
This is lib_getch.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*                            COPYRIGHT NOTICE                              *
*                ncurses is copyright (C) 1992-1995                        *
*                          Zeyd M. Ben-Halim                               *
*                          zmbenhal@netcom.com                             *
*                          Eric S. Raymond                                 *
*                          esr@snark.thyrsus.com                           *
*                                                                          *
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**	lib_getch.c
**	The routine getch().

#include "curses.priv.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
extern int errno;

#define head	SP->_fifohead
#define tail	SP->_fifotail
#define peek	SP->_fifopeek

#define h_inc() { head == FIFO_SIZE-1 ? head = 0 : head++; if (head == tail) head = -1, tail = 0;}
#define h_dec() { head == 0 ?  head = FIFO_SIZE-1 : head--; if (head == tail) tail = -1;}
#define t_inc() { tail == FIFO_SIZE-1 ? tail = 0 : tail++; if (tail == head) tail = -1;}
#define p_inc() { peek == FIFO_SIZE-1 ? peek = 0 : peek++;}

int ESCDELAY = 1000;	/* max interval betw. chars in funkeys, in millisecs */

static int fifo_peek(void)
	T(("peeking at %d", peek+1));
	return SP->_fifo[++peek];

#ifdef TRACE
static inline void fifo_dump(void)
int i;
	T(("head = %d, tail = %d, peek = %d", head, tail, peek));
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		T(("char %d = %s", i, _tracechar(SP->_fifo[i])));
#endif /* TRACE */

static inline int fifo_pull(void)
int ch;
 	ch = SP->_fifo[head];
	T(("pulling %d from %d", ch, head));

#ifdef TRACE
	if (_nc_tracing & TRACE_FIFO) fifo_dump();
	return ch;

int ungetch(int ch)
	if (tail == -1)
		return ERR;
	if (head == -1) {
		head = 0;
	} else
	SP->_fifo[head] = ch;
	T(("ungetch ok"));
#ifdef TRACE
	if (_nc_tracing & TRACE_FIFO) fifo_dump();
	return OK;

static inline int fifo_push(void)
int n;
unsigned char ch;

	if (tail == -1) return ERR;
	n = read(SP->_ifd, &ch, 1);
	if (n == -1 && errno == EINTR)
		goto again;
	T(("read %d characters", n));

	SP->_fifo[tail] = ch;
	if (head == -1) head = tail;
	T(("pushed %#x at %d", ch, tail));
#ifdef TRACE
	if (_nc_tracing & TRACE_FIFO) fifo_dump();
	return ch;

static inline void fifo_clear(void)
int i;
	for (i = 0; i < FIFO_SIZE; i++)
		SP->_fifo[i] = 0;
	head = -1; tail = peek = 0;

static int kgetch(WINDOW *);

void _nc_backspace(WINDOW *win)
	if (win->_curx == 0)

	mvwaddstr(curscr, win->_begy + win->_cury, win->_begx + win->_curx, "\b \b");
	waddstr(win, "\b \b");

	 * This used to do the equivalent of _nc_outstr("\b \b"), which
	 * would fail on terminals with a non-backspace cursor_left
	 * character.
	mvcur(win->_begy + win->_cury, win->_begx + win->_curx,
	      win->_begy + win->_cury, win->_begx + win->_curx - 1);
	_nc_outstr(" ");
	mvcur(win->_begy + win->_cury, win->_begx + win->_curx,
	      win->_begy + win->_cury, win->_begx + win->_curx - 1);

wgetch(WINDOW *win)
bool	setHere = FALSE;	/* cbreak mode was set here */
int	ch; 

	T(("wgetch(%p) called", win));

	/* this should be eliminated */
	if (! win->_scroll  &&  (SP->_echo) &&  (win->_flags & _FULLWIN)
	   &&  win->_curx == win->_maxx &&  win->_cury == win->_maxy)

	if ((is_wintouched(win) || (win->_flags & _HASMOVED)) && !(win->_flags & _ISPAD))

	if (SP->_echo  &&  ! (SP->_raw  ||  SP->_cbreak)) {
		setHere = TRUE;

	if (!win->_notimeout && (win->_delay >= 0 || SP->_cbreak > 1)) {
	int delay;

