This is DockMgrView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import "Fiend.h" #import "FiendWraps.h" #import "IconDragView.h" #import "ProgressView.h" #import "Controller.h" #import "Dock.h" #import "DockMgrView.h" #import <drivers/event_status_driver.h> @implementation DockMgrView int miniwindowCount; int miniwindowArray[40]; + initialize { [DockMgrView setVersion:DOCKMGRVERSION]; return self; } - setupImage:image name:(const char *)imgName size:(NXSize *)aSize { if (image) [image free]; image = [[NXImage findImageNamed:imgName] copy]; [image setScalable:YES]; [image setSize:aSize]; return image; } - setupImages:(NXRect *)theRect { NXSize theSize = theRect->size; appTileImage = [self setupImage:appTileImage name:"NXAppTile" size:&theSize]; theSize.width *= 0.9; theSize.height *= 0.9; theImage = [self setupImage:theImage name:"Fiend" size:&theSize]; [raiseButton getFrame:theRect]; rbImage = [self setupImage:rbImage name:"bbutton" size:&theRect->size]; rbDImage = [self setupImage:rbDImage name:"bbuttonD" size:&theRect->size]; rbAltImage = [self setupImage:rbAltImage name:"bbuttonH" size:&theRect->size]; nbImage = [self setupImage:nbImage name:"tbutton" size:&theRect->size]; nbDImage = [self setupImage:nbDImage name:"tbuttonD" size:&theRect->size]; nbAltImage = [self setupImage:nbAltImage name:"tbuttonH" size:&theRect->size]; nbDAltImage = [self setupImage:nbDAltImage name:"tbuttonHD" size:&theRect->size]; return self; } - setup:(const NXRect *)theFrame { NXRect frameCopy = *theFrame; const char *const types[1] = {NXFilenamePboardType}; showDock = !strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], SHOW_DOCK), "YES"); [self registerForDraggedTypes:types count:1]; [self setAutodisplay:NO]; monsterSound = [Sound findSoundFor:"Fiend"]; destroySound = [Sound findSoundFor:"Destroy"]; dockNameCell = [[TextFieldCell allocFromZone:[self zone]] init]; [dockNameCell setAlignment:NX_CENTERED]; [dockNameCell setBackgroundTransparent:YES]; [dockNameCell setTextGray:NX_WHITE]; [self setDockNameCellFont:(NXRect *)theFrame]; NX_X(&frameCopy) = 0.75 * NX_WIDTH(theFrame); NX_Y(&frameCopy) = 0.1 * NX_HEIGHT(theFrame); NX_WIDTH(&frameCopy) = 0.15 * NX_WIDTH(theFrame); NX_HEIGHT(&frameCopy) = 0.15 * NX_HEIGHT(theFrame); NXIntegralRect(&frameCopy); raiseButton = [[Button alloc] initFrame:&frameCopy icon:"" tag:0 target:self action:@selector(activateFiend:) key:'\0' enabled:YES]; [[raiseButton setType:NX_MOMENTARYCHANGE] setBordered:NO]; NX_Y(&frameCopy) += 1.2 * NX_HEIGHT(&frameCopy); NXIntegralRect(&frameCopy); nextLevelButton = [[Button alloc] initFrame:&frameCopy icon:"" tag:0 target:self action:@selector(nextLevel) key:'\0' enabled:YES]; [[nextLevelButton setType:NX_MOMENTARYCHANGE] setBordered:NO]; frameCopy = *theFrame; [self setupImages:&frameCopy]; if (showDock) { [[raiseButton setImage:rbImage] setAltImage:rbAltImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbImage] setAltImage:nbAltImage]; } else { [[raiseButton setImage:rbDImage] setAltImage:rbAltImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbDImage] setAltImage:nbDAltImage]; } [self addSubview:raiseButton]; [self addSubview:nextLevelButton]; return self; } - initFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame withWindow:aWindow { char string[10]; NXEventHandle theHandle = NXOpenEventStatus(); [super initFrame:theFrame]; [[aWindow setContentView:self] free]; [self setup:theFrame]; clickTime = NXClickTime(theHandle); NXCloseEventStatus(theHandle); dockList = [[List alloc] init]; [self readDocks]; sprintf(string, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:string]; windowsNeedUpdate = showDock; return self; } - free { [theImage free]; [appTileImage free]; [dockNameCell free]; [raiseButton free]; [nextLevelButton free]; [monsterSound free]; [destroySound free]; [[dockList freeObjects] free]; return [super free]; } - drawSelf:(const