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%% These are from tex.lpro
/TeXDict 250 dict def   % define a working dictionary ( IBM: color - 200->250 )
TeXDict begin           % start using it.
/N {def} def
/B {bind def} N
/S {exch} N
/X { S N } B
/TR {translate} N
end % TeXDict

%%     header for the \special command
%   The structure of the PostScript produced by dvips for \special is:
%         @beginspecial
%           - any number of @hsize, @hoffset, @hscale, etc., commands
%         @setspecial
%           - the user's file of PostScript commands
%         @endspecial

TeXDict begin
/SDict 200 dict N
SDict begin

  { /hs 612 N
    /vs 792 N
    /ho 0 N
    /vo 0 N
    /hsc 1 N
    /vsc 1 N
    /ang 0 N
    /CLIP 0 N
    /rwiSeen false N
    /rhiSeen false N
    /letter {} N /note {} N /a4 {} N /legal {} N
  } B

%   The following definition sets up the units that hscale/vscale are in.
%   For certain sites this might require change, but it is
%   recommended instead that any macro packages that require
%   hscale/vscale set the units appropriately via
%   \special{! /@scaleunit 1 def }
%   if global, or
%   \special{" /@scaleunit 1 def }
%   before each instance if multiple macro packages with
%   different requirements are being used.
/@scaleunit 100 N
%       s @hscale  -    set scale factor
/@hscale {@scaleunit div /hsc X} B
/@vscale {@scaleunit div /vsc X} B

%       d @hsize   -    specify a horizontal clipping dimension
/@hsize {/hs X /CLIP 1 N} B
/@vsize {/vs X /CLIP 1 N} B

/@clip {/CLIP 2 N} B

%       d @hoffset -    specify a shift for the figure
/@hoffset {/ho X} B
/@voffset {/vo X} B

%       a @angle   -    set rotation angle
/@angle {/ang X} B

%   Here we handle bounding box calculations, if necessary.
/@rwi { 10 div /rwi X /rwiSeen true N } B % rwi will be real width after scaling
/@rhi { 10 div /rhi X /rhiSeen true N } B % rhi will be real height after scaling
/@llx { /llx X } B
/@lly { /lly X } B
/@urx { /urx X } B
/@ury { /ury X } B

/magscale true def

end % of SDict

  { userdict /md known  % if md is defined
      { userdict /md get type /dicttype eq      % and if it is a dictionary
        userdict begin                       % expand it if necessary
           md length 10 add md maxlength ge
           {/md md dup length 20 add dict copy def}if
	md begin                             % then redefine some stuff
	/letter {} N
	/note {} N
	/legal {} N
	    1 0 mtx defaultmatrix dtransform S atan/pa X
	    newpath clippath mark
	    {transform{itransform moveto}}
	    {transform{itransform lineto}}
	    { 6 -2 roll transform
	      6 -2 roll transform
	      6 -2 roll transform
	      { itransform 6 2 roll
		itransform 6 2 roll
		itransform 6 2 roll
	    pathforall newpath counttomark array astore /gc xdf
	    pop ct 39 0 put
	    10 fz 0 fs 2 F/|______Courier fnt invertflag{PaintBlack}if
	    pxs pys scale ppr aload pop
	    por {
		noflips {
		    pop S neg S TR pop 1 -1 scale
		xflip yflip and {
		    pop S neg S TR 180 rotate 1 -1 scale
		    ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get
		    ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR
		xflip yflip not and {
		    pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate
		    ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR
		yflip xflip not and {
		    ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR
		noflips {
		    TR pop pop 270 rotate 1 -1 scale
		xflip yflip and {
		    TR pop pop 90 rotate 1 -1 scale
		    ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get
		    ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR
		xflip yflip not and {
		    TR pop pop 90 rotate ppr 3 get
		    ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR
		yflip xflip not and {
		    TR pop pop 270 rotate ppr 2 get
		    ppr 0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR
	    scaleby96 {
		ppr aload pop 4 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div 2 copy
		TR .96 dup scale neg S neg S TR
	/cp {pop pop showpage pm restore}N
    } if
  } N

%   The following procedure brings us back to PostScript size.  It takes
%   into account the current global dvi magnification, so graphics
%   scale with the document.
/normalscale {
    Resolution 72 div VResolution 72 div neg scale
    magscale { DVImag dup scale } if
    0 setgray
} N
%   We need the psfig macros.
% All software, documentation, and related files in this distribution of
% psfig/tex are Copyright (c) 1987 Trevor J. Darrell
% Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex
% providing that this notice be clearly maintained, but the right to
% distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
% product is specifically reserved for the author.
% psfigTeX PostScript Prolog
% $Header: /usr/local/src/TeX/Dvips-5.0.2/RCS/special.lpro,v 1.1 90/03/10 20:32:57 grunwald Exp $
/psfts { S 65781.76 div N } N

