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/* * $Header: marc.c,v 1.5 88/08/01 14:19:19 hyc Exp $ */ /* MARC - Archive merge utility Version 5.21, created on 04/22/87 at 15:05:10 (C) COPYRIGHT 1985-87 by System Enhancement Associates; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED By: Thom Henderson Description: This program is used to "merge" archives. That is, to move files from one archive to another with no data conversion. Please refer to the ARC source for a description of archives and archive formats. Instructions: Run this program with no arguments for complete instructions. Language: Computer Innovations Optimizing C86 */ #include <stdio.h> #include "arc.h" #if UNIX #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #endif FILE *src; /* source archive */ char srcname[STRLEN]; /* source archive name */ static char **lst; /* files list */ static int lnum; /* length of files list */ main(nargs,arg) /* system entry point */ int nargs; /* number of arguments */ char *arg[]; /* pointers to arguments */ { char *makefnam(); /* filename fixup routine */ char *calloc(); /* memory manager */ char *envfind(); #if !MTS char *arctemp2, *mktemp(); /* temp file stuff */ #endif #if GEMDOS void exitpause(); #endif int n; /* index */ #if UNIX struct stat sbuf; #endif if(nargs<3) { printf("MARC - Archive merger, Version 5.21, created on 04/22/87 at 15:05:10\n"); /* printf("(C) COPYRIGHT 1985,86,87 by System Enhancement Associates;"); printf(" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n"); printf("Please refer all inquiries to:\n\n"); printf(" System Enhancement Associates\n"); printf(" 21 New Street, Wayne NJ 07470\n\n"); printf("You may copy and distribute this program freely,"); printf(" provided that:\n"); printf(" 1) No fee is charged for such copying and"); printf(" distribution, and\n"); printf(" 2) It is distributed ONLY in its original,"); printf(" unmodified state.\n\n"); printf("If you like this program, and find it of use, then your"); printf(" contribution will\n"); printf("be appreciated. You may not use this product in a"); printf(" commercial environment\n"); printf("or a governmental organization without paying a license"); printf(" fee of $35. Site\n"); printf("licenses and commercial distribution licenses are"); printf(" available. A program\n"); printf("disk and printed documentation are available for $50.\n"); printf("\nIf you fail to abide by the terms of this license, "); printf(" then your conscience\n"); printf("will haunt you for the rest of your life.\n\n"); */ printf("Usage: MARC <tgtarc> <srcarc> [<filename> . . .]\n"); printf("Where: <tgtarc> is the archive to add files to,\n"); printf(" <srcarc> is the archive to get files from, and\n"); printf(" <filename> is zero or more file names to get.\n"); printf("\nAdapted from MSDOS by Howard Chu\n"); #if GEMDOS exitpause(); #endif return 1; } /* see where temp files go */ #if !MTS arctemp = calloc(1, STRLEN); if (!(arctemp2 = envfind("ARCTEMP"))) arctemp2 = envfind("TMPDIR"); if (arctemp2) { strcpy(arctemp, arctemp2); n = strlen(arctemp); if (arctemp[n - 1] != CUTOFF) arctemp[n] = CUTOFF; } #if UNIX else strcpy(arctemp, "/tmp/"); #endif #if !MSDOS { static char tempname[] = "AXXXXXX"; strcat(arctemp, mktemp(tempname)); } #else strcat(arctemp, "$ARCTEMP"); #endif #else guinfo("SHFSEP ", gotinf); sepchr[0] = gotinf[0]; guinfo("SCRFCHAR", gotinf); tmpchr[0] = gotinf[0]; arctemp = "-$$$"; arctemp[0] = tmpchr[0]; #endif #if UNIX if (!stat(arg[1],&sbuf)) strcpy(arcname,arg[1]); else makefnam(arg[1],".arc",arcname); if (!stat(arg[2],&sbuf)) strcpy(srcname,arg[2]); else makefnam(arg[2],".arc",srcname); #else makefnam(arg[1],".ARC",arcname); /* fix up archive names */ makefnam(arg[2],".ARC",srcname); /* makefnam(".$$$",arcname,newname);*/ sprintf(newname,"%s.arc",arctemp); #endif arc = fopen(arcname,OPEN_R); /* open the archives */ if(!(src=fopen(srcname,OPEN_R))) abort("Cannot read source archive %s",srcname); if(!