ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/tools/defaults/DefaultsSystem.1.3a.NIHS.b.tar.gz#/DefaultsSystem/Release Notes.rtf

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DefaultsSystem 1.3a  Release Notes


The "Owner" and "Default" menus now just contain the "Add..." and "Remove..." commands, all others have been moved to the DefaultsSystem menu and its submenus.


·	"Backup": stores the whole database using an automatically generated file name in a target directory specified  in the "Open and Save Options" preference. Help click the "Backup" menu cell of the "Defaults" submenu to read more about it.

·	"Test..." and "Update..." now operate on the whole defaults database, regardless of the current selection (the "Save..." command still works on the current selection).

Test panel

Totally changed. See "The Test panel" help file for details.


Open an Save Options: extension: set the target directory for backups of the defaults database

Owner Search Paths: formerly called Application Search Paths; double click a pathname (even if its gray) to mark it as recursive, i.e. cause the "Test..." command to search through all of the paths subdirectories (and their subdirectories) to find corresponding applications for all owners. A second double click removes the recursive symbol.

Owner Types: new. Specifies which file extensions are legal for applications owning an entry in the defaults database; the "Test..." command will ignore files with other extensions. Single executables without any extensions are also supported (though not shown in this preference).

General Settings: new. Lets you specify the modules height (you must restart Preferences.app for this change to take effect), whether or not the value view should be visible on module launch and whether or not the right mouse button should work like a <Shift> click.


·	The help files are better structured and more complete.

·	Selecting the DefaultsSystem module ensures that a help file belonging to it is loaded in the Help panel; that way the Help panel uses the DefaultsSystem index, i.e. click-for-help is possible.

·	Tip for advanced users: read "Appendix D".

·	Due to a bug in the AppKit (the use of the compresshelp utility is not possible for supplementary help) the help files take a lot of disc space. You may remove the *.lproj directory (within DefaultsSystem.preferences) of any language you don't use and save about 1.4MB per language.

Note For Users of NS 3.1 and NS 3.2

The height of the NEXTSTEP 3.3 Preferences modules is smaller then those in prior versions. To get the old height set it to "192" in the "General Settings"preference.

Note For German Users of NS 3.1 and NS 3.2

Leider hat sich in 3.3 auch die Breite geŁndert. Im Verzeichnis "German.lproj/Resources" von DefaultsSystem.prefences befindet sich eine ".nib" Datei mit der alten Breite.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.