%  x y bb-llx bb-lly bb-urx bb-ury startTexFig -
/startTexFig {
	/psf$SavedState save N
	userdict maxlength dict begin

	/magscale false def
        currentpoint TR    %set the current point as the user's origin

	/psf$ury psfts
	/psf$urx psfts
	/psf$lly psfts
	/psf$llx psfts
	/psf$y psfts
	/psf$x psfts

	/psf$sx psf$x psf$urx psf$llx sub div N	% scaling for x
	/psf$sy psf$y psf$ury psf$lly sub div N	% scaling for y

	psf$sx psf$sy scale			% scale by (sx,sy)

	psf$llx neg psf$ury neg TR

	/showpage {
	} N
	/erasepage {
	} N
	/copypage {
	} N
        /p 3 def % necessary to get around a bug in Adobe Illustrator
} N

% llx lly urx ury doclip -	(args in figure coordinates)
/doclip {
        psf$llx psf$lly psf$urx psf$ury
	currentpoint 6 2 roll
	newpath 4 copy
	4 2 roll moveto
	6 -1 roll S lineto
	S lineto
	S lineto
	closepath clip
} N
% - endTexFig -
/endTexFig { end psf$SavedState restore } N

% this will be invoked as the result of a \special command (for the
% inclusion of PostScript graphics).  The basic idea is to change all
% scaling and graphics back to defaults, but to shift the origin
% to the current position on the page.

/@beginspecial          % - @beginspecial -     -- enter special mode
    /SpecialSave save N
    SDict begin
    currentpoint TR    %set the current point as the user's origin
    @SpecialDefaults    % setup default offsets, scales, sizes, and angle
    count /ocount X /dcount countdictstack N
  } N

/@setspecial    % to setup user specified offsets, scales, sizes (for clipping)
    CLIP 1 eq
      { newpath 0 0 moveto hs 0 rlineto 0 vs rlineto hs neg 0 rlineto
        closepath clip }
    ho vo TR
    hsc vsc scale
    ang rotate
    rwiSeen {
       rwi urx llx sub div
       rhiSeen { rhi ury lly sub div } { dup } ifelse
       scale llx neg lly neg TR
    } {
       rhiSeen { rhi ury lly sub div dup scale llx neg lly neg TR } if
    } ifelse
    CLIP 2 eq
    { newpath llx lly moveto urx lly lineto urx ury lineto llx ury lineto
      closepath clip }
    /showpage {} N
    /erasepage {} N
    /copypage {} N
  } N

/@endspecial            % - @endspecial -       -- leave special mode
  { count ocount sub {pop} repeat
    countdictstack dcount sub {end} repeat
    grestore SpecialSave restore
  } N

% xdvik special treatment for saving definitions made in SDict (while using
% the bang special; try to guarantee that the dictionary stack is ok!
%   xdvik should not systematically bracket code within save/restore pairs,
% anyway: such bracketing breaks a lot of code (many packages do change
% TeXDict from with ps: specials for instance) and we should only guarantee
% that bracketing is done within @beginspecial and @endspecial.  -- YA

    userdict /xdvi$sav save put
  } N

    SDict begin
  } N

  } B

%%% macros for tpic
/li             % x y li -              -- draw line to
  { lineto
  } B

/rl             % dx dy rl -            -- draw relative line
  { rlineto
  } B

/rc             % x0 y0 x1 y1 y2 y2 rc  -- draw bezier curve
  { rcurveto
  } B

/np		% np -			-- start a new path and save currentpoint
  { /SaveX currentpoint /SaveY X N   % remember current point
    1 setlinecap
  } N

/st             % st -                  -- draw the last path and restore currentpoint
  { stroke
    SaveX SaveY moveto                  % restore the current point
  } N

/fil             % fil                    -- fill the last path and restore currentpoint
  { fill
    SaveX SaveY moveto                  % restore the current point
  } N

/ellipse        % xc yc xrad yrad startAngle endAngle ellipse
        /endangle X
        /startangle X
        /yrad X
        /xrad X

        /savematrix matrix currentmatrix N

        TR xrad yrad scale
        0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
        savematrix setmatrix
    } N
%%% end of macros for tpic
end                     % revert to previous dictionary

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.