(new=fopen(newname,OPEN_W))) abort("Cannot create new archive %s",newname); if(!arc) printf("Creating new archive %s\n",arcname); /* get the files list set up */ lnum = nargs-3; /* initial length of list */ if(lnum<1) /* phoney for default case */ { lnum = 1; lst = (char **) calloc(1,sizeof(char *)); lst[0] = "*.*"; } else /* else use filenames given */ { lst = (char **) calloc(lnum,sizeof(char *)); for(n=3; n<nargs; n++) lst[n-3] = arg[n]; for(n=0; n<lnum; ) /* expand indirect references */ { if(*lst[n] == '@') expandlst(n); else n++; } } merge(lnum,lst); /* merge desired files */ if(arc) fclose(arc); /* close the archives */ fclose(src); fclose(new); if(arc) /* make the switch */ if(unlink(arcname)) abort("Unable to delete old copy of %s",arcname); if(move(newname,arcname)) abort("Unable to rename %s to %s",newname,arcname); setstamp(arcname,arcdate,arctime); /* new arc matches newest file */ #if GEMDOS exitpause(); #endif return nerrs; } merge(nargs,arg) /* merge two archives */ int nargs; /* number of filename templates */ char *arg[]; /* pointers to names */ { struct heads srch; /* source archive header */ struct heads arch; /* target archive header */ int gotsrc, gotarc; /* archive entry versions (0=end) */ int copy; /* true to copy file from source */ int n; /* index */ gotsrc = gethdr(src,&srch); /* get first source file */ gotarc = gethdr(arc,&arch); /* get first target file */ while(gotsrc || gotarc) /* while more to merge */ { if(strcmp(,>0) { copyfile(arc,&arch,gotarc); gotarc = gethdr(arc,&arch); } else if(strcmp(,<0) { copy = 0; for(n=0; n<nargs; n++) { if(match(,arg[n])) { copy = 1; break; } } if(copy) /* select source or target */ { printf("Adding file: %s\n",; copyfile(src,&srch,gotsrc); } else fseek(src,srch.size,1); gotsrc = gethdr(src,&srch); } else /* duplicate names */ { copy = 0; { if((> || ( && srch.time>arch.time)) { for(n=0; n<nargs; n++) { if(match(,arg[n])) { copy = 1; break; } } } } if(copy) /* select source or target */ { printf("Updating file: %s\n",; copyfile(src,&srch,gotsrc); gotsrc = gethdr(src,&srch); if(gotarc) { fseek(arc,arch.size,1); gotarc = gethdr(arc,&arch); } } else { copyfile(arc,&arch,gotarc); gotarc = gethdr(arc,&arch); if(gotsrc) { fseek(src,srch.size,1); gotsrc = gethdr(src,&srch); } } } } hdrver = 0; /* end of archive marker */ writehdr(&arch,new); /* mark the end of the archive */ } int gethdr(f,hdr) /* special read header for merge */ FILE *f; /* file to read from */ struct heads *hdr; /* storage for header */ { char *i = hdr->name; /* string index */ int n; /* index */ for(n=0; n<FNLEN; n++) /* fill name field */ *i++ = 0176; /* impossible high value */ *--i = '\0'; /* properly end the name */ hdrver = 0; /* reset header version */ if(readhdr(hdr,f)) /* use normal reading logic */ return hdrver; /* return the version */ else return 0; /* or fake end of archive */ } copyfile(f,hdr,ver) /* copy a file from an archive */ FILE *f; /* archive to copy from */ struct heads *hdr; /* header data for file */ int ver; /* header version */ { hdrver = ver; /* set header version */ writehdr(hdr,new); /* write out the header */ filecopy(f,new,hdr->size); /* copy over the data */ } static expandlst(n) /* expand an indirect reference */ int n; /* number of entry to expand */ { FILE *lf, *fopen(); /* list file, opener */ char *malloc(), *realloc(); /* memory managers */ char buf[100]; /* input buffer */ int x; /* index */ char *p = lst[n]+1; /* filename pointer */ if(*p) /* use name if one was given */ { makefnam(p,".CMD",buf); upper(buf); if(!(lf=fopen(buf,"r"))) abort("Cannot read list of files in %s",buf); } else lf = stdin; /* else use standard input */ for(x=n+1; x<lnum; x++) /* drop reference from the list */ lst[x-1] = lst[x]; lnum--; while(fscanf(lf,"%99s",buf)>0) /* read in the list */ { if(!(lst=(char **) realloc(lst,(lnum+1)*sizeof(char *)))) abort("too many file references"); lst[lnum] = malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(lst[lnum],buf); /* save the name */ lnum++; } if(lf!=stdin) /* avoid closing standard input */ fclose(lf); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by