
This is Readme.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

an application to view, create, modify BibTeX database files under NEXTSTEP.


new in this version:

·	all icons are now LZW±compressed which reduced the total size from 63 kB to 32€kB

·	the file-shelf  (in the main window) is now horizontally designed, which looks a bit nicer, without holes when a file is removed from the shelf

·	you can now choose your favorite shell (used for the shell variable TEXINPUTS) and your favorite editor, Edit or Emacs e.g. (used for citation-dragging)
	(see info -> preferences -> general)

·	you can format the citation as \cite{ref1} \cite{ref2} ...etc or as \cite{ref1,ref1,...,etc}  (see  info -> preferences -> citation) and define other \cite-commands. The changes you make in this panel cannot be saved in this version.

·	a new menu-button (Edit -> Copy Citation C) copies citations formatted as defined in info -> preferences -> citation into an ASCII-Pasteboard. This is a way to paste citations into an Edit-text.

·	all editable texts (the notefield in the inspector panel e.g. but not the text in textfields) have emacs-bindings. These bindings are:

Command		Action
Control-B	Moves back one character
Control-F	Moves forward one character
Alternate-b	Moves back one word 
Alternate-f	Moves forward one word 
Control-A	Moves to beginning of line 
Control-E	Moves to end of line 
Control-D	Deletes next character
Control-H	Deletes previous character
Alternate-d	Deletes to end of current (or next) word
Alternate-h	Deletes to beginning of current (or previous) word
Control-K	Deletes forward to end of line
Alternate-<	Moves to beginning of text
Alternate->	Moves to end of text
Control-N	Moves down one line 
Control-P	Moves up one line 

·	selected references in the findpanel can also be selected in the bib-mainwindow

·	a new Macro- &String - panel allows to insert the macro/string definitions or their expansion into the inspector panel texts. The macros are taken from the .bst-files that can be reached along the path defined in the shell variable TEXINPUTS. Select a .bst-file in the browser of the Macro...panel and double click to get the macros.

·	a special marker  'º'  on the right side of a textfield (in the inspector panel) indicates that there are more lines than shown. The text is scrollable.

·	special characters in the input field in the find panel are converted into TeX commands before searching

· 	a new sorting algorithm speeds up the reading of long not yet sorted .bib-files

·	wrong entrynames which were corrected during reading the .bib-file are now properly saved

·	all textual changes (new entrytexts or updates in the inspector) are also immediately saved in files in your temporary directory /tmp/BIB00xxxx. So nothing is lost if the application crashes (I hope it will not, but who knows) 

·	if the applcation crashes an error trace is written to the console


	· NEXTSTEP 3.1 or higher.
	see Info/Usage...
what it does:
	· reads .bib files (= BibTeX database files)
	· creates  .bib files
	· shows entries of .bib files
	· creates new entries
	· sorts entries in a .bib file (first PREAMBLEs,  then STRINGs, then the rest)
	· allows dragging and dropping of entries between .bib files
	· allows dragging of citations into Emacs documents
	· can show (and print) a LaTeX - preview
	· converts .bbl files into .rtf files (without LaTeX)
	· converts .bbl files into .html files (without LaTeX)
	· has a shelf for often used .bib files
	· allows a flexible view of entries
	· allows to create new entryfields (as much as you want)
	· there is a service `Save to Bibdatabase' which copies selected
	   text in any application to a Bibliography window
Known problems:	
	· the rtf and html conversions are very simple
	· a help file is under construction

Of course there are a lot of things remaining to be done.  Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.

	Heinrich Giesen
	24. Nov. 1995

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Giesen,
UniversitÙt Koblenz,	     
Institut för Informatik,
Rheinau 1, 				Voice:	+49 261 9119-416
D-56075 Koblenz 			Fax:	+49 261 9119-497

NeXT/MIME/Email:	giesen@informatik.uni-koblenz.de

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.