
This is PageView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */
#import <dpsclient/dpsfriends.h>
#import <appkit/ScrollView.h>
#import "structures.h"
#import "context.h"
// #import <appkit/OpenPanel.h>

@interface PageView:ScrollView
//  Commented out instance variables are moved to TeXviewSwitchBoard since they
//  belong to all documents
     id	pageNum;
 //   id  console ;
 //   id  tex ;
 //   id  command ;
 //   id  myOpenPanel ;
 //   id  mockSwitch ;
    id  pageStuff ;
    id myView ;
  //  id  positionText ;
 //   id  positionRadio ;
//    id  defaultformat ;
//   id  customformat ;
     id pageForm ;
     id zoomed ;
    float xcache, ycache ;
    int lastxsize, lastysize ;
     // All the values of formerly global variables local to
     // this document
    DviContext dc ;
    id htags ;
    id htpages ;
    id ht_highlight_tag ;
    id ht_last_clicked_tag ;
    char absolute_fn[255] ; //The absolute path to the file, should really
                            // go with a document object
  //  DPSContext dpsc ; Didn't end up going this route

// Commented out methods moved to TeXviewSwitchBoard 
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame;
- free ;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects:(int)rectcount;
- setPageNum:anObject;
//- setConsole:anObject;
//- getConsole;
//- setTex:anObject;
//- getTeX;
//- setCommand:anObject;
//- getCommand;
- setPageStuff:anObject;
- getPageStuff;
- getHtpages ;
- getHtags ;
- getHt_highlight_tag ;
- getHt_last_clicked_tag ;
- setHt_highlight_tag:anObject ;
- setHt_last_clicked_tag:anObject ;
- lastPage;
//- openFile;
//- reOpenFile;
- cachePosition:(int)x:(int)y;
- unCachePosition:(int)x:(int)y;
- nextPage;
- firstPage;
//- zoomUnzoom;
//- unzoom;
- prevPage;
//- zoom;
- fireRandom;
- closeFile;
- gotoPage:sender;
- scrollUpdates;
- noScrollUpdates;
- (int)moveDown:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveUp:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveLeft:(int)shiftstate;
- (int)moveRight:(int)shiftstate;
- Bot:(int)quiet;
- Top:(int)quiet;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)ptr;
- TeXtexit;
- TeXlatexit;
- TeXslitexit;
- TeXbibtexit;
- TeXamstexit;
- TeXlatex209it;
- TeXeplainit;
- TeXcustomexit;
- TeXdefaultexit;
- TeXmakeit;
- openManual ;
//- clearBuffer;
- mockUnmock;
- mock;
- unMock;
//- setMockSwitch;
//- upMock;
/*- setDefaultformat;
- setCustomformat;
- newDefaultformat;
- newCustomformat;
- upDefaultformat;
- upCustomformat; */
- appDidBecomeActive:(id)sender;
- tile;
//- setPositionText:anObject;
//- setPositionRadio:anObject;
- changeUnits;
- reportPosition:(NXEvent *)event ;
- updatePosition ;
- serverOpen:(id)pb userData:(const char *)userData error:(char **)msg;
- serverReopen:(id)pb userData:(const char *)userData error:(char **)msg;
- serverCommand:(id)pb userData:(const char *)userData error:(char **)msg;
- serverMakeEquation:(id)pb userData:(const char *)userData error:(char **)msg;
- validRequestorForSendType:(NXAtom)sendType andReturnType:(NXAtom)returnType ;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pboard types:(NXAtom *)types ;
- getpagenum:(char *)s ;
- moveBackInHistory;
- moveForwardInHistory ;
- getDviContext ;
- saveDviContext ;
- setPageForm:anObject ;
- getPageForm ;
- setZoomed:anObject ;
- getZoomed ;
- setAbsoluteFn:(char *)fn ;
- (char *)getAbsoluteFn ;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.