
This is AppIconView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Copyright 1993  Jeremy Slade.

	You are free to use all or any parts of the Locus project
	however you wish, just give credit where credit is due.
	The author (Jeremy Slade) shall not be held responsible
	for any damages that result out of use or misuse of any
	part of this project.


	Project: Locus
	Class: AppIconView
	Description: See AppIconView.h

	Original Author: Jeremy Slade
	Revision History:
			V.101	JGS Tue Feb  2 18:50:26 GMT-0700 1993


#import "AppIconView.h"

#import "Globals.h"

#import <dpsclient/psops.h>

@implementation AppIconView

+ initialize
	[self setVersion:AppIconView_VERSION];
	return ( self );

- init
	Automatically sizes the view to 48x48, the size of the icons.
	NXRect rect = { {8.0,8.0}, {48.0,48.0} };

	[self initFrame:&rect];
	return ( self );

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
	[super initFrame:frameRect];
	isAttached = NO;
	return ( self );

- free
	[self detachFromIcon];
	if ( icon ) NX_FREE ( icon );	
	return ( [super free] );

- attachToIcon:theWindow
	// Attach to the window
	if ( !isAttached && theWindow ) {
		[[theWindow contentView] addSubview:self];
		isAttached = YES;
		[self display];
		NXPing(); // Flush the display
	return ( self );

- detachFromIcon
	if ( isAttached ) {
		[self removeFromSuperview];
		isAttached = NO;
	return ( self );

- setImage:anImage
	image = anImage;
	if ( icon ) {
		NX_FREE ( icon );
		icon = NULL;
	[self display];	
	NXPing(); // Flush the display
	return ( self );

- setIcon:(const char *)imageName;
	if ( icon ) NX_FREE ( icon );
	icon = NXCopyStringBuffer ( imageName );
	image = [NXImage findImageNamed:imageName];
	[self display];
	NXPing(); // Flush the display
	return ( self );

- (const char *)icon
	return ( icon );

- image
	return ( image );

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)count
	NXPoint	point = {0.0, 0.0};
    NXRect rect = bounds;
	// draw the new image
	[image composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&point];

	return ( self );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   NXDraggingDestination Protocol - forward to folderController
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- setDraggingEnabled:(BOOL)flag
	if ( flag == YES ) {
		[self registerForDraggedTypes:dragInTypes count:DRAGINTYPES];
	} else {
		[self unregisterDraggedTypes];
	return ( self );

- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	[folderController setDragDest:self];
	return ( [folderController draggingEntered:sender] );

- (NXDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController draggingUpdated:sender] );

- draggingExited:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController draggingExited:sender] );

- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController prepareForDragOperation:sender] );

- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController performDragOperation:sender] );

- concludeDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController concludeDragOperation:sender] );


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.