
This is ActivatorBar.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Copyright 1993  Jeremy Slade.

	You are free to use all or any parts of the Locus project
	however you wish, just give credit where credit is due.
	The author (Jeremy Slade) shall not be held responsible
	for any damages that result out of use or misuse of any
	part of this project.


	Project: Locus

	File: ActivatorBar.m

	Description: See ActivatorBar.m

	Original Author: Jeremy Slade

	Revision History:
			V.101	JGS Tue Feb  2 18:42:19 GMT-0700 1993


#import "ActivatorBar.h"

#import "ActivatorBarView.h"
#import "FolderController.h"
#import "Globals.h"
#import "PSWraps.h"

@implementation ActivatorBar

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Creating and initializing
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ initialize
	[self setVersion:ActivatorBar_VERSION];
	return ( self );

- initAt:(int)position
	[self initContent:NULL
		style:NX_PLAINSTYLE // No title bar

	[[[self setFreeWhenClosed:NO]
	[[self setContentView:[[ActivatorBarView alloc] initFrame:NULL]]
		free]; // Free the previous content view
	[self setPosition:position];
	return ( self );

- free
	return ( [super free] );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Displaying
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define BAR_VWID	5
#define BAR_HWID	5
- setPosition:(int)position
	This method moves and resizes the bar so that it will lay along the edge of the screen specified by the position value -- None, Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.  It asks NXApp for the current screen size, so that it can adjust to different size screens.  The bar also checks the floatActivator global variable to see which window tier it should display in.  If floatActivator is YES, the bars will be shown in the same tier as the standard Dock (tier 5).  Otherwise, they will be in the standard window tier (tier 0).
	NXRect rect;
	unsigned int winNum;
	NXSize screen;

	pos = position;
	if ( pos == ABAR_NONE ) {
		[self orderOut:self];
		return ( self ); // No bar
	// Set frame rect according to position
	[NXApp getScreenSize:&screen];
	if ( pos == ABAR_TOP ||
		pos == ABAR_BOTTOM ) {
		// Horizontal bar
		NXSetRect ( &rect, 0, 0, screen.width, BAR_VWID ); // Bottom of screen
		if ( pos == ABAR_TOP )
			rect.origin.y = screen.height - BAR_VWID; // Top of screen
	} else {
		// Vertical bar
		NXSetRect ( &rect, 0, 0, BAR_HWID, screen.height ); // Left of screen
		if ( pos == ABAR_RIGHT )
			rect.origin.x = screen.width - BAR_HWID; // Right of screen
	[self placeWindow:&rect];

	// Raise the activator bar to the proper tier
	NXConvertWinNumToGlobal ( [self windowNum], &winNum );
	if ( floatActivator ) PSsettier ( 5, winNum ); // Same tier as Dock
		else PSsettier ( 0, winNum ); // Standard tier for windows
	[self disableFlushWindow];
	[self display];
	[self reenableFlushWindow];

	return ( self );

- setColor:(NXColor)color
	[contentView setColor:color];
	return ( self );

- setBorderColor:(NXColor)color
	[contentView setBorderColor:color];
	return ( self );

- show:sender
	// Always put bar at back of screen list
	if ( pos != ABAR_NONE ) [self orderBack:self];
	return ( self );

- hide:sender
	[self orderOut:sender];
	return ( self );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Trapping mouseDown
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- barHit:sender
	Sent by the ActivatorBarView when it receives a mouseDown -- notify our delegate.
	if ( [delegate respondsTo:@selector(barHit:)] ) [delegate barHit:self];
	return ( self );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   NXDraggingDestination Protocol - forward to dragDelegate
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	[folderController setDragDest:activator];
	return ( [folderController draggingEntered:sender] );

- (NXDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController draggingUpdated:sender] );

- draggingExited:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController draggingExited:sender] );

- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController prepareForDragOperation:sender] );

- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController performDragOperation:sender] );

- concludeDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	return ( [folderController concludeDragOperation:sender] );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Misc
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
	return ( NO );

- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow
	return ( NO );


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.