NXRect *) rects:(int)rectCount { id *win; id tempImage; int i; int count; NXPoint p; NXPoint imagePt; NXPoint *offset; NXRect winFrame; NXRect imageRect = {{-1.0, -1.0}, {0.0, 0.0}}; float width = frame.size.width; float height = frame.size.height; id dockWinList = [currentDock dockWindowList]; id filePosStore = [currentDock filePositionStore]; id *winListPtr = NX_ADDRESS(dockWinList); count = [dockWinList count]; [appTileImage composite:NX_SOVER fromRect:&frame toPoint:&frame.origin]; [theImage getSize:&imageRect.size]; NXInsetRect(&imageRect, 1, 1); imagePt.x = (width - imageRect.size.width)/2; imagePt.y = -1 + (height - imageRect.size.height)/2; if (showDock) [theImage composite:NX_SOVER fromRect:&imageRect toPoint:&imagePt]; else { tempImage = [[NXImage alloc] initSize:&imageRect.size]; if ([tempImage lockFocus]) { PSsetalpha(0); NXRectFill(&imageRect); [theImage dissolve:0.6666 toPoint:&imageRect.origin]; [tempImage unlockFocus]; } [tempImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&imagePt]; [tempImage free]; } [dockNameCell calcCellSize:&imageRect.size]; NX_X(&imageRect) = NX_Y(&imageRect) = 0.05 * width; [dockNameCell drawSelf:&imageRect inView:self]; if (windowsNeedUpdate) { p = frame.origin; [window convertBaseToScreen:&p]; [window getFrame:&winFrame]; [currentDock setFrame:&winFrame]; } for(i = 0, win = winListPtr; i < count; i++, win++) { if (windowsNeedUpdate) { offset = (NXPoint *)[filePosStore elementAt:i]; [*win moveTo:p.x + offset->x * width :p.y + offset->y * height]; } [*win display]; } windowsNeedUpdate = NO; return self; } - setDockNameCellFont:(NXRect *)aRect { float fontSize = 10.0; fontSize *= (NX_WIDTH(aRect)/48.0); fontSize = (fontSize < 8.0) ? 8.0 : fontSize; fontSize = (fontSize > 18.0) ? 18.0 : fontSize; [dockNameCell setFont:[Font boldSystemFontOfSize:fontSize matrix:NX_FLIPPEDMATRIX]]; return self; } - deleteView:aView { BOOL useSound = !strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], USE_SOUND), "YES"); [currentDock deleteView:aView]; [self display]; if (useSound) [destroySound play]; return self; } - addLevel { id newDock; char dockNameString[20]; NXRect dockFrame = frame; NXPoint goAwayPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; [[self window] convertBaseToScreen:&dockFrame.origin]; newDock = [[Dock alloc] initMgrView:self]; [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; [dockList addObject:newDock]; currentDock = newDock; currentDockIndex = [dockList count]-1; windowsNeedUpdate = YES; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; return self; } - deleteLevel { int status; char dockNameString[20]; NXPoint goAwayPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; if ([dockList count] == 1) { NXBeep(); NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "This is the last dock level - cannot delete", NULL, NULL, NULL); return nil; } else { NXBeep(); status = NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Really delete this level?", "No", "Go ahead", NULL); if (status == NX_ALERTDEFAULT) return self; } [dockList removeObjectAt:currentDockIndex]; [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; [currentDock free]; currentDockIndex = (currentDockIndex > 1) ? currentDockIndex - 1 : 0; currentDock = [dockList objectAt:currentDockIndex]; windowsNeedUpdate = YES; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; return self; } - nextLevel { char dockNameString[20]; NXPoint goAwayPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; if ([dockList count] < 2) { NXBeep(); return self; } currentDockIndex++; currentDockIndex %= [dockList count]; [currentDock select:NO all:self]; if (showDock) [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; currentDock = [dockList objectAt:currentDockIndex]; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; if (showDock) { goAwayPt = frame.origin; [window