
This is Inspector.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Copyright 1993  Jeremy Slade.  All rights reserved.

#import "Inspector.h"

#import "Folder.h"
#import "FolderViewer.h"
#import "Globals.h"
#import "Group.h"
#import "GroupInsPane.h"
#import "InspectorPane.h"
#import "ItemCell.h"
#import "ItemList.h"
#import "SwapView.h"

#import <strings.h>

// Inspector mode strings -- for modeMenu items
char *inspectorTitles[] = { "None", "Item", "Group", "Folder", NULL };

@implementation Inspector

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Creating, Initializing
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ initialize
	[self setVersion:Inspector_VERSION];
	return ( self );

- init
	[super init];
	[NXApp loadNibSection:"Inspector.nib" owner:self withNames:NO];
	[panel moveTo:inspectorLocation.x :inspectorLocation.y];
	[panel setBecomeKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES];
	currentPane = noInspectorPane;
	previousMode = INSPECT_GROUP;
	if ( inspectorMode != INSPECT_NONE ) [self setInspectorMode:inspectorMode];

	return ( self );

- awakeFromNib
	Perform final initializations
	currentPane = noInspectorPane;
	previousMode = INSPECT_GROUP;
	if ( inspectorMode != INSPECT_NONE ) [self setInspectorMode:inspectorMode];

	return ( self );

- free
	return ( [super free] );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Showing the inspector and setting the mode
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- showInspector:sender
	if ( inspectorMode == INSPECT_NONE ) {
		[self setInspectorMode:previousMode];

	[panel disableFlushWindow];
	[paneView swap];
	[currentPane inspect:target];
	[currentPane showCurrent:self];
	[panel display];
	[[panel reenableFlushWindow] flushWindow];

	if ( ![panel isVisible] ) {
		[panel moveTo:inspectorLocation.x :inspectorLocation.y];
		[panel orderFront:self];
	return ( self );

- panel
	return ( panel );

- setFolderMode:sender
	return ( [self setInspectorMode:INSPECT_FOLDER] );

- setGroupMode:sender
	return ( [self setInspectorMode:INSPECT_GROUP] );

- setItemMode:sender
	return ( [self setInspectorMode:INSPECT_ITEM] );

- setInspectorMode:(int)aMode
	int oldMode;

	oldMode = inspectorMode;
	switch ( aMode ) {
			inspectorMode = aMode;
			if ( ![panel isVisible] ) {
				[panel moveTo:inspectorLocation.x :inspectorLocation.y];
				[panel orderFront:self];
			// Save the current mode so it can be restored later
			previousMode = inspectorMode;
			inspectorMode = INSPECT_NONE;
			[panel orderOut:self]; // Make sure the inspector gets hidden
	// Save the inspectorMode to defaults database if it has changed
	if ( inspectorMode != oldMode ) {
		NXWriteDefault ( [NXApp appName], PREF_INSPECTORMODE,
			inspectorTitles[inspectorMode] );
	[modeCover setTitle:inspectorTitles[inspectorMode]];
	[paneView swap];	// Make sure we have the current pane for this mode
	[self update];			// Then make sure we have a current target
	return ( self );

- (int)inspectorMode
	return ( inspectorMode );

- (BOOL)canInspect:anObject
	if ( [currentPane canInspect:anObject] || !anObject )
		return ( YES );
	switch ( inspectorMode ) {
		case INSPECT_FOLDER: return ( [anObject isKindOf:[Folder class]] );
		case INSPECT_GROUP: return ( [anObject isKindOf:[Group class]] );
		case INSPECT_ITEM: return ( [anObject isKindOf:[ItemCell class]] ||
			[anObject isKindOf:[ItemList class]] );
	return ( NO );

- inspect:anObject
	if ( [self canInspect:anObject] ) {
		target = anObject;
		[self showInspector:self];
		return ( self );
	} else
		return ( nil );

- inspecting
	return ( target );

- update
	[NXApp sendAction:@selector(updateInspector:)
		to:[NXApp calcTargetForAction:@selector(updateInspector:)]
	return ( self );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Selecting the Group Name field
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- selectGroupName:sender
This method is called when a new group is created.  It makes the InspectorPanel the key window and selects the Name field in the Group pane, so that the user can immediately type in the name for the new group.
	[self setGroupMode:self];
	[groupPane selectNameField:sender];
	return ( self );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   SwapView delegate methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- swapPaneFor:sender
	if ( !target )
		currentPane = noInspectorPane;
	else switch ( inspectorMode ) {
		case INSPECT_FOLDER:	currentPane = folderPane; break;
		case INSPECT_GROUP:	currentPane = groupPane; break;
			currentPane = [target isKindOf:[ItemList class]] 
				? selectionPane : itemPane;
	return ( currentPane );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Window Delegate methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- windowDidMove:sender
	if ( sender == panel ) {
		// Save new location in defaults database
		char buf[21];
		NXRect rect;
		[panel getFrame:&rect];
		inspectorLocation = rect.origin;
		sprintf ( buf, "%.0f %.0f", rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y );
		NXWriteDefault ( [NXApp appName], PREF_INSPECTORLOCATION, buf );
	return ( self );

- windowWillClose:sender
	if ( sender == panel ) {
		[self setInspectorMode:INSPECT_NONE];
	return ( self );


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.