (addr == -1) if (breakpoint == -1) printf("no breakpoint set\n"); else printf("break point set at %x\n", (unsigned short)breakpoint); else breakpoint = addr; running = FALSE; return(OK); } int clear_break_point(char *rest) { breakpoint = -1; return(OK); } int notrace(char *junk) { trace_lo = -1; if (logging_fp == NULL) return(OK); else fclose(logging_fp); logging_fp = NULL; return(OK); } int insert_disk(char *rest) { char *name; char *which; int fd; int read_only = 0; name = rest; rest = split(rest); which = rest; rest = split(rest); if (name == NULL || *name == '\0') { printf("usage: insert <file name> [drive]\n"); return(OK); } fd = open(name, 2); /* attempt open for read/write */ if (fd >= 0) read_only = 0; else { /* attempt open read only */ read_only = 1; fd = open(name, 0); } if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s: ", name); perror(""); return(OK); } if (*which == '2') drive = 1; else drive = 0; if (disk[drive] >= 0) close(disk[drive]); strcpy(diskname[drive], name); disk[drive] = fd; write_prot[drive] = read_only; printf("disk %d inserted, %swrite protected\n", drive + 1, read_only ? "" : "not "); return(OK); } int dissassemble(char *rest) { long istart; long iend; int count = 0; char *first,*last; first = rest; rest = split(rest); last = rest; rest = split(rest); istart = get_hex_number(first); iend = get_hex_number(last); if (istart != -1) lpoint = istart; if (iend == -1) iend=65537; while ( (long) lpoint < iend) { lpoint += diss(lpoint, stdout); printf("\n"); count++; if (iend == 65537) if (count > term_lines-3) break; } return OK; } void ascii_dump(unsigned short l, unsigned short h) { while (l < h) { if (isprint(mem[l])) printf("%c",mem[l]); else printf("."); l++; } } int hex_dump(char *rest) { char *start,*end; unsigned short last, addr,oaddr; long iaddr1,iaddr2; int count; start = rest; rest = split(rest); end = rest; rest = split(rest); iaddr1 = get_hex_number( start ); iaddr2 = get_hex_number( end ); if (iaddr2 != -1 && iaddr1 > iaddr2) return(OK); if (iaddr1 != -1) lpoint = (unsigned short) iaddr1; if (iaddr2 == -1) last = lpoint + 1; else last = (unsigned short) iaddr2 + 1; last &= 0xFFFF; addr = lpoint; count = 0; printf("%.4X: ", addr); oaddr = addr; do { if (count % 16 == 0 && count != 0) { ascii_dump(oaddr,addr); oaddr = addr; printf("\n%.4X: ", addr); } printf("%.2X ", mem[addr]); addr++; count++; } while (addr != last); while ((count % 16) != 0) { printf(" "); /* 3 spaces dd_ */ count++; } ascii_dump(oaddr,addr); printf("\n"); return(OK); } int deposit(char *rest) { char *addr; char *value; unsigned short location; long iloc; long pre_val; unsigned char val; int fired_once; addr = rest; rest = split(rest); fired_once = 0; iloc = get_hex_number(addr); if (iloc == -1) { printf("usage: deposit <addr> <value> [<value>...]\n"); return(OK); } location = (unsigned short) iloc; do { value = rest; rest = split(rest); pre_val = get_hex_number(value); if (pre_val == -1) { if (!fired_once) printf("Invalid or Missing Hex address\n"); return OK; } else val = pre_val; mem[location++] = val; fired_once = 1; } while (*rest != '\0'); return(OK); } int phantom_trace(char *rest) { char *phantoms; char *addr1s; char *addr2s; char *file; long phantom; long low_val,high_val; phantoms = rest; rest = split(rest); addr1s = rest; rest = split(rest); addr2s = rest; rest = split(rest); file = rest; rest = split(rest); phantom = (unsigned short)get_hex_number(phantoms); low_val = get_hex_number(addr1s); high_val = get_hex_number(addr2s); if (*phantoms == '\0') { if (phantom_location == -1) { printf("The phantom sleeps."); if (trace_lo != -1 && trace_hi != -1) printf("however, a trace is active."); printf("\n"); } else printf("the phantom waits until Pc = %.4X and then traces from %.4X to %.4X\n", (unsigned int)phantom_location, (unsigned int)trace_lo, (unsigned int)trace_hi); return(OK); } if (low_val == -1 || high_val == -1 || phantom == -1) { printf("usage: phantom <addr> <addr> <addr> [file]\n"); return OK; } phantom_location = phantom; trace_lo = low_val; trace_hi = high_val; if (logging_fp == NULL) { if (*file == '\0' || file == NULL) { printf("the phantom will trace to file 'trace'.\n"); file = "trace"; } logging_fp = fopen(file, "w"); if (logging_fp == NULL) { perror("can't open trace file"); trace_lo = -1; return(OK); } } return OK; } int no_phantom_trace(char *rest) { phantom_location = -1; trace_lo = -1; printf("the phantom goes to sleep.