convertBaseToScreen:&goAwayPt]; [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; } [self display]; return self; } - previousLevel { char dockNameString[20]; NXPoint goAwayPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; if ([dockList count] < 2) { NXBeep(); return nil; } currentDockIndex--; if (currentDockIndex < 0) currentDockIndex = [dockList count]-1; [currentDock select:NO all:self]; if (showDock) [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; currentDock = [dockList objectAt:currentDockIndex]; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; if (showDock) { goAwayPt = frame.origin; [window convertBaseToScreen:&goAwayPt]; [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; [self display]; } return self; } - moveLevelTo:(int)newLevel { char dockNameString[20]; if (newLevel == currentDockIndex) return self; if (newLevel < 0 || newLevel >= [dockList count]) { NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Level %d is out of range!", NULL, NULL, NULL, newLevel+1); return nil; } [dockList removeObjectAt:currentDockIndex]; [dockList insertObject:currentDock at:newLevel]; currentDockIndex = newLevel; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; return self; } - clearDockLevel { int status; NXBeep(); status = NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Really clear this level?", "No", "Go Ahead", NULL); if (status == NX_ALERTDEFAULT) return self; [[currentDock dockWindowList] freeObjects]; [[currentDock fileNameStore] empty]; [[currentDock nameWinHash] empty]; [[currentDock filePositionStore] empty]; return self; } - findLevelContaining:(const char *)aPath { id dock; int i; int count = [dockList count]; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; if ([dock containsPath:NXUniqueString(aPath)]) break; } if (i == count) { NXBeep(); NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Icon for '%s' not found...", NULL, NULL, NULL, aPath); return nil; } else { [self gotoDockLevel:i]; } return self; } - gotoDockLevel:(int)aLevel { char dockNameString[20]; NXPoint goAwayPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; if (aLevel < 0 || aLevel >= [dockList count]) { NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Level %d out of range!", NULL, NULL, NULL, aLevel+1); return nil; } currentDockIndex = aLevel; [currentDock select:NO all:self]; if (showDock) [currentDock updateWindows:&goAwayPt usePlace:NO]; currentDock = [dockList objectAt:currentDockIndex]; sprintf(dockNameString, "%d-%d", currentDockIndex+1, [dockList count]); [dockNameCell setStringValue:dockNameString]; [self setShowDock:YES]; return self; } - copy:sender andCut:(BOOL)cutFlag { [currentDock copy:self andCut:cutFlag]; [self perform:@selector(writeDocks) with:nil afterDelay:100.0 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - paste:sender { [IconView resetProcessTable]; [currentDock paste:self]; [self perform:@selector(writeDocks) with:nil afterDelay:100.0 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - (int)currentDockIndex { return currentDockIndex; } - app:theApp applicationWillLaunch:(const char *)theAppName { id dock; id appWin; id appIconView; int i; NXRect theRect; int count = [dockList count]; [IconView resetProcessTable]; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; if ((appWin = [[dock nameWinHash] valueForKey:NXUniqueString(theAppName)]) != nil) { [appWin getFrame:&theRect]; appIconView = [appWin contentView]; if (![appIconView isLaunched]) [[[appIconView setLaunched:YES] setGhost:YES] display]; } } return self; } - app:theApp applicationDidLaunch:(const char *)theAppName { id dock; id appWin; id appIconView; int i; NXRect theRect; int count = [dockList count]; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; if ((appWin = [[dock nameWinHash] valueForKey:NXUniqueString(theAppName)]) != nil) { [appWin getFrame:&theRect]; appIconView = [appWin contentView]; if ([appIconView