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Last updated: Mon Mar 13 13:14:12 MST 1995

                     HyperTeXview 0.1 beta 1

This is a beta release of a multi-document capable hypertex previewer. It
works fairly well, but it still is prone to random crashes every now and
then. If you encounter a crash, please try and replicate it and  tell me
(doyle@mmm.lanl.gov) the sequence of actions that brings it down. This
release started with Dmitri Linde's version of HyperTeXview.app that
derives directly from Tom Rokicki's original.

How to use: 

This program works best if you use a screendpi that fits almost a whole
page in a view at once (I find a dpi of 83 works best). At the moment all
new windows come up at 83 dpi. This should really use the current zoomed
dpi value, but it doesn't. This will improve later.

Command-clicking on a highlighted href item will open a new (slave) window
and display the approriate tag. Under the View menu, you  can "emancipate"
a slave (disassociate it from the original view). You can also freeze a
slave view. Command-clicking in its master will then open a new slave
window. You can unfreeze it also, although the master will always use the
latest opened, unfrozen slave for display.

Under the document menu, clone will just creates another master of the
current file (in a small window at the moment). 

Closing a window emancipates its slaves. Command-clicking in a slave opens
a slave's slave.

The rest is fairly obvious. 

Known bugs:

The directories of the multiple opened files aren't handled correctly. If
you open a file in another directory and then go back to the original view
and try to re-tex it, say, it won't work. The active directory is the
directory that the last opened file was found in.

Clicking on the highlighted tag in a slave window (after command-clicking)
will either do nothing or send you to the first page, or worse screw up
the window.  If the window gets screwed up (i.e. clicking on href's goes
to the wrong place, just close it and open a new slave). Sometimes when
returning to a page after clicking on a highlighted tag, the original tag
doesn't highlight until the page is moved a bit.

If you zoom a master window and then command-click on a link and the slave
hasn't been zoomed, the slave view won't be scrolled correctly.

Things to do:

Fix the above bugs.

Implement a history mechanism.

There should be some kind of visual cue about whether a window is a slave
or master and if it is frozen or unfrozen.

Windows open exactly on top of each other. This needs to be fixed.

Preferences for various behaviors.

Other features people ask for.

Clean up the source code a bit. (Actually, some things need to be
re-arranged quite a bit still). 

Clean up the source code a lot. Perhaps start from Raf Schietekat's code.

Mark Doyle

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.