
This is Simulator.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface Simulator:Object
    id	costForm;
    id	expProfitForm;
    id	monthNrField;
    id	evalForm;
    id	inflationLossField;
    id	succProbForm;
    id	capitalField;
    id	profitField;
    id	inflationField;
		id  meanProfitField;
		id  meanPercentProfitField;
		id theRanGen; // random generator
		int monthNr, actionNumber;
		double inflation, percentProfitSum, meanPercentProfit; // in percent
		double capital, profit, profitSum, meanProfit; // in real value 
		double inflationLoss; // in real value
		double cost[5]; // of action
		double probability[5]; // of action`s success in percent
		double expProfit[5]; // profit on success
		double eval[5]; // chance evaluation: probable profit
		// action characteristics:
		double chosenCost, chosenProbab, chosenProfit; 

+ new;
- out:sender;
- setRandomValues; // action values for cost, probability and profit
- bPressed:sender;
- cPressed:sender;
- aPressed:sender;
- dPressed:sender;
- ePressed:sender;
- month; // compute all necessary values and output them
- output;


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