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ARC(1L)                  LOCAL COMMANDS                   ARC(1L)

     arc - pc archive utility

     arc a|m|u|f|d|x|e|r|p|l|v|t|c [  biswnoq  ]  [  g_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d  ]
     _a_r_c_h_i_v_e [ _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e ...]

     _A_r_c is a general archive and file compression utility,  used
     to  maintain a compressed archive of files.  An _a_r_c_h_i_v_e is a
     single file that combines many files, reducing storage space
     and  allowing multiple files to be handled as one.  _A_r_c uses
     one of several compression methods for each file within  the
     _a_r_c_h_i_v_e,  based  on  whichever  method  yields  the smallest

     Execute _a_r_c with no arguments  for  fairly  verbose,  usable

     a  add files to archive.  Copies the indicated files to  the

     m  move files to archive.  Same as 'a'  switch  except  that
        the  files  are  deleted  from  the directory as they are
        moved to the archive.

     u  update  files  in  archive.   This  switch  will  replace
        archived  files  when  the  named  file is newer than the
        archived copy.  New files will be added automatically.

     f  freshen files in archive.  Same as 'u'  except  that  new
        files will not be added.

     d  delete files in archive.  The  named  files  are  removed
        from the archive.

        extract  files  from  archive.   The  named   files   are
        extracted  from  the  archive  and created in the current
        directory in an uncompressed state.

     r  run one file with arguments from  archive.   Any  program
        may  be  executed directly from the archive.  The parame-
        ters given after the program name are passed to the  pro-
        gram without modification.

     p  copy files from archive to standard output.  Useful  with
        I/O redirection. A form-feed is appended after each file,
        to ease use with printers.

Howard Chu@UM       Last change: 12 Jun 1988                    1

ARC(1L)                  LOCAL COMMANDS                   ARC(1L)

     l  list files in archive.  Limited  information  listing  of
        files  contained  in  an archive.  Displays the filename,
        original length, and date  last  modified.   If  the  'n'
        option   (see  below)  is  used,  only  the  filename  is

     v  verbose listing of files in archive.   Complete  informa-
        tion  listing of files contained in an archive.  Displays
        the filename, original length,  storage  method,  storage
        factor (% savings), compressed size, date, time, and CRC.

     t  test archive integrity.  Computes  CRC  values  for  each
        member of the archive and compares against the previously
        saved value.

     c  convert entry  to  new  packing  method.   Convert  files
        stored  with older methods to newer methods that are more
        efficient. Also useful for files previously archived with
        the 's' option.

     b  retain backup copy of archive.  Keep the original archive
        file  and  rename  to .BAK.  This switch may be used with
        the following commands:  a, m, u, f, d, c.

     i  suppress image mode.  This  switch  causes  files  to  be
        treated  as  text files, and will translate their end-of-
        line sequence. (Unix's '\n' vs. '\r\n' used on many other
        systems.)   The default is to perform no translation when
        compressing or extracting files.  This option makes deal-
        ing  with  text files much nicer, though the 'tr' command
        can also be used. ('\r' in makefiles and C source code is
        such a nuisance...)

     s  suppress compression.  This forces new files to be  saved
        using Method 2 (no compression).  This switch may be used
        with the following commands:  a, m, u, f, c.

     w  suppress warning messages.  This switch will keep warning
        messages from being displayed which is the default.  Most
        warnings concern the deletion or existence of files  with
        the same name.

     n  suppress notes and comments.  This switch will keep  use-
        ful  notes  from  being  displayed  which is the default.
        Most notes indicate what stage of  compression  is  being
        run (analyze, compaction, storage).

     o  overwrite existing files when  extracting.   This  switch
        will   make  existing  files  silently  get  overwritten,
        instead of asking for confirmation, which is the default.

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ARC(1L)                  LOCAL COMMANDS                   ARC(1L)

     q  force Squash compression method.  This switch causes  the
        Squash  compression method to be used, instead of Crunch,
        which is the default.

     g  encrypt/decrypt archive entry.  This is  used  to  encode
        files  so  that  others  may  not read them.  BE CAREFUL!
        This must be the last parameter in the  switches  because
        everything following is part of the password.

     _A_r_c Version 2 differs from version 1 in that archive entries
     are  automatically  compressed  when  they  are added to the
     archive, making a separate compression step unecessary.  The
     nature of the compression is indicated by the header version
     number placed in each archive entry, as follows:
              1 = Old style, no compression
              2 = New style, no compression
              3 = Compression of repeated characters only
              4 = Compression of repeated characters plus Huffman SQueezing
              5 = Lempel-Zev packing of repeated strings (old style)
              6 = Lempel-Zev packing of repeated strings (new style)
              7 = Lempel-Zev Williams packing with improved hash function
              8 = Dynamic Lempel-Zev packing with adaptive reset
              9 = Squashing

     Type 5, Lempel-Zev packing, was added as of version 4.0

     Type 6 is Lempel-Zev packing where runs of repeated  charac-
     ters have been collapsed, and was added as of version 4.1

     Type 7 is a variation of Lempel-Zev using a  different  hash
     function  which yields speed improvements of 20-25%, and was
     added as of version 4.6

     Type 8 is a different implementation of Lempel-Zev, using  a
     variable  code  size  and  an  adaptive block reset, and was
     added as of version 5.0

     Type 9 is another variation of Lempel-Zev,  using  a  larger
     hash  table.  This method was developed by Phil Katz, and is
     not supported by the "official" ARC programs.

     _A_r_c will look for environment  variables  named  _A_R_C_T_E_M_P  or
     _T_M_P_D_I_R, which, if present, indicates the pathname where tem-
     porary files should be created. This is typically the  loca-
     tion of a RAMdisk on a microcomputer, "/tmp/" or left unset.

     See the included documentation file for more details.

     _A_r_c has been in use in the CP/M and  MSDOS  world  for  many
     years.   Thom  Henderson developed the original version, but

Howard Chu@UM       Last change: 12 Jun 1988                    3

ARC(1L)                  LOCAL COMMANDS                   ARC(1L)

     it is important to note  that  _a_r_c  is  based  on  the  file
     compression  theories  developed  by  Huffman, Welch, Knott,
     Knuth, and many other  scientists.  This  implementation  is
     based on version 5.21 of the MSDOS program.

     _A_r_c behaves just like the PC version  of  the  program;  all
     functions of the "usage" display are working.  Full compati-
     bility with PC ARC files is maintained, the price for  which
     is  that  _a_r_c  doesn't  like  long  filenames,  and can only
     archive files with names of up to 12  characters.   It  will
     *sometimes*  do The Right Thing with them, but I suggest you
     put long-winded filenames in a "shar" before _a_r_cing them.

     There shouldn't be any problems, (hah!) but if you find any,
     please send them to me at:

          hyc@umix.cc.umich.edu      {rutgers, uunet}!umix!hyc

     Original MSDOS program by Thom Henderson
     COPYRIGHT(C) 1985-87 by System Enhancement  Associates;  ALL

     Original Lempel-Zev code derived from compress  4.0.   Modi-
     fied  to support Squashing by Dan Lanciani (ddl@harvard.edu)
     Ported from MSDOS by Howard Chu (umix!hyc), with  help  from
     John  Gilmore (hoptoad!gnu), James Turner (daisy!turner) and

Howard Chu@UM       Last change: 12 Jun 1988                    4

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