\n"); if (logging_fp == NULL) return OK; fclose(logging_fp); logging_fp = NULL; return OK; } int cd(char *rest) { char *first; char path[200]; first = rest; rest = split(rest); if (*first != '\0') { if (chdir(first)) { perror("cd"); printf("CWD remains "); } } #ifdef NeXT printf("%s\n",getwd(path)); #else printf("%s\n",getcwd(path,198)); #endif return OK; } int map(char *rest) { map_to_upper = !map_to_upper; printf("Uppercase Mapping is %s\n",(map_to_upper)?"On":"Off"); return OK; } int sex(char *rest) { printf("You'll need a real Apple for that sort of thing\n"); return OK; } int help(char *rest) { printf("![command] Escape to Unix\n"); printf(". Display Current Pc Point\n"); printf("bload file addr load binary file into mem at addr\n"); printf("breakpoint [addr] Set the Breakpoint to addr\n"); printf("bsave file start end Save Memory from start to end in file\n"); printf("cd [directory] Set/Show Current Working Directory\n"); printf("cl[cdinvz] Clear appropriate Status Bit\n"); printf("continue Resume Execution of Emulator\n"); printf("deposit addr [val]+ Put val(s) into addr\n"); printf("dup [l|p] duplicate top of stack into l or p\n"); printf("escape char set escape char to be char \n"); printf("examine addr Display Value in addr\n"); printf("insert file drive# Make file disk in drive#\n"); printf("jmp addr Make Pc=addr\n"); printf("ld[asxy] val Load Register with val\n"); printf("list [addr] [addr] Dissassemble at point or addr\n"); printf("map Toggle lower -> upper case mapping\n"); printf("nobreak Turn off breakpoint\n"); printf("pop [l|p] get p or l from top of stack\n"); printf("push [l|p|<addr> push l,p, or hex addr on stack\n"); printf("reset Pc = Apple Reset Vector\n"); #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT printf("recalibrate Recalibrate joystick\n"); #endif JOYSTICK_SUPPORT printf("se[cdinvz] Set appropriate Status Flag\n"); printf("trace [addr] [addr] Trace Between addresses/display trace point\n"); return OK; } int set_escape_char(char *rest) { if (*rest != '\0') escape_char = *rest; printf("escape character is "); if (isprint(escape_char)) printf("%c",(int)escape_char); else printf("^%c",(char)escape_char+64); printf(" (0x%.2X)",(int)escape_char); printf("\n"); return(OK); } int disk_names(char *rest) { printf("drive 1: %s\n", disk[0] >= 0 ? diskname[0] : "empty"); printf("drive 2: %s\n", disk[1] >= 0 ? diskname[1] : "empty"); return(OK); } #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT int do_joystick_recalibrate(char *rest) { int status; struct JS_DATA_TYPE js; int xmax, ymax; printf ("Joystick calibration:\n"); printf ("Move joystick to upper left corner and press button one.\n"); while ((read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN) > 0) && (!(js.buttons & 1))) ; status = read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN); if (status != JS_RETURN) { int temperrno = errno; perror ("js"); printf ("js - status = %d, errno = %d\n", status, temperrno); exit (1); } xmin = js.x; ymin = js.y; printf ("Move joystick to lower right corner and press button two.\n"); while ((read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN) > 0) && (!(js.buttons & 2))) ; status = read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN); if (status != JS_RETURN) { int temperrno = errno; perror ("js"); printf ("js - status = %d, errno = %d\n", status, temperrno); exit (1); } xmax = js.x; ymax = js.y; printf ("Center joystick and press button one\n"); while ((read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN) > 0) && (!(js.buttons & 1))) ; status = read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN); if (status != JS_RETURN) { int temperrno = errno; perror ("js"); printf ("js - status = %d, errno = %d\n", status, temperrno); exit (1); } xcenter = js.x; ycenter = js.y; if (((xmax - xcenter) < 128) || ((xcenter - xmin) < 128)) { printf ("X-axis calibration failed\n"); return OK; } if (((ymax - ycenter) < 128) || ((ycenter - ymin) < 128)) { printf ("Y-axis calibration failed\n"); return OK; } xpartition_low = ((float)(xcenter - xmin)) / 128.0; ypartition_low = ((float)(ycenter - ymin)) / 128.0; xpartition_high = ((float)(xmax - xcenter)) / 128.0; ypartition_high = ((float)(ymax - ycenter)) / 128.0; js.buttons = 0; printf ("Press both buttos to end recalibration testing.\n"); while ((!(js.buttons & 1)) || (!(js.buttons & 2))) { int my_x, my_y; status = read (joystick_fd, &js, JS_RETURN); if (status != JS_RETURN) { int temperrno = errno; perror ("js"); printf ("js - status = %d, errno = %d\n", status, temperrno); exit (1); } if (js.x < xcenter) my_x = (js.x - xmin) / xpartition_low; else my_x = 128 + (js.x - xcenter) / xpartition_high; if (js.y < ycenter) my_y = (js.y - ymin) / ypartition_low; else my_y = 128 + (js.y - ycenter) / ypartition_high; if (my_x < 0) my_x = 0; if (my_x > 255) my_x = 255; if (my_y < 0) my_y = 0; if (my_y > 255) my_y = 255; fprintf (stdout, "button 0: %s button 1: %s X position: %4d Y position: %4d\r", (js.buttons & 1) ? "on " : "off", (js.buttons & 2) ? "on " : "off", my_x, my_y); fflush (stdout); /* give other processes a chance */ usleep (100); } return OK; } #endif JOYSTICK_SUPPORT
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