
This is lib_overlay.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

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**	lib_overlay.c
**	The routines overlay(), copywin(), and overwrite().

#include "curses.priv.h"

static void overlap(const WINDOW *const s, WINDOW *const d, int const flag)
int sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol;

	T(("overlap : sby %d, sbx %d, smy %d, smx %d, dby %d, dbx %d, dmy %d, dmx %d",
		s->_begy, s->_begx, s->_maxy, s->_maxx, 
		d->_begy, d->_begx, d->_maxy, d->_maxx));
	sminrow = max(s->_begy, d->_begy) - s->_begy;
	smincol = max(s->_begx, d->_begx) - s->_begx;
	dminrow = max(s->_begy, d->_begy) - d->_begy;
	dmincol = max(s->_begx, d->_begx) - d->_begx;
	dmaxrow = min(s->_maxy+s->_begy, d->_maxy+d->_begy) - d->_begy;
	dmaxcol = min(s->_maxx+s->_begx, d->_maxx+d->_begx) - d->_begx;

	copywin(s, d, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol, flag);

**	overlay(win1, win2)
**	overlay() writes the overlapping area of win1 behind win2
**	on win2 non-destructively.

int overlay(const WINDOW *win1, WINDOW *win2)
	overlap(win1, win2, TRUE);
	return OK;

**	overwrite(win1, win2)
**	overwrite() writes the overlapping area of win1 behind win2
**	on win2 destructively.

int overwrite(const WINDOW *win1, WINDOW *win2)
	overlap(win1, win2, FALSE);
	return OK;

int copywin(const WINDOW *src, WINDOW *dst, 
	int sminrow, int smincol,
	int dminrow, int dmincol, int dmaxrow, int dmaxcol, 
	int over)
int sx, sy, dx, dy;
int touched;

	T(("copywin(%p, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)",
	    	src, dst, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol, over));
	/* make sure rectangle exists in source */
	if ((sminrow + dmaxrow - dminrow) > (src->_maxy + 1) ||
	    (smincol + dmaxcol - dmincol) > (src->_maxx + 1)) {
		return ERR;

	T(("rectangle exists in source"));

	/* make sure rectangle fits in destination */
	if (dmaxrow > dst->_maxy || dmaxcol > dst->_maxx) {
		return ERR;

	T(("rectangle fits in destination"));

	for (dy = dminrow, sy = sminrow; dy <= dmaxrow; sy++, dy++) {
	   for(dx=dmincol, sx=smincol; dx <= dmaxcol; sx++, dx++)
		if (over)
		   if (((src->_line[sy].text[sx] & A_CHARTEXT)!=' ') &&
			dst->_line[dy].text[dx] = src->_line[sy].text[sx];
		else {
		   if (dst->_line[dy].text[dx] != src->_line[sy].text[sx])
			dst->_line[dy].text[dx] = src->_line[sy].text[sx];
	   if (touched)
	T(("finished copywin"));
	return OK;

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