		T(("timed delay in wgetch()"));
		if (SP->_cbreak > 1)
		    delay = (SP->_cbreak-1) * 100;
		    delay = win->_delay;

		T(("delay is %d microseconds", delay));

		if (head == -1)	/* fifo is empty */
			if (_nc_timed_wait(SP->_ifd, delay, NULL) == 0)
				return ERR;
		/* else go on to read data available */

	 * Give the mouse interface a chance to pick up an event.
	 * If no mouse event, check for keyboard input.
	if (_nc_mouse_event(SP))
		ch = KEY_MOUSE;
	else if (win->_use_keypad) {
		 * This is tricky.  We only want to get special-key
		 * events one at a time.  But we want to accumulate
		 * mouse events until either (a) the mouse logic tells
		 * us it's picked up a complete gesture, or (b)
		 * there's a detectable time lapse after one.
		 * Note: if the mouse code starts failing to compose
		 * press/release events into clicks, you should probably
		 * increase _nc_max_click_interval.  
	    	int runcount = 0;

		do {
			ch = kgetch(win);
			if (ch == KEY_MOUSE)
				if (_nc_mouse_inline(SP))
		} while
		    (ch == KEY_MOUSE
		     && (_nc_timed_wait(SP->_ifd, _nc_max_click_interval, NULL)
			 || !_nc_mouse_parse(runcount)));
		if (runcount > 0 && ch != KEY_MOUSE)
		    /* mouse event sequence ended by keystroke, push it */
		    ch = KEY_MOUSE;
	} else {
		if (head == -1)
		ch = fifo_pull();

	/* Strip 8th-bit if so desired.  We do this only for characters that
	 * are in the range 128-255, to provide compatibility with terminals
	 * that display only 7-bit characters.  Note that 'ch' may be a
	 * function key at this point, so we mustn't strip _those_.
	if ((ch < KEY_MIN) && (ch & 0x80))
		if (!SP->_use_meta)
			ch &= 0x7f;

        if (!(win->_flags & _ISPAD) && SP->_echo) {
	    /* there must be a simpler way of doing this */
	    if (ch == erasechar() || ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == KEY_LEFT)
	    else if (ch < KEY_MIN) {
			 win->_begy + win->_cury,
                         win->_begx + win->_curx,
			 (chtype)(ch | win->_attrs));
		waddch(win, (chtype)(ch | win->_attrs));
	if (setHere)

	T(("wgetch returning : 0x%x = %s",
	   (ch > KEY_MIN) ? keyname(ch) : unctrl(ch)));


**      int
**      kgetch()
**      Get an input character, but take care of keypad sequences, returning
**      an appropriate code when one matches the input.  After each character
**      is received, set an alarm call based on ESCDELAY.  If no more of the
**      sequence is received by the time the alarm goes off, pass through
**      the sequence gotten so far.

static int
kgetch(WINDOW *win)
struct try  *ptr;
int ch = 0;
int timeleft = ESCDELAY;

    	TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("kgetch(%p) called", win));

    	ptr = SP->_keytry;

	if (head == -1)  {
		ch = fifo_push();
		peek = 0;
    		while (ptr != NULL) {
			TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("ch: %s", _tracechar((unsigned char)ch)));
			while ((ptr != NULL) && (ptr->ch != (unsigned char)ch))
				ptr = ptr->sibling;
#ifdef TRACE
			if (ptr == NULL)
				{TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("ptr is null"));}
				TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("ptr=%p, ch=%d, value=%d",
						ptr, ptr->ch, ptr->value));
#endif /* TRACE */

			if (ptr != NULL)
	    			if (ptr->value != 0) {	/* sequence terminated */
	    				TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("end of sequence"));
	    			} else {		/* go back for another character */
					ptr = ptr->child;
					TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("going back for more"));
	    			} else

	    			TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("waiting for rest of sequence"));
   				if (_nc_timed_wait(SP->_ifd, timeleft, &timeleft) < 1) {
					TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("ran out of time"));
   				} else {
   					TR(TRACE_FIFO, ("got more!"));
   					ch = fifo_peek();

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