
This is rdistControl.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Portions written by FreemanSoft Inc.
//	FreemanSoft disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
//	as to this source code's fitness for any particular use.
//	For more information, use the following electronic mail addresses:
//		info@FreemanSoft.com	general questions
//		support@FreemanSoft.com	technical questions

 *	Used to build a strings table

		 *	common strings localized for RdistControl
		 * window title strings 
#define	title_string	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "JumpBack (idle)", NULL, 					JumpBack window title )
#define title_pass_1	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "JumpBack (looking for non writable directories)", NULL, 	JumpBack window title )
#define title_pass_2	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "JumpBack (running rdist duplicator)", NULL, 			JumpBack window title )

		/* start of string used in logging */
#define	startup_string		NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Starting backup activities.\n", NULL, 		String put in log area )
#define	start_pass_1_string	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Scanning for non writable directories.\n", NULL, 	String put in log area )
#define pass_1_found_something	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Directories, listed, cannot be backed up.\n", NULL, 	String put in log area )
#define	start_pass_2_string	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Starting archive process.\n", NULL, 			String put in log area )
#define	finished_string 	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Archive completed.\n", NULL, 			String put in log area )
#define	abort_string		NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Backup process aborted.\n", NULL, 			String put in log area )

		 *	common strings that might not be different in 
		 *	rdistControlControl subs
		 * 	rdistControlControl strings 
#define	missing_source	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "No source directory picked", NULL, 			Messages: )
#define missing_dest	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "No destination directory picked", NULL, 		Messages: )
		 * 	window title strings 
#define	almost_got_it	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Just let go to accept that file.", NULL, 			JumpBack window title )
#define bogus_file_type	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "Items dragged into this app must be folders.", NULL, 	JumpBack window title )

		 *	strings only used in rdist control

		/* find support file_writable_prog should not be changed */
#define missing_file_writable	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "File file_writable missing from app wrapper", NULL, 	Messages: )
#define file_writable_prog	NXLocalizedStringFromTable("rdistControl", "file_writable", NULL, 	program used to find non writable SHOULDNT CHANGE )

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.