
This is mCD_Controller.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "scsi_cd.subproj/scsi_commands.h"
#import "scsi_cd.subproj/cd_commands.h"
#import "TestCD.h"

@interface mCD_Controller:Object <TestCDstarter>
    id	trackPlayTimeID;
    id	trackRemTimeID;
    id	curTrackID;
    id  discPlayTimeID;
    id	discRemTimeID;
    id	endTrackID;
    id  trackRangePanel;
    id  newStartTrackID;
    id	newEndTrackID;

    id	cdTitleID;
    id	trackInfoID;
    id	loadButtonID;
    id	pauseButtonID;
    id	unloadButtonID;
    id	mainPanel;
    id	leftVolumeSliderID;
    id	rightVolumeSliderID;
    id	globPrefs;
    id	cd_dbase;
    id	standardInfo;
    id  testCD_ID;
    char    rawDevName[12];
    int     cd_fd;
    BOOL    do_timed_updates;
    struct inquiry_reply cd_Inq;
    struct esense_reply cd_Ereply;	/* used by most CD-drive commands */
    struct esense_reply rcp_Ereply;	/* for calls to read-cur-position */
    struct esense_reply tur_Ereply;	/* for calls to test-unit-ready */

    struct cd_volset_reply cd_volumes;
    struct timeval	cd_Tval;
    struct cd_toc	toc;
    struct rsc_cur_pos_reply cd_curpos;
    DPSTimedEntry teNum;
    double	updatePeriod;
    int		curCdIndex, curAbsSecond;
    char    tempTitle[150];
    char    holdCatNumber[MEDIA_CATNUM_LENGTH +1]; /* for now... */

- copyMcdEntry:sender;
- copyMcdEntryAsObjC:sender;
- pasteMcdEntry:sender;

- ejectCD:sender;
- loadCD:sender;
- pauseCD:sender;
- setLeftVolume:sender;
- setRightVolume:sender;
- setPlayVolumes:(int) leftVol :(int) rightVol;
- stopCD:sender;
- showTestCD:sender;
- unloadCD:sender;
- updateCdStatus:sender;

- playCD:sender;
- playTrackRange:sender;
- showSelectTrackRange:sender;
- goNextTrack:sender;
- goPreviousTrack:sender;
- playTracks:(int)startTrack to: (int) endTrack;

- (BOOL)openCdFd:(BOOL)tryToLoad;
- displayCdInfo;

- fillTocTitles;

/* one that PrefController will need */
- getVolumes:(int *)leftVolPtr :(int *)rightVolPtr;

/* for automatic update of CDstatus */
- EventLoopInit;
- EventLoop;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.