
This is Info.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Info.h"

#define POINTSIZE 18.0

static void handler( DPSTimedEntry teNumber, double now, void *userData )
  [ (id)userData animationClick ];

@implementation InfoView

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)rect
  [ super initFrame:rect ];

  animationFont = [ Font newFont:"Symbol" size:POINTSIZE matrix:NX_IDENTITYMATRIX ];

  return self;

- animateInfo:sender
  [ self display ];
  [ self removeTE ];
  [ window setDelegate:self ];

  animationStep = 0;
  animationFloat = 0;
  animateTE = DPSAddTimedEntry( .001, (DPSTimedEntryProc)handler, self, NX_BASETHRESHOLD );
  return self;

- removeTE
  if( animateTE ) {
    DPSRemoveTimedEntry( animateTE );
    animateTE = 0;

  return self;

- windowWillClose:sender
  [ self removeTE ];
  [ window setDelegate:nil ];
  return self;

- animationClick
  char *dropstrings[ 4 ] = { "+", "-", "\264", "\270" };
  const float step = 2.0;

  float x = NX_WIDTH( &frame ) - animationFloat;
  float y = 0;

  [ self lockFocus ];

  [ animationFont set ];

  PSsetgray( NX_LTGRAY );
  PSmoveto( x, y );
  PSshow( dropstrings[ animationStep ] );

  PSsetgray( NX_BLACK );
  PSmoveto( x - step, y );
  PSshow( dropstrings[ animationStep ] );

  PSflushgraphics( );

  [ self unlockFocus ];

  animationFloat += step;

  if ( animationFloat >= NX_WIDTH( &bounds ) - animationStep * 10 ) {
    animationFloat = 0;
    if( animationStep == 4 )
      [ self removeTE ];

  return self;

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects:(int)rectCount
  PSsetgray( NX_LTGRAY );
  NXRectFill( &bounds );
  return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.