
This is TestCD.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "scsi_cd.subproj/scsi_commands.h"
#import "scsi_cd.subproj/cd_commands.h"
#import "scsi_cd.subproj/cd_cmdsint.h"

@protocol TestCDstarter
- (int) fdOfCdrom;
- (struct esense_reply*) esenseReplyPtr;
- (struct esense_reply*) esenseTestUnitPtr;
- (struct esense_reply*) esenseCurPosPtr;

@interface TestCD:Object
    id	cmdInfoText;
    id  trackNumField;
    id	leftVolField;
    id	rightVolField;
    id  openFdButton;
    id  closeFdButton;
    id	testCDWindow;
    id	mainPrefs;
    id	mainObject;		/* assumed to conform to <testCDstarter>,
    				 * but it's currently hooked up via IB so
				 * that protocol isn't specified here */
    char    test_fdName[12];
    int     test_fd;
    struct inquiry_reply cd_Inq;
    struct inquiry_all_reply test_InqAll;
    struct esense_reply test_Ereply;
    struct pb_status_reply cd_playstatus;
    struct cd_volset_reply	test_volset;
    struct timeval	cd_Tval;
    struct cd_toc	toc;
    struct sc_reply	cd_rscReply1, cd_rscReply2, cd_rscReply3;

    char   testBuff[120];
    BOOL   consolePrint;

- awakeFromNib;
- showUsingPrefs:mainPrefObject;
- setConsolePrint:sender;

/* some weird actions, while I'm learning how the cd commands work */
- zOpenFd:sender;
- zCloseFd:sender;
- zPlaybackControl:sender;
- zPlaybackStatus:sender;
- zModeSelect:sender;
- zModeSense:sender;
- zReadSubCh1:sender;
- zReadSubCh2:sender;
- zReadSubCh3:sender;
- zAllowRemoval:sender;
- zPreventRemoval:sender;
- zPlayALittle:sender;
- zPausePlay:sender;
- zResumePlay:sender;
- zRezeroUnit:sender;
- zPrintLastReqSense:sender;
- zPrintMainReqSense:sender;
- zPrintMainCurPosSense:sender;
- zPrintMainTestUnitSense:sender;
- zInquiryAllScsi:sender;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.