
This is Calculator.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*H* Input processing logic for Calculator                     V0.0, 09-FEB-91 *
*C* V0.0 09-FEB-91 Initial version  	    	    	    	    	--MDM *

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import "OperatorStack.h"   /* Calculator OperatorStack Class Definition */
#import "ValueStack.h"	    /* Calculator ValueStack   Class Definition */

@interface Calculator:Object
long	    	OVcalcAcceptMode;      /* What kinds of input are acceptable */
int 	    	OVcalcBase; 	       /* Current number base of calculator */
id  	    	OVcalcBitwiseMtx;      /*(Outlet)Bitwise operator button matrix object */
int 	    	OVcalcCEIndex;	       /* Display string Clear Entry index */
id	    	OVcalcDigitMtx;        /*(Outlet)Main digit button matrix object */
id	    	OVcalcDigitPBtn;       /*(Outlet)Decimal point push button */
id	    	OVcalcDisplay;	       /*(Outlet)Calculator's simulated LCD display */
char    	OVcalcDspStr[256];     /* string of values & operators to be displayed */
BOOL	  	OVcalcEqualized;       /* Has expression just been equaled */
BOOL    	OVcalcFrozen;	       /* flag to freeze calculator on error */
BOOL    	OVcalcFunctionMode;    /* Current method of function operation */
BOOL    	OVcalcHyperbolic;      /* Interpret Trig funcs in Hyperbolic mode */
BOOL    	OVcalcInverse;         /* Interpret Trig funcs in Inverse mode */
int 	    	OVcalcMaxDigits;       /* Maximum allowable digits in operand */
char    	OVcalcMemDspStr[80];   /* Formated value in memory */
id  	    	OVcalcMemCellLabel;    /*(Outlet) Active memory label */
int	    	OVcalcMemoryCell;      /* Index of currently active memory cell */
id	    	OVcalcMemoryDsp;       /*(Outlet)Calculators memory LCD display */
double	    	OVcalcMemoryVal[26];   /* Binary value in memory cell */
int 	    	OVcalcMetric;	       /* Current trignometric unit metric */
int 	    	OVcalcParenBalance;    /* Current number of open parenthesis */
id  	    	OVcalcPrecsnDsp;       /*(Outlet)Text field for displaying current precision */
id  	    	OVcalcPrecsnSldr;      /*(Outlet)Slider for setting current precision */
int 	    	OVcalcPrecsnVal;       /* Current output precision value */
int 	    	OVcalcUnit; 	       /* Bytes per operand value in Bin/Hex/Oct */
id  	    	OVcalcUnitMatrix;      /*(Outlet)Unit radio button matrix id */
char    	OVcalcValStr[80];      /* string of digits of current input value */
id	    	OVcalcWindow; 	       /*(Outlet)Main window in which calculator is drawn */
OperatorStack  *OVopStack;  	       /* stack of unprocessed operators */
ValueStack     *OVvalStack; 	       /* stack of unprocessed values */
int		OVtag;		       /* to impersonate a Control object */

+ KeyBoardEquivalent:(NXEvent *)event;
+ PasteExpression:(char*)expString Length:(int)expLength;

- init;
- AdjustPrecision;
- AllClear:sender;
- BitwiseAnd:sender;
- BitwiseLsh:sender;
- BitwiseNot:sender;
- BitwiseOr:sender;
- BitwiseRsh:sender;
- BitwiseXor:sender;
- ChangeBase:sender;
- ChangeFunctionMode:sender;
- ChangeHyperbolic:sender;
- ChangeInverse:sender;
- ChangeMetric:sender;
- ChangePrecision:sender;
- ChangeSign:sender;
- ChangeUnit:sender;
- ClearEntry:sender;
- CloseParen:sender;
- Cosine:sender;
- Digit:sender;
- Divide:sender;
- EnterPi:sender;
- Equals:sender;
- Exponential:sender;
- Factorial:sender;
- FormatValue:(double)operand :(char*)fmtstr;
- Integer:sender;
- MemoryClear:sender;
- MemoryRecall:sender;
- MemorySelect:sender;
- MemoryStore:sender;
- Minus:sender;
- Modify:sender;
- Multiply:sender;
- OpenParen:sender;
- Plus:sender;
- ProcessDigit:(char) dgtchr;
- ProcessFunction: (int) opcode: (char *) symbol;
- (double) ProcessOpcode :(int)opcode :(double)operand1 :(double)operand2;
- ProcessOperator: (int) opcode: (char *) symbol;
- Reciprocal:sender;
- ReduceExpression: (int) curopr;
- ScanValue:(char*)fmtstr :(double*) operand;
- Sine:sender;
- SyntaxError: (int) opcode: (char *) symbol;
- Tangent:sender;
- TenToTheX:sender;
- ValueEntered;
- XSquared:sender;
- XToTheY:sender;
- setTag:(int)anInt;
- (int) selectedTag;


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