appPid] == -1) { [[appIconView setGhost:NO] display]; [appIconView getAppPid]; } } } return self; } - app:theApp applicationDidTerminate:(const char *)theAppName { id dock; id appWin; id appIconView; int i; int count = [dockList count]; [IconView resetProcessTable]; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; if ((appWin = [[dock nameWinHash] valueForKey:NXUniqueString(theAppName)]) != nil) { appIconView = [appWin contentView]; if (![IconView pidExists:[appIconView appPid]]) { [appIconView getAppPid]; if ([appIconView appPid] == -1) [[appIconView setLaunched:NO] display]; else [[appIconView setLaunched:YES] display]; } } } return self; } - (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender { int len; char *path; char *dragData; char *dragString; NXAtom testAtom; BOOL sourceOnDock; BOOL oldItemOnDock = -10; BOOL oldAcceptDrag = -10; BOOL localSrc = [sender isDraggingSourceLocal]; id nameWinHash = [currentDock nameWinHash]; Pasteboard *pb = [Pasteboard newName:NXDragPboard]; [pb readType:NXFilenamePboardType data:&dragData length:&len]; dragString = (char *)malloc(len); bcopy((void *)dragData, (void *)dragString, len); dragString[len] = '\0'; acceptDrag = itemOnDock = NO; path = strtok(dragString, "\t"); while(path && strlen(path)) { testAtom = NXUniqueString(path); /* if item is on this dock, we accept/nuke if it came from this dock also; */ /* if it did not come from the dock, we just refuse it */ if ([nameWinHash isKey:testAtom]) { itemOnDock = YES; sourceOnDock = ([sender draggingSource] == self); if (localSrc && !itemOnDock) acceptDrag = YES; else if (localSrc) acceptDrag = NO; } else acceptDrag = YES; if ((oldAcceptDrag != -10 && oldAcceptDrag != acceptDrag) || (oldItemOnDock != -10 && oldItemOnDock != itemOnDock)) { acceptDrag = NO; free(dragString); return NX_DragOperationNone; } oldAcceptDrag = acceptDrag; oldItemOnDock = itemOnDock; path = strtok(NULL, "\t"); } free(dragString); if (!acceptDrag) return NX_DragOperationNone; else return (itemOnDock) ? NX_DragOperationGeneric : NX_DragOperationLink; } - concludeDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender { id win; int len; int index; char *path; char *dragString; NXAtom pathAtom; BOOL added; BOOL deleted; NXRect winFrame; id dockWinList = [currentDock dockWindowList]; BOOL useSound = !strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], USE_SOUND), "YES"); Pasteboard *pb = [Pasteboard newName:NXDragPboard]; added = deleted = NO; [window getFrame:&winFrame]; [currentDock setFrame:&winFrame]; [IconView resetProcessTable]; [pb readType:NXFilenamePboardType data:&dragString length:&len]; path = strtok(dragString, "\t"); while(path && strlen(path)) { pathAtom = NXUniqueString(path); if (acceptDrag) { if (!itemOnDock) { if (!showDock) [self setShowDock:YES]; [currentDock addWindowForPath:pathAtom]; added = YES; } else { win = [[sender draggingSource] window]; index = [dockWinList indexOf:win]; if (index == NX_NOT_IN_LIST) { [currentDock addWindowForPath:pathAtom]; added = YES; } else { [currentDock deleteView:[sender draggingSource]]; deleted = YES; } } } path = strtok(NULL, "\t"); } if (useSound) { if (added) [monsterSound play]; else if (deleted) [destroySound play]; } [pb deallocatePasteboardData:dragString length:len]; [self perform:@selector(writeDocks) with:nil afterDelay:100.0 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height { NXRect frameCopy; NXRect aFrame = {{0.75*width, 0.1*height}, {0.15*width, 0.15*height}}; [super sizeTo:width :height]; if (!raiseButton) return self; NXIntegralRect(&aFrame); [[[raiseButton setFrame:&aFrame] setImage:nil] setAltImage:nil]; NX_Y(&aFrame) += 1.25 * NX_HEIGHT(&aFrame); NXIntegralRect(&aFrame); [nextLevelButton setFrame:&aFrame]; frameCopy = frame; [self setupImages:&frameCopy]; if (showDock) { [[raiseButton