
This is PageView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <appkit/ScrollView.h>
#import <appkit/OpenPanel.h>

@interface PageView:ScrollView
    id	pageNum;
    id  console ;
    id  tex ;
    id  hid ;
    id  command ;
    id  myOpenPanel ;
    id  mockSwitch ;
    id  statSwitch ;
    id  pageStuff ;
    id  iconStuff ;
    id  positionText ;
    id  positionRadio ;
    float xcache, ycache ;

+ newFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects:(int)rectcount;
- setPageNum:anObject;
- setConsole:anObject;
- getConsole;
- setTex:anObject;
- getTeX;
- setCommand:anObject;
- getCommand;
- setPageStuff:anObject;
- getPageStuff;
- setIconStuff:anObject;
- getIconStuff;
- lastPage:sender;
- openFile:sender;
- reOpenFile:sender;
- cachePosition:(int)x:(int)y;
- unCachePosition:(int)x:(int)y;
- nextPage:sender;
- firstPage:sender;
- zoomUnzoom:sender;
- unzoom:sender;
- prevPage:sender;
- zoom:sender;
- fireRandom:sender;
- closeFile:sender;
- gotoPage:sender;
- changeDPI:sender;
- scrollUpdates;
- noScrollUpdates;
- (int)moveDown:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveUp:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveLeft:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveRight:(int)shiftstate;
- Bot:(int)quiet;
- Top:(int)quiet;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)ptr;
- TeXtexit:sender;
- TeXlatexit:sender;
- TeXslitexit:sender;
- TeXbibtexit:sender;
- TeXamstexit:sender;
- TeXmakeit:sender;
- clearBuffer:sender;
- mockUnmock:sender;
- statUnstat:sender;
- getHid;
- hidUnhid:sender;
- setHid:sender;
- upHid;
- mock:sender;
- unMock:sender;
- setMockSwitch:sender;
- setStatSwitch:sender;
- upMock;
- upStat;
- appDidBecomeActive:(id)sender;
- tile;
- setPositionText:anObject;
- setPositionRadio:anObject;
- changeUnits:sender;
- reportPosition:(NXEvent *)event ;
- updatePosition ;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.