
This is Inspector.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Copyright 1993  Jeremy Slade.  All rights reserved.

	Project: Locus
	Class: Inspector
	Original Author: Jeremy Slade
	Revision History:
			V.101	JGS Mon Feb  8 22:28:42 GMT-0700 1993

#ifndef Inspector_h
#define Inspector_h

#define Inspector_VERSION 	(101)

#import <objc/Object.h>

// Inspector modes
#define INSPECT_NONE		0
#define INSPECT_ITEM		1
#define INSPECT_GROUP		2

// Strings for each ispector mode
extern char *inspectorTitles[];

@interface Inspector : Object
	id	target;	// The object being inspected
	// General Inspector stuff
	id	panel;
	id	paneView;	// SwapView for different Panes
	id	currentPane;
	id	modeMenu;	// Inspector mode selector PupUpList
	id	modeCover;	// Cover button for modeMenu -- need this to set its title
	int previousMode;	// last mode before set to INSPECT_NONE
	// Different panes
	id	noInspectorPane;
	id	folderPane;
	id	groupPane;
	id	itemPane;
	id	selectionPane;

// Creating and initializing
+ initialize;
- init;
- awakeFromNib;
- free;

// Showing the inspector and setting the mode
- showInspector:sender;
- panel;
- setFolderMode:sender;
- setGroupMode:sender;
- setItemMode:sender;
- setInspectorMode:(int)aMode;
- (int)inspectorMode;
- (BOOL)canInspect:anObject;
- inspect:anObject;
- inspecting;
- update;

// Selecting the Group Name field
- selectGroupName:sender;

// SwapView delegate methods
- swapPaneFor:sender;

// Window delegate methods
- windowDidMove:sender;
- windowWillClose:sender;


#endif // Inspector_h

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