setImage:rbImage] setAltImage:rbAltImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbImage] setAltImage:nbAltImage]; } else { [[raiseButton setImage:rbDImage] setAltImage:rbAltImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbDImage] setAltImage:nbDAltImage]; } return self; } - setIconSize:(int)aValue { id dock; int i; int count = [dockList count]; NXPoint screenPt = frame.origin; NXPoint offscreenPt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; if (aValue == NX_X(&frame)) return self; [window disableDisplay]; [window sizeWindow:aValue :aValue]; [IconView resetCachedDockImages]; [window convertBaseToScreen:&screenPt]; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; [[dock dockWindowList] freeObjects]; [dock setFrame:&frame]; [dock createWindowsFromStores]; if (dock == currentDock) { if (showDock) [dock updateWindows:&screenPt usePlace:YES]; else [dock updateWindows:&offscreenPt usePlace:YES]; } } [self setDockNameCellFont:&frame]; [[window reenableDisplay] display]; return self; } - (int)iconSize { return (int)NX_WIDTH(&frame); } - getSlotOriginForPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint { NXCoord x; NXCoord y; NXCoord newX; NXCoord newY; NXPoint testPoint; float width = NX_WIDTH(&frame); float height = NX_HEIGHT(&frame); NXPoint org = {0.0, 0.0}; [window convertBaseToScreen:&org]; testPoint.x = aPoint->x + width/2.0; testPoint.y = aPoint->y + height/2.0; x = testPoint.x - ((org.x > testPoint.x) ? org.x + width : org.x); y = testPoint.y - ((org.y > testPoint.y) ? org.y + height : org.y); newX = width * abs((int)(x/width)); newX *= (x > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; newY = height * abs((int)(y/height)); newY *= (y > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; aPoint->x = org.x + newX; aPoint->y = org.y + newY; return self; } - hilightNewSlot { id underView; BOOL preDelete; NXPoint mousePoint; NXRect mouseRect = frame; NXPoint screenPoint = {0.0, 0.0}; static id theView; static NXRect savedRect; static NXPoint oldPoint; if (dragView == nil) { theView = nil; oldPoint = screenPoint; return self; } else if (theView != dragView) { theView = dragView; [theView getFrame:&savedRect]; [[theView window] convertBaseToScreen:&savedRect.origin]; } [window getMouseLocation:&mousePoint]; [window convertBaseToScreen:&screenPoint]; [window convertBaseToScreen:&mousePoint]; mousePoint.x -= mouseOffset.x; mousePoint.y -= mouseOffset.y; [self getSlotOriginForPoint:&mousePoint]; if ((mousePoint.x == oldPoint.x && mousePoint.y == oldPoint.y)) return self; oldPoint = mousePoint; mouseRect.origin = mousePoint; preDelete = [dragView preDelete]; underView = [currentDock viewAtPosition:&mouseRect besides:dragView]; if (underView == nil && !(mousePoint.x == screenPoint.x && mousePoint.y == screenPoint.y)) { if (preDelete) { [[dragView setPreDelete:NO] display]; NXPing(); } [[dragView window] moveTo:mousePoint.x :mousePoint.y]; } else { [[dragView window] moveTo:NX_X(&savedRect) :NX_Y(&savedRect)]; if (mousePoint.x == screenPoint.x && mousePoint.y == screenPoint.y && !preDelete) { [[dragView setPreDelete:YES] display]; NXPing(); } else if (preDelete) { [[dragView setPreDelete:NO] display]; NXPing(); } } return self; } - draggedImage:anImage endedAt:(NXPoint *)screenPoint deposited:(BOOL)didDeposit { id win; int index; NXRect screenFrame; NXRect iconFrame; NXSize iconSize; NXPoint *offset; NXPoint testPoint; BOOL useSound = !strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], USE_SOUND), "YES"); if (!dragView) return self; DPSRemoveTimedEntry(timer); [window getFrame:&screenFrame]; [anImage getSize:&iconSize]; testPoint.x = screenPoint->x + iconSize.width/2.0; testPoint.y = screenPoint->y + iconSize.height/2.0; if (NXPointInRect(&testPoint, &screenFrame)) { [currentDock deleteView:dragView]; if (useSound) [destroySound play]; } else { [self hilightNewSlot]; win = [dragView window]; [win getFrame:&iconFrame]; [[dragView setPreDelete:NO] display]; dragView = nil; [self hilightNewSlot]; index = [[currentDock dockWindowList] indexOf:win]; offset = (NXPoint *)[[currentDock filePositionStore] elementAt:index]; offset->x = (NX_X(&iconFrame)-NX_X(&screenFrame))/NX_WIDTH(&iconFrame); offset->y = (NX_Y(&iconFrame)-NX_Y(&screenFrame))/NX_HEIGHT(&iconFrame); } windowsNeedUpdate = YES; [self display]; [self perform:@selector(writeDocks) with:nil afterDelay:100.0 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - rotateOffsets { id *win; int i; NXPoint *oldOffset; NXPoint newOffset; id filePosStore = [currentDock filePositionStore]; id dockWinList = [currentDock dockWindowList]; id *winListPtr = NX_ADDRESS(dockWinList); int width = NX_WIDTH(&frame); int height = NX_HEIGHT(&frame); int count = [filePosStore count]; NXPoint p = frame.origin; if (!showDock) { NXBeep(); return self; } [window convertBaseToScreen:&p]; for(i = 0, win = winListPtr; i < count; i++, win++) { oldOffset = (NXPoint *)[filePosStore elementAt:i]; newOffset.x = oldOffset->y; newOffset.y = -oldOffset->x; [*win moveTo:p.x+newOffset.x*width :p.y+newOffset.y*height]; [filePosStore replaceElementAt:i with:(void *)&newOffset]; } return self; } - handleDoubleClick:(NXEvent *)event { [NXApp unhide:self]; return self; } - handleMouseMoved:(NXEvent *)event { NXRect theRect; NXPoint p; NXEvent *newEvent; int mask = NX_LMOUSEDRAGGEDMASK|NX_LMOUSEUPMASK; NXPoint offsetPt = {0.0, 0.0}; NXPoint origPt = event->location; [window convertBaseToScreen:&offsetPt]; p = offsetPt; newEvent = [NXApp getNextEvent:mask]; origPt = newEvent->location; while (newEvent && newEvent->type != NX_MOUSEUP) { p.x = newEvent->location.x + offsetPt.x - origPt.x; p.y = newEvent->location.y + offsetPt.y - origPt.y; [window moveTo:p.x :p.y]; offsetPt = p; newEvent = [NXApp getNextEvent:mask]; } [window moveTo:p.x :p.y]; [window saveFrameUsingName:"DockWindow"]; [window getFrame:&theRect]; [currentDock setFrame:&theRect]; if (showDock) [currentDock updateWindows:&p usePlace:NO]; return self; } - activateFiend:sender { [NXApp unhide:self]; return self; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)event { int savedMask; BOOL alt; BOOL ctrl; BOOL shift; BOOL command; int mask = NX_LMOUSEDRAGGEDMASK|NX_LMOUSEUPMASK; alt = (event->flags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK) ? YES : NO; ctrl = (event->flags & NX_CONTROLMASK) ? YES : NO; shift = (event->flags & NX_SHIFTMASK) ? YES : NO; command = (event->flags & NX_COMMANDMASK) ? YES : NO; savedMask = [window addToEventMask:mask]; event = [NXApp getNextEvent:NX_MOUSEUPMASK|NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK]; switch(event->type) { case NX_MOUSEUP: if (showDock && ctrl) [self rotateOffsets]; else if (showDock && command) { if (shift) [self previousLevel]; else [self nextLevel]; } else { if (command || alt || ctrl) NXBeep(); else [self setShowDock:!showDock]; } break; case NX_MOUSEDRAGGED: [self handleMouseMoved:event]; break; } [window setEventMask:savedMask]; return self; } - currentDock { return currentDock; } - windowDidMove:sender { if (showDock) { windowsNeedUpdate = YES; [self display]; } return self; } - displayShowSetting { [[self window] disableFlushWindow]; if (showDock) { [raiseButton setImage:rbImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbImage] setAltImage:nbAltImage]; } else { [raiseButton setImage:rbDImage]; [[nextLevelButton setImage:nbDImage] setAltImage:nbDAltImage]; } [self display]; [[[self window] reenableFlushWindow] flushWindow]; return self; } - setShowDock:(BOOL)flag { NXPoint thePt = {-1000.0, -1000.0}; showDock = flag; if (showDock) { thePt = frame.origin; [window convertBaseToScreen:&thePt]; [currentDock updateWindows:&thePt usePlace:NO]; } else { [currentDock updateWindows:&thePt usePlace:NO]; } [self perform:@selector(displayShowSetting) with:nil afterDelay:300.0 cancelPrevious:YES]; return self; } - (BOOL)showDock { return showDock; } - readDocks { id dock; id filePosStore; id fileNameStore; id launchFlagStore; int junk; int count; int version; int iconCount; BOOL autoLaunch; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; float i; float j; FILE *f; NXAtom pathAtom; NXPoint offset; NXPoint screenPt = frame.origin; int defDockIndex = atoi(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], CUR_DOCK))-1; [window convertBaseToScreen:&screenPt]; [[NXApp delegate] setProgressViewRatio:0.0]; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", NXHomeDirectory(), FIENDDOCK_FILE); if ((f = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { currentDock = [[Dock alloc] initMgrView:self]; currentDockIndex = 0; [dockList addObject:currentDock]; [[NXApp delegate] setProgressViewRatio:1.0]; return self; } currentDockIndex = -1; fscanf(f, "%d %d", &version, &count); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { fscanf(f, "%d", &iconCount); dock = [[Dock alloc] initMgrView:self]; [dockList addObject:dock]; filePosStore = [dock filePositionStore]; fileNameStore = [dock fileNameStore]; launchFlagStore = [dock launchFlagStore]; for(j = 0; j < iconCount; j++) { if (version == 2) { autoLaunch = NO; fscanf(f, "%f %f %s", &offset.x, &offset.y, path); } else { fscanf(f, "%d %f %f %s", &junk, &offset.x, &offset.y, path); autoLaunch = junk; } pathAtom = NXUniqueString(path); [filePosStore addElement:(void *)&offset]; [fileNameStore addElement:(void *)&pathAtom]; [launchFlagStore addElement:(BOOL *)&autoLaunch]; } [dock createWindowsFromStores]; [[NXApp delegate] setProgressViewRatio:i/count]; if ((int)i == defDockIndex) { currentDock = dock; currentDockIndex = defDockIndex; } } if (currentDockIndex < 0) { currentDock = [dockList objectAt:0]; currentDockIndex = 0; } fclose(f); return self; } - writeDocks { id dock; id filePosStore; id fileNameStore; id dockWinList; int i; int j; int count; int iconCount; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; BOOL autoLaunch; FILE *f; NXPoint *p; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", NXHomeDirectory(), FIENDDOCK_FILE); if ((f = fopen(path, "w+")) == NULL) return nil; count = [dockList count]; fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", DOCKMGRVERSION, count); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { dock = [dockList objectAt:i]; dockWinList = [dock dockWindowList]; fileNameStore = [dock fileNameStore]; filePosStore = [dock filePositionStore]; iconCount = [fileNameStore count]; fprintf(f, "%d\n", iconCount); for(j = 0; j < iconCount; j++) { p = (NXPoint *)[filePosStore elementAt:j]; autoLaunch = [[[dockWinList objectAt:j] contentView] autoLaunch]; fprintf(f, "%d %6.0f%6.0f %s\n", autoLaunch, p->x, p->y, *(char **)[fileNameStore elementAt:j]); } } fclose(f); return self; } - (NXDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender { return (acceptDrag) ? NX_DragOperationLink : NX_DragOperationNone; if (![sender isDraggingSourceLocal]) return (acceptDrag) ? NX_DragOperationLink : NX_DragOperationNone; else return (acceptDrag) ? NX_DragOperationLink : NX_DragOperationNone; } - draggingExited:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender { return self; } - (BOOL) prepareForDragOperation:sender { return YES; } - (BOOL) performDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender { return acceptDrag; } void followMouse(DPSTimedEntry timedEntry, double timeNow, void *data) { [(id)data hilightNewSlot]; return; } - setDragView:theView andOffset:(NXPoint *)offset { dragView = theView; if (theView != nil) { mouseOffset = *offset; timer = DPSAddTimedEntry(0.2, &followMouse, self, NX_MODALRESPTHRESHOLD); } return self; } - (NXDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)flag { return (dragView) ? NX_DragOperationNone : NX_DragOperationAll; } @end
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by